Chapter 1409 Zhu Wen Coup

Chapter 1407: Zhu Wen Coup

Xia Luqi is the number one general of the Qi army. He lost to Ran Min this time, which had already had a considerable impact on the morale of the Qi army. If he died in battle, the blow to the morale of the Qi army would definitely be fatal, so Zhu It is naturally impossible for Tianpeng to let Ran Min kill Xia Luqi.

As soon as Shaluqi showed signs of defeat, Zhu Tianpeng called the generals to prepare for support, but it was still a step too late, and they were defeated before reaching Shaluqi.

Ran Min's strength is too strong, even Xia Luqi, who is the number one general of the Qi army, is no match for him. Zhu Tianpeng doesn't think he can match Xia Luqi, so naturally he doesn't dare to fight against Ran Min alone. It's gang fights.

After some rescue, Xia Luqi fled back to the main formation, while Zhu Tianpeng and the rest of the generals joined forces to besiege and vowed to kill Ran Min.

After a scuffle, although Ran Min also suffered some injuries, he beheaded Liu Zhijun, Kou Yanqing, Zhang Quanyi, three Qi army generals, and even Zhu Tianpeng was injured by Ran Min.

Even the chief general was seriously injured, which further damaged the morale of the Qi army. Seeing this opportunity, Li Jing personally led the cavalry to cover up the killing.

After some fighting, the Qi army lost [-] troops, retreated [-] miles, and formed a camp to defend. The Qin army won a complete victory in the first battle.

The defeat in the first battle greatly frustrated the morale of the Qi army, but the Qi army still had the advantage in strength.

Zhu Tianpeng did not expect that the Qin army, half of which were recruits, would have such combat power under the command of Li Jing, so while looking for a way to defeat the enemy, he also accepted Zhu Wen's suggestion and moved to the rear. Request to send [-] additional reinforcements.

Huang Chao of Linzi received the battle report from the front line. When he heard that even Xia Luqi was defeated, he naturally understood the difficulties Zhu Tianpeng encountered. After a little thought, he immediately decided to send [-] more troops.

Another [-] troops of the Qi army were transferred to the front line. When they arrived, the strength of the Qi army would also increase to [-], which would undoubtedly increase the pressure on the Qin army.

It can be seen that just before the reinforcements were about to arrive, there were shocking changes within the Qi army. Zhu Wen pretended to pass on a military order to forcibly take over the military power, and then led an army of [-] to return to Linzi.

After learning about this time, Zhu Tianpeng was stunned, and retreated without the emperor's order, and found such a critical opportunity.

At this time, Linzi city was empty of troops, and it was impossible to resist the [-] army. Zhu Wen obviously wanted to rebel.

With this in mind, Zhu Tianpeng had no intention of fighting any more, and immediately prepared to lead the army back to Qi, but Li Jing would lead the army up as many miles as he withdrew, and he was never given a chance to retreat safely.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Zhu Tianpeng can't understand that Zhu Wen's rebellion must have been supported by the court, so Li Jing will cooperate with him.

With Li Jing around, Zhu Tianpeng couldn't easily withdraw his troops, but he had [-] elite soldiers in his hands, while Li Jing had mostly recruits, so Zhu Tianpeng couldn't do anything easily.

On the other side, Zhu Wen led an army of [-] troops back to Linzi without encountering any obstacles along the way. The guards and officials along the way were all deceived by Zhu Wen's false decree. The city is down.

"General Zhu Wen... No, Your Highness King Qi, there are only [-] defenders left in Linzi City, and your Highness's [-] troops will never be stopped. As long as you break through Linzi City and kill Huang Chao, there will be no one left." It can prevent you from ascending the throne." Jin Yiwei's envoy said.

Zhu Wen's eyes were also full of fiery color, and he laughed and said: "Huang Chao, all this is what I deserve, if you don't give it, then I will come and get it myself.

