Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1401 Yanzhou and Beihai

Chapter 1401 Yanzhou and Beihai

Chapter 1399: Yanzhou and Beihai

The seemingly aboveboard disarmament and reorganization of the Qin army was actually to attract the attention of the princes of the world, so as to hide other secret actions.

At the same time that the Qin army was disarming and reorganizing, an army of [-] was divided into several groups and quietly assembled at Hulaoguan. It was Qin Hao who was going to support Liu Bei's army.

This army is all composed of Yuanmeng slaves in the prisoner-of-war camp, so even if they are all wiped out on the way to support Xuzhou this time, it will not have much impact on the Qin army.

Although the army has been assembled, due to the need to use Yanzhou and the negotiation with Cao Cao is still in progress, the army is only training at Hulao Pass, and the specific departure time has not yet been determined.

This time Qin Hao sent Kan Ze as an envoy to Yanzhou to negotiate with Cao Cao.

Although all states in the world are at war, the situation in Yanzhou is definitely the most chaotic.

Qiao Mao and other princes of the four routes still lost to Cao Cao when united, so they lured Li Zicheng into Yanzhou, hoping to use Li Zicheng's strength to deal with Cao Cao, so that Cao Cao and Li Zicheng would lose both.

What a hero Li Zicheng is, how could he be used by others?The princes of Yanzhou wanted to use him to get rid of Cao Cao, so why didn't he use them to enter Yanzhou?

Under this mutual utilization, the Yanzhou War broke out completely.

Cao Cao first used his own strength to fight against the four princes of Yanzhou, and then fought against Li Zicheng's Ming army. Under the persecution of these five forces, Cao Cao's situation was extremely difficult.

At the most dangerous time, Cao Cao even acted as a bait himself;

At the most difficult time, Cao Cao even adopted Cheng Yuxuan's strategy and used human flesh as military rations.


No matter how difficult it was, Cao Cao finally survived, and the situation in Yanzhou changed drastically again.

The four princes, Qiao Mao, Zhang Miao, Bao Xin, and Yuan Yi, all turned into cannon fodder for the dispute between Cao Cao and Li Zicheng.

Bao Xin, the prefect of Jibei, Qiao Mao, the prefect of Dongjun, Zhang Miao, the prefect of Dongping, and Yuan Yi, the prefect of Shanyang, the forces under their command were divided by Cao Cao and Li Zicheng respectively.

Bao Xin himself died in battle.

Yuan Yi went south to join Yuan Shu.

Qiao Mao and Zhang Miao both defected to Qin Hao, becoming the fourth and fifth princes who defected to Qin Hao after Zhang Yang, Wang Kuang, and Wang Lang, and Kong Rong was the sixth.

Since then, there have been four less princes in the world.

When Zhang Yang and Wang Kuang had just surrendered, Qin Hao did not completely seize his military power for peace of mind and the stability of the southern region, and still ordered them to guard the original counties.

And after winning the Battle of Hetao, Qin Hao naturally lost so much encouragement, and directly transferred them all to Luoyang to grant higher official positions, but also deprived them of their military power in disguise, but in general They are also considered generous.

After Qiao Mao, Zhang Miao, and Wang Lang took refuge, Qin Hao didn't treat them lightly, and still gave them high officials and generous salaries. Although they certainly didn't have the power they had when they were princes, it was already quite difficult for them to be bereaved dogs.

After Qiao Mao and other three princes withdrew from the field, Yanzhou became the stage for Cao Cao and Li Zicheng. Now Cao Cao occupies the southern and central parts of Yanzhou, while Li Zicheng occupies the northern and eastern parts.

Generally speaking, the elite soldiers under Li Zicheng's command became fewer and fewer, while Cao Cao faced up to difficulties and continued to expand his power. If this trend continues, Cao Cao must be the one who dominates Yanzhou.

Although Cao Cao gained an advantage in the war with Li Zicheng, his life was still difficult.

The long-term war has turned a large number of people into refugees. Of course, Cao Cao also wanted to provide disaster relief, but he used all his financial and material resources to fight against Li Zicheng. The foundation is getting thinner.

Most of these refugees who escaped from Yanzhou fled to Qin Hao's territory. After all, apart from Qin Hao's rule, wars broke out in the other three directions of Yanzhou, so there was no other place to go except to join Qin Hao.

If this continues, even if Cao Cao defeats Li Zicheng and unifies Yanzhou, he will only end up in a mess, and will be unable to participate in the next vassal hegemony.

Therefore, Cao Cao naturally wanted to obtain outside assistance to speed up the pace of unifying Yanzhou. At this time, Qin Hao's envoy came to discuss cooperation, which was exactly in Cao Cao's arms.

After Kan Ze came back from his mission, he immediately reported to Qin Hao, saying: "My lord, although Cao Cao did not refuse to make excuses, but this time when my subordinates are envoys to Yanzhou, Cao Mengde has been crying with his subordinates, and said that he hopes that the lord will not favor one another. , People who patronize Xuzhou ignore Yanzhou, hoping that the imperial court will also give Yanzhou some support, obviously wanting to use this excuse to blackmail some benefits from the imperial court."

After pondering for a while, Qin Hao asked, "How much is Cao Cao asking for?"

"Eh...he wants five thousand horses."

"Five thousand horses?"

Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then snorted coldly: "It's just an excuse to ask me for [-] war horses. Cao Cao really dares to say that."

Supporting Liu Bei and delaying Zhu Yuanzhang's unification of Xuzhou is related to Qin Hao's plan to unify Hebei, so Qin Hao had to suffer this loss.

In addition, Cao Cao was in the most difficult situation before the start of the Hetao War, but in order to support Qin Hao, Cao Cao saved [-] shi, food and grass to support the Qin army, so Qin Hao also owed Cao Cao a favor.

"Forget it, let's treat it as a favor to Cao Cao, but [-] horses are too much."

Speaking of this, Qin Hao looked at Kan Ze and continued: "Mr. Kan Ze, please go to Yanzhou and tell Cao Cao that at most [-] horses, if he still wants it, it will cost money, food or supplies. Come buy, but only [-] horses."

The Qin army now has no shortage of horses. Even if there are 20 cavalry with three cavalry, at most only 60 war horses are needed, and the total number of war horses owned by the Qin army can exceed one million.

It is also a win-win situation for the Qin army to take out war horses that are not yet in use in exchange for valuable development resources.


Supporting Xuzhou is still in preparation, but Li Jing, who went to Beihai to replace Kong Rong, has already arrived in Qingzhou with three thousand fine riders.

The Qin Army's Yellow River water army, with [-] elite cavalry, [-] pairs of infantry equipment, and [-] strong crossbows, went down the river from Mengjindu, passed through Jizhou and Yanzhou, and finally stopped in the middle of Qingzhou. down.

Qingzhou originally consisted of 65 counties in two counties, Shikoku, and now with the addition of the newly established Liangshan County, a total of 74 counties in three counties, Shikoku.

The entire Qingzhou was directly divided into two by the Yellow River, the south and part of the middle were occupied by Huang Chao, the north was Yuan Shao's territory, and Song Jiang and Kong Rong were sandwiched between the two.

The place Li Jing chose to disembark was only a few dozen miles away from Beihai County, so after disembarking, he immediately ordered three thousand fine riders to take all the supplies and head straight for Beihai County.

At the same time, all the princes in Qingzhou also knew immediately that a cavalry had appeared on the land of Qingzhou.

 The fourth update arrives. At present, 13 chapters are still owed for rewards and updates. Please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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