Chapter 1211
Chapter 1209: Self-defilement
Bai Qi and Long Qie quickly finalized the cooperation plan. After all, both parties came to negotiate with sincerity, and one of them was willing to accept if they wanted to help the other, so the process naturally proceeded very quickly.

During the negotiation process, Bai Qi deliberately did not mention the matter of returning to Huguan, and he was really embarrassed to ask Long Qie to return to Huguan.

Long Qi not only voluntarily gave up Shangdang, but also kept the captured military rations, and even personally led the army to help the Qin army fight far away, which made Bai Qi unable to speak no matter what.

Seeing that Bai Qi didn't mention Huguan, Long Qi was also relieved. After all, the strength of the Qin army is indeed much stronger than that of the Ming army. The Qin army can walk out of Bingzhou after obtaining Huguan. He is also afraid that the Ming army will eventually be defeated by Qin. Therefore, even if Emperor Ming asked him to return the Huguan to the Qin army, Long Qi still detained the Huguan privately.

The final plan drawn up by the two parties is that Long Qie personally leads [-] cavalry to follow Bai Qi's army to Hetao to fight against Yuanmeng. All must be supplied in vain.

Once Long Qi enters the land of Bingzhou alone, it means that the life and death of himself and the army under his command are all in the hands of others, and others can control you as they want.

The biggest concern of Longqie leading the army into the merger is that he is afraid that the Qin army will turn his face and refuse to admit it. However, since he decided to step into Bingzhou, he is doomed to be unable to control life and death. Give it to Bai Qi, so that he can gain enough trust from Bai Qi.

To be honest, Bai Qi really didn't expect that Long Qi would be so easy to talk, and compared his heart to his heart. If Bai Qi was in Long Qi's position, even if he died, he would not be able to entrust his life and death to other people, so Long Qi's frankness is naturally sincere Gained Bai Qi's respect.

Since then, there has been no quarrel between the Qin and Ming armies. The Qin army, from the generals to the soldiers, treated the Ming army as a good brother who sent charcoal in a timely manner. In this way, the two armies started their first friendly cooperation.

On the second day after the negotiation, Long Qie ordered his younger brother Long Yang and military advisor Guo Jia to lead [-] troops to guard Huguan, while he personally led [-] Qingqi to join Bai Qi's main force.

When Longqi's cavalry arrived at the Qin Army's camp, the four southern counties were basically occupied by the Qin Army.

In the case of the annihilation of the Southern Allied Army, there was no resistance at all for the former army to capture these cities. Basically, the army directly opened the city and surrendered when it arrived at one place, and there was little resistance to the Qin army entering the city.

The only ones who resisted the Qin army's occupation of Bingnan were probably those aristocratic families who had assisted Yuanmeng, as well as the traitorous leaders of the Eight Shanxi Merchants.

As mentioned above, six of the eight Shanxi merchants were in Binan, and more than [-]% of them were in Binan for selling supplies to the Yuanmeng family.

These aristocratic families knew that if the Qin army occupied Bingnan, the only end for these aristocratic families would be extermination, so they have always supported the Bingnan princes against the Qin and Jin armies behind their backs, and a large part of the military equipment and rations of the Bingnan coalition army were funded by them.

After naturalization and the collapse of the Confederate Army, these aristocratic families were afraid that the Qin Army would settle accounts after the fall, so they led their soldiers to occupy the city to prevent the Qin Army from entering the city.

This kind of situation happened more than once in the four counties of Bingnan, and in Bai Qi's view, it was nothing more than a mantis' arm.

The aristocratic family and the vassal state are not rivals of the same magnitude at all.

To deal with these aristocratic families, Bai Qi didn't even bother to use the main force. Just dispatching a partial army of tens of thousands of people was enough to wipe out all these aristocratic families.

"The Cao family in Dingyang County, Shangjun County, the Qu family in Sanfeng County, Shuofang, the Kang family in Meiji City, Xihe, the Fan family in Gaodu County, Shangdang County, the Kong family in Yang'e County... Hehe, these ghosts and monsters have finally emerged, but now It's too late to fight back."

Bai Qi's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he said indifferently: "Su Dingfang, Xue Rengui, you two go to conquer one by one on behalf of the governor. Don't let any of these rebel families go, and punish them all as treason."

After hearing this, all the generals shuddered. The governor would not easily become murderous, once he did, blood would flow like a river.

"This... No."

Su Lie and Xue Li, who were the parties involved, both hesitated. After hesitating for a while, Su Dingfang stood up and persuaded: "Governor, the involvement is very serious at this time, so let's deal with it after reporting to the lord. If you handle it yourself , may be criticized by the family in the court."

Su Dingfang is really thinking about Bai Qi, after all, the aristocratic family has a lot of energy in the presence of Qin Jun.

Even if these aristocratic families were convicted of treason, after all, so many lives were there, and Bai Qi killed so many aristocratic families without reporting to the three clans. Officials from other aristocratic families will definitely regard Bai Qi as a thorn in their side. Pick up Bai Qi's thorns in all aspects, and continue to impeach until Bai Qi dies.

Bai Qi knew that Su Lie was doing it for his own good, so he naturally knew this, but he still insisted on doing so. Bai Qi didn't care about the family's criticism, but cared more about the lord's attitude towards him.

Bai Qi's position in the Qin army was absolutely under one man, and now that he has made such a great contribution in the second Changping battle, he has already touched the threshold of the master of high meritorious service.

Before leaving Sizhou, Jia Xu visited Bai Qi and said something ambiguous to him: Since ancient times, those who have made great achievements and have high moral character are doomed to end badly.

Jia Xu is the lord's uncle, and Bai Qi has to take his words seriously.

Now recalling Jia Xu's words, Bai Qi couldn't help but feel a little panic in his heart, and he also realized that he understood his great achievements.

As a subject in power, if you want to prevent the lord from being afraid and protect yourself for a long time, you must hand over the handle to the lord, or the character is also serious, so that you will not pose a threat to the king.

But today's Bai Qi has already controlled such a great power, but he has no handle in the hands of the lord, and his moral character is not too stained, which is intolerable for any superior.

After realizing this, although Bai Qi believed that he was still his lord, he didn't want to leave a grudge in the lord's heart, so he decided to follow the example of military master Wu Qi and take the initiative to show his loyalty by smearing himself.

There are many ways of self-defilement, but the ultimate goal is to leave a stain on oneself.

Wu Qi killed his wife who was born in Qi to prove to Duke Lu that he did not favor Qi.

Of course, Bai Qi would not do such a thing as killing his wife. First of all, his wife Ah Qing was also from the direct line of the Qin family, and secondly, with his strength, he could not beat Ah Qing at all.

The way Bai Qi prepares himself for self-defilement is massacre, in which he forges his fierce reputation through constant killing, so as to virtually eliminate his threat to the lord. After all, no one will be loyal to a butcher.

Bai Qi's first target was these treasonous families who merged into the south.

 Second update, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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