Chapter 1474

Chapter 1472: Liu Xiu Admits Cowardly

Jia Fu originally had magical weapons and mounts, but the battle at Liupanshan was too fierce. Soon after killing Temujin, his halberd was completely damaged, and even Ou Yezi couldn't repair it.

Considering that Jia Fu had a mount but no magic weapon, and he was credited with killing Temujin, Qin Hao took out another halberd-type magic weapon from the eleven magic weapons, the Xuantian Silver Dragon Halberd , The reward was given to Jia Fu.

Yang Zaixing inherited the armor-piercing golden gun of the third brother, but he did not have a famous horse mount. Considering the merits of the Yang family and his wife Yang Yuhuan, Qin Hao brought out a bloody BMW from the stable, Huo Er, and gave it to him as a reward. This uncle.

Jin Tai is the only God of War under Qin Hao, and Tai Shici is also a local general that Qin Hao values ​​very much. Hao decided to complete the equipment for them.

Jintai knew all eighteen kinds of weapons, and Qin Hao didn't know what weapon he was best at, but after showing his hands and feet on the Qingzhou battlefield, Qin Hao finally knew that Jintai's most used weapon was a broadsword, so he rewarded him with the Supreme Slash Dragon Saber, and the famous horse Robber Li.

As for Tai Shici, Qin Hao decided to reward Tai Shici with the soul-chasing gun and the famous horse Tellerpis after careful consideration, in order to gain Tai Shici's loyalty.

In addition to the Golden Dragon Splitting Hammer and Sa Luzi rewarded to Yue Yun, Qin Hao has already distributed five magic weapons and five famous horses, and only six magic weapons and six famous horses are left in his hands. .

Qin Hao didn't plan to distribute the remaining equipment immediately, but waited for others to make meritorious service before rewarding them.


Jingbei, Jiangling

"Following the heavens... Yue Fei is specially appointed as the general of Zhennan, the governor of Jingzhou, the Marquis of Yiling, and the military power of the five counties in Jingbei..."

After the emissary Kan Ze read out the canonization to Yue Fei, all the generals of the Qin Army in Jingzhou showed smiles, and Yue Yun jumped up excitedly, even happier than he himself was conferred.

"Father, you're a Marquis, you're a Marquis, if Mother and Grandma find out, they'll be mad with joy."

Yue Fei was also very excited in his heart, after all he was born at the bottom, so he naturally knew how difficult it was, but his years of commanding the army had allowed him to deal with everything calmly.

Yue Fei suppressed the excitement in his heart, but instead glared at Yue Yun reproachfully, and said calmly: "How did my father teach you, as a general, when Mount Tai collapses in front of you, don't change your face, calm down."

"Uh... yes."

Even though Yue Yun said so, his face was still full of excitement.

Kan Ze looked at the calm Yue Fei, and couldn't help but secretly praised him, and then announced the awards to the other generals, and the last one was Yue Yun.

"Yue Yun, the son of Yue Fei, is brave and good at fighting. He even beheaded the three generals of Liu Xiu and defeated Fan Kuai, the general of the Shu Army. He made outstanding achievements and was named General of the Bandits..."

Hearing this, Yue Yun's eyes widened immediately. He was just a little prince, and although General Dangkou was a miscellaneous general, compared to his rank, he had fully improved by four ranks. It is not an exaggeration to say that the speed of promotion is as high as the sky in one step.

Yue Yun just wanted to thank you, but he didn't expect there would be more behind.

"In addition, reward Yue Yun with a pair of golden dragon cracking sky hammers, a thousand-mile BMW saluzi, and a pair of dragon scale armor..."

Hearing this series of rewards, not only Yue Yun, but all the generals in Jingbei, even Yue Fei were stunned.

Originally, Yue Fei was planning to give his beloved horse, the white-hoofed crow, to his son. After all, the chances of him personally going to the battlefield to kill the enemy were becoming less and less, and the white-hoofed crow would undoubtedly provide more security in his son's hands, but he didn't want to The lord gave all the equipment to his son at once, what kind of grace this is.

