Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1431 Defeated by One Move

Chapter 1431

Chapter 1429: Defeated by One Move

Seeing that Qin Wu lifted the tripod not only without hindrance, but also achieved an achievement, Qin Hao also heaved a sigh of relief.

In the original history, King Qin Wu failed to lift the tripod, but in this life, Qin Wu is stronger, and the red-striped dragon tripod he lifted is lighter than Jiuding, so it is not impossible to lift it.

However, this achievement of "lifting the tripod" can actually bring five dimensions +1 to Qin Wu. Such a generous reward is beyond Qin Hao's surprise. Perhaps it is also because Qin Wu has completed the unfinished achievements of his previous life.

Qin Wu succeeded in lifting the tripod, and the big man won another game, winning six consecutive victories.

The seventh game was a horse race. Although this game tested the knight's riding skills, it was more about the competition between the horses. After all, no matter how good the knight's riding skills were, it would be useless if the horses were not fast enough.

The knight sent by the Dongying side is Maeda Keiji, who is very skilled in riding skills, and the mount is the famous Dongying horse 'Songfeng', which is said to be the fastest famous horse in Dongying.

The big man has no shortage of riding masters or famous horses, but this time Qin Hao sent Lu Bu to fight with his mount 'Chitu'.

Dongying's fastest famous horse 'Songfeng' is half a head shorter in front of 'Chitu'. Both in speed and endurance, it is much worse than Chitu.

Lu Bu didn't even use his riding skills, and he relied on the 'Red Rabbit' to win a crushing victory. This competition is definitely the least suspenseful match.

"Daddy is amazing!"

Little Lu Ying ran to Lu Bu who had returned from victory, and Lu Bu hugged his son onto the red rabbit and said with a smile, "When Ying'er grows up, Daddy will let you ride the red rabbit."

"Well, it's a deal."

Lu Bu was taken aback, and said pleasantly, "Ying'er, did you say a word? Where did you learn it?"

"Daddy, it's an idiom."


After losing seven games in a row, Dongpu's morale suffered a huge blow. There was a mistake in the eighth and ninth games, and the big man won again without any surprise.

The tenth match that followed was also the last match of the first day, and it was the most anticipated fight, and this match was about fists and kicks.

After losing nine games in a row, the Dongpu Mission was holding their breath, and they all wanted to win the round, so they could feel proud.

Jue Wushen also felt the burden on his body. If he loses again, Dongpu will have a ten-game losing streak, which will affect his future performance.

Carrying everyone's hope, Jue Wushen resolutely stepped into the arena. He knew that the people sent by the big man must be difficult to deal with, but he still made up his mind in his heart that even if he risked his life, he would win a round for Dongpu.

In the fourth match, Qin Hao sent Xiong Kuo Hai. With outstanding external skills, he was also born with supernatural powers. Even if he was strong, he would definitely not be able to defend against Xiong Kuo Hai's attack.

Xiong Kuohai knew that Jue Wushen had defeated many martial arts masters, some of whom were even at the level of masters, but he still didn't take it seriously. After all, in his opinion, the real strong had basically joined the army. Those small fish in the martial arts He doesn't like Xiao Xia at all, so naturally he doesn't think that Jue Wushen is so strong.

Just when Xiong Kuohai was about to take the stage, a strange change happened, a beautiful figure suddenly jumped onto the stage, and she was actually Qin Hao's official wife, Princess Wannian, Liu Mu.

"Why is it Princess Wannian?"

"What is Her Royal Highness doing on stage?"

"I do not know……"

Liu Mu's sudden appearance on the stage immediately caused everyone present to discuss. Those who didn't know thought Qin Hao had sent her here.

Qin Hao was startled when he saw the scene, and hurried forward and asked, "Ma'am, what are you doing up there?"

"Husband, of course this concubine is here to fight on behalf of my big man."

"It's just nonsense."

