Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1219 Drag Yuan Shu into the Water

Chapter 1219 Drag Yuan Shu into the Water

Chapter 1217: Drag Yuan Shu into the water

For Li Mi, surrendering to Liu Yao was a helpless choice.

Although Li Mi wanted to join Qin Hao, but considering that Qin Hao and Daming had a close relationship at this time, he was afraid that Qin Hao would sell him to Daming in order to make friends with Daming.

In addition, taking refuge in Qin Hao means completely giving up his ambitions, but Li Mi is not willing to just be a obedient minister.

As Li Mi's Yellow Turban surrender, Li Zicheng and Zhu Yuanzhang would definitely not take him in, and Cao Cao and Tao Qian couldn't protect themselves, so the four families in Yanzhou and Xuzhou can also be directly ruled out.

After being ruled out in this way, among the forces around Li Mi, Liu Yao is the only one he can rely on.

Liu Yao is having a headache because of Sun Jian at this time, and if Li Mi takes refuge at this time, even if Liu Yao will be afraid of Li Mi, in order to fight against Sun Jian, he will definitely treat Li Mi favorably!
After Li Mi led the remnant army to leave Yuzhou, Yuan Shu occupied the entire Yuzhou except Yingchuan County. Although he did not complete the unification of a state, he was also the prince who occupied a state with the most complete land except Hong Xiuquan and Qin Hao. up.

Yuan Shu also wanted to send troops to retake Yingchuan from Cao Cao, but Yan Xiang suggested that he was not in a hurry to retake Yingchuan for the time being.

After listening to Yan Xiang's advice, Yuan Shu also realized that Cao Cao was still needed to contend against Li Zicheng, and if he sent troops to capture Yingchuan at this time, Cao Cao would not be Li Zicheng's opponent under the enemy's back and forth, and he would face it directly Li Zicheng's threat.

In order for the two sides to continue to consume each other like this, Yuan Shu decided to take away the Jianghuai land from Liu Yao first, and after he unified Yangzhou, he returned to the army to take back Yingchuan, and then unified the Central Plains.

The reason why Yuan Shu chose Liu Yao as his opponent was naturally that among the forces around Yuan Shu, Liu Yao was undoubtedly the softest persimmon.

Now Yuan Shu is surrounded by four forces, West Qin Hao, North Cao Cao, East Zhu Yuanzhang, and South Liu Yao, Qin Hao is undoubtedly the strongest among these four forces.

Qin Hao's forces span the two prefectures of Jing and Si. Although most of the main force has been mobilized to Hetao of Bingzhou, there are still sufficient troops left in Jingbei and Sizhou, and the power in Yuan Shu's hands can't swallow it at all.

Cao Cao in the north is Yuan Shu's barrier and can help Yuan Shu resist Li Zicheng.

Zhu Yuanzhang in the east has a strong record, and Xuzhou is easy to attack and difficult to defend. Taking Xuzhou at this time will only divide Yuan Shu's troops. Generally speaking, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

So after all the calculations, the only forces that Yuan Shu can annex and can swallow are Liu Yao's family.

Just when Yuan Shu was about to send troops to attack Liu Yao, the arrival of a person made Yuan Shu change his mind, and this person was Wang Mang.

After Wang Mang integrated the stragglers of the Zhang and Chen families in Jizhou, he handed over the troops that did not belong to him to Chen Qingzhi, and then he took Ju Wuba south to Yuzhou to meet Yuan Shu. He wanted to persuade Yuan Shu to change his mind and send troops Take Sizhou from Qin Hao.

In the battle between Qin Jin and Yuan Meng to block the national destiny in Hetao, in the eyes of all the princes in the world, Qin Jin may still be at a disadvantage.

Although Qin Jin claims to have an army of 50, 20 of them are soldiers and civilians. This is an indisputable fact, so in fact there are only 30 troops. It is naturally extremely difficult to win 40 yuan of Mongolian cavalry.

