Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1464 Golden Hammer General Yue Yun

Chapter 1464 Golden Hammer General Yue Yun

Chapter 1462: Golden Hammer General Yue Yun

Kuai Qi was the nephew of Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue after the minister Kuai Tong of the Western Han Dynasty. He married Zhuge Gui's daughter and sister Zhuge Liang as his wife.Later, Liu Bei pacified Hanzhong and ordered Meng Da to attack Fangling, which was killed by Meng Da's soldiers.

The person Cai Mao arranged in the army was not Kuai Qi, but after he rebelled, Kuai Qi opened the city gate on the other side to let the Qin army go. He himself was just a bait used by Qin Jun to attract Deng Yu's attention.


Cai Mao smiled wryly. He suddenly realized that he was really stupid. He had always been the one to be calculated, and was played by princes like Liu Xiu and Qin Hao.

When he heard that the person who opened the city gate was Kuai Qi, Kuai Yue's expression turned extremely ugly. He didn't know anything about it beforehand, and he wasn't mentally prepared for it.

Kuai Qi is the nephew that Kuai Yue watched and grew up with. He naturally knows Kuai Qi's character very well. With Kuai Qi's upright character, it is absolutely impossible for him to take the initiative to vote for Qin and trap Kuai's family and his brothers. to the unrighteous.

"Could it be big brother?"

Kuai Yue thought to himself, and as soon as this idea came out, it took root deeply in his heart.

It was the result of joint discussions between Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue brothers that they betrayed the Jingzhou aristocratic family and abandoned Cai Mao, but Kuai Liang seemed to have something to hide from Kuai Yue.

For a big family like the Kuai family, it is impossible to pin all their hopes on Liu Xiu and spread their eggs into other baskets. This is the way for a big family to protect itself.

The two brothers Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue were already too deep in Liu Xiu's place. They neither dared to betray Liu Xiu, nor did they have the idea, but the Kuai family was not only owned by the two of them.

Liu Xiu's move to fight against the four princes at the same time was so crazy that even Kuai Liang was frightened.

In order to prevent the Kuai family from being implicated and retaliated after Liu Xiu's defeat, Kuai Liang hinted to Kuai Yue that Kuai Qi led some of his children to vote for Qin, while their brothers continued to serve Liu Xiu, so that no matter who wins in the end, whoever loses The Kuai family will always have a kindling to continue to keep.

Kuai Liang's move was undoubtedly a kind of betrayal to Liu Xiu, but after all, it was Kuai Qi who betrayed Liu Xiu on the surface, not Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue.

If Liu Xiu didn't want to cut off his own arm, he could only forgive the Kuai family's responsibilities, or punish them at most.

Kuai Liang also took great pains for the Kuai family, his arrangement was perfect, even his younger brother Kuai Yue was kept in the dark, as long as Kuai Qi didn't take the initiative to speak out, no one would ever know the truth, and Kuai Qi of course I won't say it out to harm Kuai Liang.

On the other side, with the opening of the east gate, a large number of Qin troops entered the city, throwing the entire Jiangling city into chaos.

The guards guarding the east gate are one of the 28 generals of Yuntai, Lou Jingou and Liu Long.

Seeing the Qin army entering the city, Liu Long immediately led his subordinates to block the gate, vowing to drive out the Qin army entering the city, but it was obviously not that easy.

"Hurry up, drive Qin Jun out quickly, or everyone in the city will be buried by mistake." Liu Long shouted anxiously.

"Haha, Jin has already entered, and it is impossible to get out."

Qin Qiong laughed loudly, and immediately raised his gun to kill Liu Long, but Yue Yun snatched him away.

"Deputy governor, such an unknown pawn, why should the governor do it himself, let my nephew do it for me."

The corner of Qin Qiong's mouth couldn't help twitching, and he cursed with a smile: "This brat..."

"The enemy will die."

With a long roar, Yue Yun ran towards Liu Long. He held a hammer in each hand, and the two hammers danced continuously.

The soldiers of the Chu army who came forward to stop Yue Yun were immediately thrown into the air as soon as they got close to Yue Yun, and also injured many people behind him. They couldn't stop Yue Yun even for a moment.

Liu Long saw that Yue Yun was still a half-grown child, and his fighting style was open, without much skill at all. He couldn't help feeling contemptuous in his heart, thinking that Yue Yun was only powerful and not outstanding in martial arts, so he shouted: "The general of the Han Dynasty is going crazy, Liu Long will come to meet you."

[Ding Dong, Liu Long's skill 'Knife King' is activated, force +3, base force 98, current force rises to 101;]

"The stormy sea, kill."

Liu Long danced wildly with the sword in his hand, forming a net of swords in an instant.

This trick is extremely treacherous, and it is simply annoying to guard against. If the level of martial arts is not high, he will definitely be beheaded with a single knife.

Seeing this, Yue Yun sneered, and as soon as the two hammers in his hands closed, the shadows of the sabers disappeared instantly.

"What?" Liu Long's eyes widened, but what shocked him even more was still behind.

Yue Yun, who used a heavy weapon like a sledgehammer, easily blocked and avoided his three sets of back moves, and his backhand blow almost made him lose both weapons.

"You've run out of moves, and now it's my turn. Look at the moves, Shuanglong goes to sea."

[Ding dong, Yue Yun's skill 'Golden Hammer' is activated;
Golden Hammer: Special skills for generals with four gates and eight hammers;
Effect 1, after this skill is activated, force +8;

Effect 2, when encountering an opponent with light weapons, according to the strength of the opponent, the opponent's strength can be reduced by 1~5 points; if the opponent's weapon skill level is higher than or equal to your own, the opponent will not be restrained;

Effect 3, when the number of enemies killed in battle exceeds 100, the morale of the enemy can be greatly reduced;]

[Yue Yun Peak Five Dimensions: Commander 88, Force 104, Intelligence 75, Politics 71, Charm 90;

At present, Yue Yun has not yet reached the peak, the current five dimensions: commander 75, force 103, intelligence 70, politics 62, charisma 85;]

[Ding dong, Yue Yun's skill 'Golden Hammer' is activated, force +8, base force 103, current force rises to 111;]

Yue Yun joined the army at the age of 12, but died of injustice at the age of 23 when he was at the peak of integrity. Like Pei Yuanqing, he had the potential of God of War, but unfortunately he died halfway before reaching the height of God of War.

In this life, under Qin Yong's teaching, Yue Yun has a basic force of 15 at the age of 103. As long as he doesn't die young, it is almost a sure thing to become a god of war in the future.

With a difference of ten points in force, the strength was also very different from Yue Yun's. Although Liu Long avoided the first blow with all his might, he was unable to avoid the next blow. Sprinkled in the air, the weapon in his hand didn't know where it went.

Before Liu Long had time to get up, a big iron hammer came through the air, smashing Liu Long's head in one blow, and he was so dead that he couldn't die any more;

Another Yuntai general died tragically under the hammer of this young man, Yue Yun.

Yue Yun picked up his hammer, looked at the headless and bloody corpse on the ground, and couldn't help muttering: "Why did you smash it crookedly? You didn't even have a head, so how do you get a reward? Forget it, I'm still going to kill other people." Bar."

 It's the third update, and there are still 4 chapters owed for the chapters owed by the reward...

(End of this chapter)

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