Looking at Yue Yun who was riding Sa Luzi and holding the Golden Dragon Hammer, all the generals in Jingzhou, except Yue Fei, couldn't help but feel a little envious, thinking: My lord is too kind to this kid.

Other generals would not be able to get Yue Yun's treatment. Who made Yue Yun have a father who was the governor, and he was also Qin Yong's apprentice.

Today was the happiest day for Yue Yun. The things he dreamed of were the brass melon hammer used by his master Qin, and the white-hoofed crow and dragon scale armor of his father Yue Fei.

And before leaving the army, Yue Yun would secretly use his master's weapon and ride his father's horse secretly.

As for Yue Fei's dragon scale armor, although Yue Yun also wanted to sneak it through, but he and Yue Fei's body was different, so he couldn't put it on at all.

Yue Yun also thought about when he could have it himself, but he never expected to have it all so soon.

The first time he saw the Golden Dragon Skycracking Hammer, Yue Yun fell in love with this pair of cool weapons. Not only are they no worse than the master's weapons, they are even better. Although they are a bit heavy for him, they are His strength will continue to grow, and it will definitely be just right for future use.

Sa Luzi is also no worse than the white-hoofed crow, and the dragon scale armor is made according to his figure, and it fits perfectly after wearing it.

At this moment, Yue Yun only felt that he had no more dreams, and all his dreams had come true on this day.

Yue Yun couldn't put it down for the rewarded equipment, and put it aside when he slept, for fear of losing the treasure.


Yue Fei completely captured Nanjun, and the battle did not end there. A large number of Jingzhou Qin troops gathered north of the Yangtze River, and they have gathered a full [-] troops.

In addition, Yue Fei also asked Han Shizhong and Cai Mao to be responsible for collecting and building ships, and they may lead the army across the Yangtze River at any time and enter Liu Xiu's lair in the four counties of Jingnan.

The reason why Yue Fei didn't cross the river was because he was waiting for Qin Hao's order, and whether Qin Hao would order to cross the river depended on Liu Xiu's next move.

If Liu Xiu admits cowardice and withdraws from Jiaozhou, then Yue Fei's [-] troops will naturally not cross the Yangtze River;

But if Liu Xiu continues to fight against the odds, then Qin Hao will definitely order Yue Fei to take advantage of the victory to pursue, and then the battle will not end well.

When Liu Xiu learned that Nanjun had fallen and only [-] of the [-] elite army returned to Jingnan, his whole body was about to collapse.

In his prediction, even if Deng Yu couldn't persist for a year, he could at least persist for half a year, but he didn't expect that he would be kicked out of Jingbei by Yue Fei after only persisting for two months.

Liu Xiu knew how powerful Yue Fei was, and he couldn't please Yue Fei. Although he couldn't blame Deng Yu for it, he had to admit that he still underestimated Yue Fei.

Jiaozhou has not yet been taken, but Jingnan has already fallen, and if one of the four armies collapses, it means that all four routes collapse.

To this day, Liu Xiu has to admit that his act of fighting the four princes at the same time was a bit rash and inflated, and Jingnan's background is far from reaching this level.

Now on the Jiaozhou battlefield, although Liu Xiu has repeatedly defeated Hong Xiuquan's Taiping Army, the form is very good, but the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's main force is still intact, and it still has the power to fight. It is impossible to unify Jiaozhou in a short period of time.

The front is undecided, the back door is on fire, and there are packs of wolves around, they may gather around and carve themselves up at any time...

After pondering over and over again, Liu Xiu decided to withdraw from Jiaozhou first. The pressure from the princes of the four directions was too great for him. Because he couldn't bear it anymore, he could only keep the base camp first, and then look for another opportunity to occupy Jiaozhou.

 The second update arrives, and the recommended votes exceed one thousand plus updates

(End of this chapter)

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