In the eyes of the princes, Qin and Jin are at a disadvantage, but in Wang Mang's eyes, Qin and Jin, no, Qin Hao will definitely win this battle.

In Wang Mang's view, no matter how good Temujin is at fighting, since Qin Hao's arrival in Hetao, this battle cannot be viewed with common sense.

When Wang Mang was still in Hanoi, he was thrown out of the shadow by a meteorite from Qin Hao, and if Qin Hao, the hanger-up, summoned a few meteorites in front of the battle, it would be useless for Temujin to send so many soldiers and horses.

Wang Mang guessed that it was absolutely impossible for Qin Hao to summon meteorites so frequently, otherwise he would not need soldiers and horses at all when encountering the enemy, just use meteorites to smash it.

The lineup of generals of the Qin and Jin armies is also incomprehensible, Bai Qi, Li Jing, Wang Meng, Jiang Song, Ran Min, Gao Chong, Yuwen Chengdu, Jia Fu...

With so many of the most top commanders and fierce generals around, Temujin's military advantage is not too great. It would be a ghost to win the combination of the Qin and Jin armies.

It has to be said that Wang Mang may be the most sober person today. Even Qin Hao doesn't think he can be stable, but he dares to say that Qin Hao will definitely win against Temujin. Few people in this world have such a vision.

Wang Mang guessed that after Qin Hao won, under the general trend, the princes of Hebei would be hard to stop, and once Qin Hao unified Hebei, he would have the capital to dominate the world, so of course he had to do something to hold Qin Hao back up.

Although there are many forces bordering Qin Hao, such as Cao Cao, Li Shimin, Yuan Shu, Huang Zu, Liu Xiu...but there are not many that can pose a threat to Qin Hao.

What's more, this is the critical period of alien invasion, and few dare to take the risk of sending troops to deal with Qin Hao, and Wang Mang can only think of one thing after thinking about it, and that is Yuan Shu.

First of all, Yuan Shu had just expelled Li Mi, and he had the most new troops under his command, and he was the only one who could spare enough troops to deal with Qin Hao.

Secondly, Yuan Shu's sphere of influence is next to Qin Hao, and if Qin Hao continues to grow, he will be threatened the most.

Third, Yuan Shu definitely wants to swallow Qin Hao's Jingbei and Sizhou, and the temptation of this interest will definitely make Yuan Shu's heart move.

In the end, Yuan Shu and Qin Hao had a long-standing grievance. Whether it was public or private, Yuan Shu had a reason to send troops.

To sum up the above four points, Wang Mang decided to drag Yuan Shu into the water, and then he embarked on the road to Yuzhou to lobby Yuan Shu.

After learning that Wang Mang asked to see him, Yuan Shu was overjoyed.

Wang Mang stirred up the situation in Sizhou with his own power, which also made him famous all over the world as a resourceful man. Although most of them were infamous, princes like Yuan Shu would definitely not care.

"Mr. Wang Mang, Mr. Shu Jiuwen has heard about his name. When I saw him today, he really lived up to his reputation."

As soon as he saw Wang Mang, Yuan Shu stepped forward to greet him with a very warm and courteous look.

Wang Mang looked at Yuan Shu back and forth, and it was really difficult to combine the shrewd person in front of him with the short-sighted Yuan Shu in the novel.

"Sure enough, you can't believe everything in Romance." Wang Mang thought to himself.

However, the smarter Yuan Shu is, the better, because only in this way will he realize how big a threat Qin Hao is, and Wang Mang will be able to persuade him to attack Sizhou.

"I don't know why Mr. Wang Mang is here at this time?" Yuan Shu said with a smile.

"Without him..."

Wang Mang showed an extremely humble expression, but said a very arrogant word.

"Just to save the life of the king."

[Ding dong, Wang Mang's skill 'Slick Tongue' is activated, Yuan Shu's intelligence is -5, and Yuan Shu's intelligence has dropped to 71 currently. 】

 Second update, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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