Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1209 The Second Battle of Changping

Chapter 1209 The Second Battle of Changping
Chapter 1207: The Second Battle of Changping
After Qin Yong and the general teamed up to kill him back, he realized that Liang Lin had already been killed by Arthur. And the second fierce player in the south.

The generals looked at Arthur with shock in their eyes, and Luo Cheng's eyes were even more complicated.

In the first battle of Chaoge, Luo Cheng was severely abused by Liang Lin's younger brother Liang Fang, so he made an oath to surpass Liang Fang in the future.

Luo Cheng regarded Liang Fang as the target of pursuit, but he didn't expect that Liang Fang would die under Huang Zhong's arrow more than a month later.

After Liang Fang's death, Luo Cheng shifted his target to Liang Lin, and his brothers paid off his debts.

Liang Lin is obviously stronger than Liang Fang, but it doesn't matter, this will make his decision to become stronger, but he doesn't want Liang Lin to die in Arthur's hands now.

"It seems that I'm going to change my target again." Luo Cheng smiled bitterly in his heart.

Liang Lin died in battle and Ju Wuba was defeated, which was a fatal blow to the coalition forces.

The reason why Wang Mang has such a high prestige in the coalition army is half because he formed the coalition army alone, and the other half is because of the awe of the two top generals Ju Wuba and Liang Lin.

Now that Liang Lin died in battle and Ju Wuba was injured, this not only caused the morale of the coalition army to drop, but even the morale of the army was shaken, and the Qin army took advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack.

With the participation of Qin Yong, Arthur and many other strong generals, they not only easily regained the three hills that had fallen before, but also moved the line of defense forward by several miles, further reducing the living space of the coalition forces.

Although Liang Lin died, the resistance of the coalition forces did not stop, but the morale of the coalition forces was drained, and the arrangement of the Qin army was so impeccable that no matter whether the coalition forces attacked by force or by surprise, they could not be broken.

As time passed day by day, the Qin army advanced more than ten miles, and the defense line deployed in Changping became stronger and stronger, trapping one hundred thousand coalition troops between the narrow and long mountains.

After the coalition army lost Shangdang, most of their grain and grass were lost, and most of the remaining grain and grass were stored in a certain city in the north. There must not be much grain and grass left in the coalition army, so the longer the delay, the more unfavorable it will be for the coalition army.

The end is approaching, and the coalition forces are becoming more and more crazy.

In just three days, Wang Mang launched seventeen counterattacks, in order not to break out directly, but to seize some living space, but in the end it was only a loss of soldiers and generals, and he failed to break through even a single defense zone.

After the No.18 counterattack failed, Wang Mang was completely desperate.

When Populus euphratica was trapped to death in Hongnong by Bai Qi, Wang Mang laughed at Yang Lin in private, that the [-] army was trapped to death by [-].

In Wang Mang's view, at least double the opponent's strength is needed to completely trap the enemy.

And Yang Lin's [-] troops were trapped to death by Bai Qi's [-]. This seemed ashamed to Wang Mang at the time, but he didn't want to suffer the same fate as Yang Lin now.

"If it goes on like this, let alone keeping this part of the army, I'm afraid I'm really going to lose my life."

Wang Mang's eyes couldn't help flashing a look of determination, he suppressed the pain in his heart, and said to himself, "I have to make a choice."

At this moment, a soldier suddenly came to report: "The general is not well, the Qin army has launched a general attack."


Wang Mang couldn't help showing a look of shock. He thought that Bai Qi would trap the [-] coalition troops until they ran out of food, just like they did with Yang Lin, and just surrender without fighting. Initiated the total work.

The coalition forces are now completely trapped to death, so Bai Qi can naturally surrender without a fight, but considering that several 10 yuan is still in trouble for Hetao, so Bai Qi would rather pay part of the casualties, and save time to solve it as soon as possible The coalition forces, after unifying and annexing the state, are rushing to help Hetao.

Wang Mang didn't know Bai Qi's thoughts, he was shocked when he saw the Qin army launching a general attack, and hurriedly shouted: "Order the battalions to guard the camps tightly, and never let the Qin army attack in."

The battle situation has come to this point, and the Qin army has become a general trend, so Wang Mang can stop it if he wants to.

Under the attack of Bai Qi and Xue Rengui's two armies, the coalition defense line was quickly defeated, and was soon blocked in the central basin, with no way to retreat.

Xue Rengui personally led the army and pierced through the coalition forces. Then Qin Yong, Qin Wu, and Arthur each led an army to charge, and soon divided the coalition forces into dozens of sections. The coalition forces could not make any effective counterattacks at all.

At this moment, the Qin army shouted the slogan that those who surrender will not be killed. The coalition forces are weak in fighting, and now they can't escape or fight. Most of the soldiers chose to surrender.

Those who were unwilling to surrender were Wang Mang's diehards, or Guo Tai and Chen Qingzhi's confidantes, but under the siege of the Qin army's crossbow arrows, they eventually surrendered to death.

The war lasted less than half a day, and the [-] allied forces were completely annihilated, with more than [-] soldiers surrendering and nearly [-] casualties.

After the Qin army launched the general offensive, the casualties caused to the coalition forces were less than [-]. Most of the casualties of the coalition forces were caused in the previous counterattack, while the total casualties of the Qin army were less than [-]. The casualties were less than three thousand.

After seeing the casualty report, dissatisfaction flashed across Bai Qi's face. He was planning to keep the casualties within [-], but he didn't want to break [-] in the end.

Seeing the governor's gloomy face, all the generals dared not speak for a while. Whoever is the first bird at this time will be unlucky.

"Report to the Governor, General Xue Rengui captured Mrs. Guo alive, General Hua Mulan shot and killed Zhang Shide, Wang Mang and Ju Wuba led hundreds of remnant troops and fled into the mountains. General Qin Yong is personally leading troops to search for them."

Bai Qi couldn't help frowning even more when he heard this, and immediately asked: "What about Chen Qingzhi and Chen Baxian?"

Bai Qi didn't care whether Wang Mang would escape, but cared more about Chen Qingzhi and Chen Baxian, two wise generals. In his opinion, although Wang Mang was full of wit and tricks, these two men were far more threatening on the battlefield than Wang Mang.

"These two were not found among the prisoners of war, and they may have escaped with Wang Mang."

When Bai Qi heard this, his expression became even more ugly.

The [-] Confederate Army has too many people, and the target is too big. Even if they hide in the mountains, they will definitely be discovered.

But if hundreds of people hide in the mountains, they are like water droplets falling into the river, not even a single wave can be turned up, so it is naturally extremely difficult to find them.

"Continue to search for the whereabouts of Wang Mang and others. In addition, order Xue Rengui to lead an army of [-] to attack Xihe County, and Su Lie to lead an army of [-] to attack Shangdang counties that have not yet been occupied by the Ming army."

After Wang Kuang and Zhang Yang surrendered, Shuofang and Shangjun surrendered without a fight. Therefore, among the four southern counties, the Qin army only needed to continue to attack the remaining two counties.

Before Qin Hao left, he told Bai Qi to try not to start a conflict with the Ming army, otherwise Bai Qi would have personally led an army of 10,000+ to attack Shangdang.

A few days later, the spies sent a piece of shocking news to Bai Qi, that is, Long Qie led the army to withdraw from Shangdang, and Su Lie directly occupied the entire Shangdang County, except of course Huguan.

 At the third watch, please recommend tickets and monthly tickets.In the next chapter, we will take stock of the harvest. The previous battles have not been counted.

(End of this chapter)

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