Qin Hao's complexion changed, and he reprimanded: "What kind of battle are you facing? You are the princess of the big man, with golden branches and jade leaves, how can you end up fighting with others in person? This is too shameful, the man of the big man has not died yet, and there will be no more rounds." It's not your turn. Come down soon."

Liu Mu said sternly, "Princess Zhitian City can represent Dongying Kingdom in the battle, why can't I, Liu Mu, represent the big man?"


Qin Hao was immediately stopped by the question. With the case of Oda City, it is really difficult for him to refuse Liu Mu. After all, this refusal means that the big man is not as good as Dongying?
"Husband, don't worry, I have reached the pinnacle of a master, and I am absolutely sure that I can defeat this person."

Liu Mu believed himself, and immediately released the aura of a peak master, which immediately caused an uproar in the scene.

"Princess Wannian is actually a master master? My God, am I dreaming?"

"That's too crazy."

"A princess can become a grand master even if she is a girl, but I haven't even reached the top level. I feel ashamed to see others."


After Qin Hao stopped Liu Mu's words, he smiled wryly and said, "Madam, don't make things difficult for me. Husband is not afraid that you will lose, but that you will be injured. As a princess, you really don't need to play in person."

"Husband, my family has made up my mind, please fulfill my husband's wishes."

Seeing that Liu Mu was so determined, Qin Hao knew that it was impossible to persuade him except by using force, but he didn't want to force Liu Mu either.

Considering Liu Mu's strength, it was more than enough to deal with Absolute Wushen, so Qin Hao took advantage of the situation and agreed.

"It's just this one time, it's not an example." Qin Hao said seriously.

"No." Liu Mu said happily.

"Wait until you get back and clean up."

Qin Hao glared at Liu Mu fiercely, but Liu Mu's face flushed, she could naturally understand the meaning of Qin Hao's words.

Even Qin Hao nodded in agreement, and Xiong Kuo Hai, who was at a loss what to do, could only retreat helplessly, but Jue Wushen's eyes were full of troublesome looks.

His opponent is a female class, even if he wins, there is nothing to be proud of, let alone the princess of a big man.

Jue Wushen has heard that Duke Qin and Princess Wannian are very affectionate, if he hurts each other in the martial arts competition, the entire mission may not be able to go back to Japan.

As soon as he thought of this, Jue Wushen couldn't help thinking in his heart that it was bad luck. A woman completely disrupted a fair and just contest, making it difficult for him to win or lose.

Liu Mu is so clever, he naturally saw what Jue Wushen was thinking, and immediately said calmly: "Your Excellency's strength is not bad, but I still want to remind you, fight with all your strength, otherwise you will definitely die."

After saying that, the air around Liu Mu's body surged, and the aura around him strengthened again, blowing dust around him.

"This, this is?"

Seeing this, Jue Wushen was shocked, but what surprised him even more was still behind.

I saw that Liu Mu's right index finger and middle finger were close together, and the inner strength of the two fingers was so strong that it finally emitted six colors of light.

"Gang, Gang Qi?"

Jue Wushen was stunned, he never thought that the princess of the Han Dynasty could use the Gang Qi. Although she only had two fingers, it also showed that she was on the way to becoming a half-step grand master. What kind of talent is this?

"Not good, the immortal golden body."

Absolutely Wushen quickly used the attack to protect his body, and Liu Mu's attack with the sword was also brewing at this moment.

"Samsara Sword Jue, the way of heaven and man, kill."


Under Liu Mu's fencing finger, the indestructible golden body, known as the absolute defense, was broken in less than ten seconds, and then cut off Jue Wushen's left arm.


After seeing this scene, everyone present gasped, and the scene fell into a deathly silence.

With just one move, Liu Mu not only defeated Jue Wushen, who made the Central Plains martial arts helpless, but also won in a crushing way by cutting off one of his arms, which is too...

I can't think of words to describe it.

 Second update, this competition is coming to an end soon, and it will be abbreviated later, please don’t worry, the reason why I wrote this paragraph is actually to pave the way for the future battle with Japan, it is definitely not the water chapter that some people say, Also please understand.

(End of this chapter)

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