Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1441 Attacking Liu Xiu and Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 1441 Attacking Liu Xiu and Zhu Yuanzhang
Chapter 1439: Attacking Liu Xiu and Zhu Yuanzhang
Liu Xiu thought that the preparations before the battle were sufficient, but he didn't expect to trigger such a big chain reaction, directly attracting Qin Hao, Sun Jian, and Huang Zu to attack together. How afraid should these three princes be of him?

Although Liu Xiu left 16 defenders in Jingnan, the total strength of the three invading coalition forces was as high as [-], and the attitude of the Qin, Sun, and Huang families was very firm, and they would rather send troops directly than occupy Jiaozhou.

Therefore, if Liu Xiu continues to attack Jiaozhou, there is no guarantee that the three families will not continue to increase their troops. By then, Jingnan may have been lost before Jiaozhou is defeated.

As for Jiaozhou, Hong Xiuquan already had more troops than Liu Xiu, and there were two generals Yang Xiuqing and Shi Dakai. Even with Shi Xie's energy to contain the Taiping Army, Liu Xiu could not occupy Jiaozhou in a short time.

But if the troops were to strike back and return to Jingnan, not only would all the previous preparations be in vain, but it would also arouse Hong Xiuquan's vigilance, and it would not be so easy to enter Jiaozhou in the future.

The three families of Qin, Sun, and Huang jointly sent troops to Jingnan, which put Liu Xiu in a difficult situation, but after weighing the pros and cons, he chose to continue to fight in Jiaozhou.

In a world of great contention, those who obey will perish, and those who oppose will be strong!

Liu Xiu's goal is not to live in peace, but to be a tyrant. What he wants is to rule the world.

Now that only three princes came to invade, if he backed down, how could he talk about competing with Qin Hao for hegemony, and how could he talk about unifying the world?
The three feudal lords came together to attack. Although this situation was difficult for Liu Xiu, it could not be more difficult than when he led an army of [-] to fight south of Jingnan.

With Shi Xie's internal support, now is the best time for Liu Xiu to enter Jiaozhou. If he retreats because of the persecution of the princes, he will never be able to occupy Jiaozhou again, let alone annex Jiangdong and dominate Jiangnan.

Jingnan has [-] defenders and is on the defensive. Even if the three families jointly attack, nothing will happen in the short term.

Therefore, Liu Xiu was going to go all out and let the [-] troops in Jingnan block the coalition forces of the three princes, while he himself led the [-] troops to continue fighting in Jiaozhou.

In the face of the attack of the three princes, Liu Xiu not only did not back down, but chose to fight hard, and fought with the four princes at the same time. This move shocked the world.

Many people can't help but sigh Liu Xiu's boldness, and at the same time feel sorry for Liu Xiu. After all, the three princes who joined forces this time are not small princes. Jingnan is inferior, and Hong Xiuquan has occupied Jiaozhou for many years and has a profound heritage.

It wasn't long before Liu Xiu ruled Jingnan, but he dared to fight with these three princes at the same time. This is obviously extremely unwise, so most people in the world don't like Liu Xiu.

Sun Jian's [-] troops attacked Lujiang, and Cen Peng led [-] troops to defend;

Huang Xie's [-] troops attacked Changsha, and Feng Yi led [-] troops to defend;

Yue Fei attacked Nanjun with an army of [-], and Deng Yu led an army of [-] to defend it.
Liu Xiu's [-] troops attacked Jiaozhou, and Yang Xiuqing led [-] troops to defend;
Shi Da led an army of [-] to attack Jiaozhi, and Shi Xie led an army of [-] to defend;

In this way, Liu Xiu's invasion of Jiaozhou completely ignited the fuse, and all the southern princes fell into a melee at once, and this war also made all the princes of the world look sideways.

At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang of Xuzhou finally expelled Liu Bei and completely unified the land of Xuzhou.

