Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1459 Mr. Xuande is a...good man

Chapter 1459 Mr. Xuande is a...good man

Chapter 1457: Duke Xuande is a...good man

After retiring from the court, all the officials left the palace hall one after another, officials from the Qin family left in twos and twos, while the officials from the Han family gathered around Kong Rong and Ma Rixun.

"Ma Taiwei, Kong Taifu, the general refused to be king again, it seems that he really doesn't want to be king."

"Yes, Duke Qin is worthy of being the son of Qin Wen. His family is full of loyalty."

"In recent years, we have also seen Duke Qin's performance. He is very respectful to both His Majesty and us."

"Let me just say that the late Wang Situ is the most accurate judge of people. He thinks that the Qin family father and son are the saviors of the big man, so he must be right. We shouldn't doubt Duke Qin's loyalty casually."

All the ministers began to discuss, and Kong Rong and Ma Rixun also smiled, obviously agreeing with what they said.

Seeing this, Liu Bei frowned tightly. He also hoped that Qin Hao would be the savior of the big man as everyone said, but he also knew that if he really wanted to be like this, the imperial court must have means to check and balance Qin Hao, but today's big man The survival of the country and the death of the country are all in Qin Hao's mind.

The big man can only restrain Qin Hao based on morality, pin all his hopes on Qin Hao's self-restraint, and use the whole big man to bet on Qin Hao's character, which is undoubtedly extremely stupid.

Looking at these loyal ministers who claimed to be big men, but instead helping Qin Hao to escape, Liu Bei couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Do these people really fail to see such a simple truth?

Leaving aside the others, Kong Rong and Ma Rixun can definitely see it, but even they have no solution, so they can only use this method to comfort themselves.

In fact, Liu Bei wanted to tell them, stop dreaming, and stop expecting Qin Hao. If he is really a loyal minister, why doesn't he want to give real power to us who are loyal to the big man?
Liu Bei originally had extremely high expectations for Qin Hao, but ever since Qin Hao held Liu Bei high, but refused to give him any real power, Liu Bei had already seen through Qin Hao's essence.

In Liu Bei's view, Qin Hao is an extremely contradictory person. He may really have the heart to help the Han, but this determination is not firm. There are too many temptations around him, and too many people are constantly pushing him. Let him gradually walk on that road of no return, and if he really steps on it, he can't help himself.

After realizing this, Liu Bei also regretted the stupid act he took the initiative to bring to his door, but now he is the meat on Qin Hao's lips, and he can only see if Qin Hao is willing to spit him out if he wants to get out .

Looking at the group of self-comforting loyal ministers, Liu Bei sighed lightly and strode away. He knew that these people were actually dying, but he couldn't protect himself now, and he really didn't have the ability to save them.

Besides, you will never be able to wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, let alone Liu Bei is facing a group of people now.

Qin Hao treated Liu Bei extremely courteously. As soon as Liu Bei came to join him, Qin Hao rewarded Liu Bei with a mansion in the inner city covering an area of ​​[-] acres and a state-level mansion. Two hundred servants.

After the early court ended, Liu Bei came back defeated, but before entering, Jian Yong and Sun Qian greeted him with gloomy faces.

"My lord, it's not good." Jian Yong said seriously.

Liu Bei trembled in his heart and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Chen Deng accepted the call of the General, and has now entered the General's Mansion as a Lang Guan."


Liu Bei's eyes widened, feeling extremely frustrated in his heart.

Chen Deng is Liu Bei's most reliable counselor. Before Zhuge Liang came to Xuzhou, thanks to Chen Deng's plan for him, Liu Bei was able to repel Zhu Yuanzhang's attack many times. However, Xuzhou was finally completely captured by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Now that Chen Deng has accepted Qin Hao's call, it means leaving him and joining Qin Hao's command, and he will completely lose this counselor.

"This Chen Yuanlong, if he wants to leave without saying anything, can I, Liu Bei, block his future?" Liu Bei sighed with a wry smile.

Chen Deng is different from Jian Yong, Sun Qian and others. His Chen family was originally one of the two major families in Xuzhou, and he fully supported Liu Bei against Zhu Yuanzhang, but Liu Bei lost so thoroughly, and the Chen family was also wiped out. Chen Deng was left to live alone.

Chen Deng shouldered the deep hatred of blood, and continued to follow Liu Bei's words, not to mention revenge, he might die in the end without knowing why, so he had to leave Liu Bei for revenge.

In fact, Liu Bei didn't blame Chen Deng for leaving him, he only blamed himself for being short of wit and talent, and couldn't keep Chen Deng, a great talent.

At one time, Liu Bei's subordinates were also talented. Chen Deng and Chen Qun were under his command, but he failed to keep them. As a result, Chen Qun defected to Cao Cao, and now Chen Deng also defected to Qin Hao.

Now Liu Bei is the one who needs comfort the most, but he in turn comforted Jian Yong and Sun Qian who were furious, and then he sighed lonely, feeling even more envious and jealous of Qin Hao in his heart.

Qin Hao's subordinates include: Liu Bowen, Jia Xu, Zhuge Liang, Han Fei, Xun Yu...Wu You: Bai Qi, Li Jing, Xue Rengui, Li Cunxiao, Jia Fu, Zhao Yun, Lu Bu, Jiang Song... are all the top civil and military talents ah.

With so many heroic assistants, even if Qin Hao's own ability is not strong, it is not difficult to achieve a career. Unlike him, Liu Bei, except for two sworn brothers, there are no top talents to assist him.

"It would be great if Mr. Kong Ming was willing to assist me."

Liu Bei sighed, but he also knew in his heart that this was almost impossible.

As early as after the disbandment of the Dongdong League, when Liu Bei met Zhuge Liang in Jizhou on his way back to the plains, he wanted to humiliate Zhuge Liang, but unfortunately he missed that opportunity.

And in Xuzhou, Liu Bei raised it more than once, wanting to poach Qin Hao's corner, and although Zhuge Liang was also extremely enthusiastic about him, his attitude towards his wooing was always ambiguous.

In this regard, Liu Bei naturally understood that Zhuge Liang would never betray Qin Hao just because of his wooing.

Now that I think about it, this may be retribution. He poached Qin Hao's corner in Xuzhou, and after he came to Luoyang, his subordinate Chen Deng was poached by Qin Hao.

"Hey, where is my future, Liu Xuande? Or do I have no future?" Liu Bei looked at the sky and said to himself.


Inside Qin Gongfu.

Qin Hao quietly looked at Chen Deng, who was eloquent and kept talking non-stop at Balabala, and just asked with a light smile: "Can Yuanlong comment on Xuande Gong?"

Chen Deng's heart trembled violently. In an instant, his mind was full of thoughts. He suppressed the fear and anxiety in his heart, and said, "Mr. Xuande is a...good man."

Qin Hao frowned, and asked in surprise, "Is this gone?"

"It's gone." Chen Deng nodded, but his heart was gloomy.

 The third update arrives, and the third update guarantees that all updates will be completed. Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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