Where is my son? "

"Your minister is here?" Zhu Yougui stood up and responded.

"Has the Xuanming Sect been rectified?" Zhu Wen asked.

Xuanming Sect is a Jianghu sect formed by Huang Chao following the example of Mingjiao. There are many evil masters in the sect: Underworld Emperor Zhu Yougui, Ghost King Zhu Youwen, Meng Po Shiyao, Zhong Kui Zhong Xiaokui, the Four Great Corpse Ancestors, Water and Fire Judges, Five Hell Lords, Black and White Impermanence, etc.

"Reporting to my father, my son has finished rectifying the Xuanming Sect, and is waiting for my father's orders at any time." Zhu Yougui said in a deep voice.

"it is good……"

Zhu Wen'e laughed loudly, and then said to Zhu Youwen: "Is there any progress in the lobbying of the four guards?"

"My father, the boy has already contacted the four gate guards, but except for Huang Kui, who guards the east gate, the other three gate guards are unwilling to open the city gate and surrender to our army." Zhu Youwenhui reported.

"One door is enough, as long as you can enter the city."

As he said that, Zhu Wen seemed to have discovered something, and said in surprise: "Huang Kui who opened the door? Isn't he a brother of Huang Chao's clan?"

"Even the brothers of the family have turned to the father, which shows that the old thief Huang Chao is unpopular. Father, you are the destiny."

As soon as Zhu Yougui's words came out, Zhu Wen was immediately elated, and laughed loudly: "My son is right, Huang Chao is just a yellow flower from yesterday, and it was the fate of the father when he was here."

Huang Kui opened the city gate and let Zhu Wen enter the city. Zhu Wen entered Linzi City almost without any confrontation.

After Zhu Wen entered the city, he immediately sent troops to surround the Qi Palace in Huangchao, and then sent troops to set up a list to calm the people to stabilize the situation in Linzi City.

"Report to my father, Huang Chao is in the palace." Zhu Yougui reported.

"Okay, let's go with this king to meet the old King Qi for the last time."

After saying that, Zhu Wen took Wang Yanzhang and other subordinates, as well as many masters of Xuanming Sect, and strode into the palace of Prince Qi.


The door of the palace hall was slowly pushed open, Zhu Wen walked in first, and the others followed closely.

Huang Chao sat on the throne and looked at the crowd quietly, his eyes calm.

Zhu Wen felt a little terrified when Huang Chao saw it, and said angrily, "Huang Chao, you claim to be extremely smart, but have you ever thought that there will be a day when everyone will betray their relatives?"

A trace of sadness flashed in Huang Chao's eyes, and he did not answer Zhu Wen's words, but said: "Zhu Wen, you have disappointed me after all. Do you think that you can overthrow me by cooperating with the imperial court to launch a coup? Little do you know this?" It is the way of death.

So what if you become the new King Qi?But after this turmoil, Qin Hao has established a firm foothold in Qingzhou, and he will definitely wipe out you in one fell swoop in the future. How long can you sit on this throne? "

Zhu Wen showed disdain, and said with a sneer, "No matter how long I can sit, I will finally sit on it, and it will be ten thousand times better than never sitting on it."

Huang Chao shook his head and sighed: "If this king lets you sit, you can sit. If this king doesn't let you sit, you won't be able to sit."

Zhu Wen thought that he could force Huang Chao to give up his seat, but he didn't expect this situation. Huang Chao was still so stubborn, and immediately said with a gloomy face: "Really, then what if I want to sit?"

"You can come up and try."

"Just try it."

After saying that, Zhu Wen strode towards the throne, but he stopped listening halfway there, looked at Huang Chao with a playful face, and said mockingly: "Huang Chao, do you really think I'm stupid?"

 As soon as the update arrives, please ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass... These two days have been too busy, and yesterday I only rushed out two updates with all my strength, and I will definitely add another update today.

(End of this chapter)

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