In fact, as early as a year ago, Zhu Yuanzhang had already defeated Liu Bei.

Even with the help of Zhuge Liang, the [-] temporarily formed Qin army, and Jiang Song and Yuwen Chengdu, Liu Bei still failed to hold Xuzhou under Zhu Yuanzhang's hands.

Although Zhuge Liang's arrival made up for Liu Bei's deficiencies in strategy, military strength, and generals, compared with Zhu Yuanzhang, Liu Bei's background was still too shallow.

The decisive battle in Xiapi was extremely tragic. Even the Battle of the God of War was fought more than once, but in the end Xiapi City was defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang.

After the city was broken, the Xuzhou family was slaughtered by Zhu Yuanzhang, while Liu Bei led the remnants into the deep mountains at the junction of Xu and Yan.

Liu Bei had already lost Xuzhou, so Zhuge Liang naturally had no reason to stay, but Liu Bei was unwilling to fail, and still wanted to regain Xuzhou, and begged Zhuge Liang to help him.

Although Zhuge Liang knew it was impossible for Liu Bei to retake Xuzhou, he considered that Liu Bei could be used to slow down Zhu Yuanzhang's development, so he persuaded Liu Bei and Zhu Yuanzhang to fight guerrilla warfare, and brought Jiang Song and Yuwen Chengdu to continue to advise Liu Bei.

After Zhu Yuanzhang ruled Xuzhou, he wanted to recuperate, but Liu Bei's remnants harassed and hindered his development everywhere, so he could only send troops to encircle and suppress Liu Bei while he was cultivating. However, Liu Bei, who was assisted by Zhuge Liang and supported by Qin Hao, was not so easy to destroy. ?
Although the scale of the Xuzhou encirclement and suppression war was small, it lasted for a whole year, which seriously delayed Zhu Yuanzhang's development.

In the end, Liu Bei lost nothing, all his troops were lost in battle, even his wives and concubines were lost, and the whereabouts of his two righteous brothers, Guan Zhang, were also missing. In desperation, Liu Bei could only lead nearly a hundred people, and followed Zhuge Liang to join Qin Hao .

It took a long time afterwards for Liu Bei to know that Guan Yu had no choice but to surrender to Zhu Yuanzhang in order to keep his wife and concubine, while Zhang Fei's whereabouts have been unknown.

Zhuge Liang led a reorganized army of [-] slaves into Xuzhou. When he returned, there were only more than [-] people left, but he also overfulfilled the tasks assigned by Qin Hao.

Although Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang caused Zhu Yuanzhang a lot of trouble, in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, he never regarded Liu Bei as an opponent. In his view, Liu Bei was just a minor problem, so while encircling and suppressing Liu Bei, he was still planning to attack Yuan Shu. The land of Jianghuai.

Xuzhou's geographical location is quite awkward. Its terrain is flat and there is almost no danger to defend except for the city. It is not suitable as a starting place for hegemony.

As for the state of Qi in the south of Qingzhou, even the king of Qi Zhu Tianpeng belonged to Zhu Yuanzhang, so the south of Qingzhou was already under Zhu Yuanzhang's command.

However, it will take time to merge Qi State into Zhu Yuanzhang's command, and it is not something that can be done overnight.

Therefore, as far as Qingzhou is concerned, Zhu Yuanzhang is not in a hurry at all, but instead focuses on Jianghuai and Yanzhou.

Li Zicheng is here in Yanzhou. Li Zicheng is an important minister of the Ming Dynasty. Since he is eyeing Yanzhou, Zhu Yuanzhang can't go past him to attack Yanzhou, so he can only support him to fight against Cao Cao, while he himself is secretly planning Yuan Shu's Jianghuai.

Zhu Yuanzhang is not the only one who is staring at Jianghuai. Sun Jian in Jiangdong and Zhao Kuangyin in Yuzhou are all coveting Jianghuai, a land that is about to become rich.
 One update to...

(End of this chapter)

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