Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1487 Lian Po's Belonging

Chapter 1487 Lian Po's Belonging

Chapter 1485: Lian Po's Belonging

Before Yuan Shu launched the rebellion, he was also prepared for failure in advance, and when he failed in the rebellion and died, Yan Xiang, Ji Lingzhong and others protected Yuan Shu's son, Yuan Yao, and the families of some generals such as Lian Po, He fled into Lian Po's army.

Although Yuan Shu died, the [-] Henan troops outside Shouchun City were still there, but Lian Po could not completely control the army.

Shouchun fell, and the two Huaihe Rivers were all in the hands of Zhu Yuanzhang. The families of the soldiers were all under his rule, and the families of the generals of the Henan Army were all in the city.

Although Ji Ling rescued some of the family members of the generals, most of them were still in the hands of Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang used the family members of the soldiers as a means of persecution, which naturally made the Henan army outside the city be cautious and dare not act rashly.

As a result of this matter, surrenderers and oppositionists also appeared in Lianpo's army, and both sides also insisted on their own opinions, arguing endlessly around whether to surrender or not.

Lian Po naturally didn't want to surrender, but most of the generals in the army wanted to surrender, and even Lian Po was about to be unable to suppress it.

On the other hand, when Zhao Kuangyin learned that Yuan Shu couldn't bear it and surrendered before Lian Po returned to Shouchun, he was about to go crazy.

Yuan Shu's voluntary surrender disrupted all of Zhao Kuangyin's arrangements. He thought that no matter how bad Yuan Shu was, he could at least persist until Lian Po returned. He seized the Lianghuai granary, but he did not expect Yuan Shu to surrender on his own initiative.

Yuan Shu's surrender meant that Lianghuai and Zhao Kuangyin were completely useless, and all the previous preparations and plans were in vain.

In order to seize the Lianghuai granary, Zhao Kuangyin made too many plans, but in the end he didn't get any farts. Instead, Zhu Yuanzhang easily occupied the Lianghuai.

Thinking of this, Zhao Kuangyin was even more furious, and angrily called Yuan Shu a waste, and couldn't hold on for such a short time.

But what Zhao Kuangyin didn't expect was that Yuan Shu rebelled immediately after his surrender, and this gave Zhao Kuangyin the hope of seizing the two Huaihe Rivers.

In Zhao Kuangyin's view, Yuan Shu's rebellion would never succeed. After all, Zhu Yuanzhang was not an ordinary person, so how could he not guard against Yuan Shu's rebellion.

In the end, as expected by Zhao Kuangyin, Yuan Shu's rebellion failed and was killed by Luo Shixin, and the [-] Henan troops outside the city became a masterless army.

Zhao Kuangyin realized that as long as he could win Lian Po over, if the Song and Yu armies were united, they might not be able to expel Zhu Yuanzhang to occupy the Lianghuai granary, so he promised a lot of money to recruit Lian Po.

At the same time, Cao Cao also sent envoys to recruit Lian Po.

Now Lian Po seems to be a piece of fat. Whether it is Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhao Kuangyin, or Cao Cao, they all want to take a bite, but Zhu Yuanzhang is the most greedy and wants to swallow Lian Po in one bite.

Among Cao Cao, Zhao Kuangyin and Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang was the one Lian Po didn't want to turn to the most. After all, Zhu Yuanzhang killed his lord, and taking refuge in him would damage his reputation.

As for Zhao Kuangyin, in all fairness, Lian Po did not want to rely on him. Although the two had a good personal relationship at the beginning, in order to deal with Lian Po, Zhao Kuangyin resorted to all kinds of despicable methods, which not only hurt Lian Po, but also almost killed Lian Po's family. The personal relationship between the two is gone now.

That's why Lian Po looked down on Zhao Kuangyin so much, but among the three, Lian Po was more inclined to Cao Cao.

When Zhao Kuangyin saw that Lian Po ignored his former friend after the death of his old master, and instead warmed up to Cao Cao, who had no friendship, Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

Zhao Kuangyin also realized that his original means were too much, so that Lian Po went further and further away from him, but he had no choice at that time, Lian Po didn't show any affection, and he had completely driven him to a dead end Well, if I didn't use dirty methods, I wouldn't be able to live now.

It is naturally too late to say this now, Zhao Kuangyin must retain Lian Po, so that he can have a chance to seize Jianghuai, and at this time the military adviser Zhao Pu gave him a plan.

Zhao Pujin said that the standards could be lowered, instead of recruiting the Henan army, and only cooperating with the Henan army. After success, the Jianghuai would be divided into two parts, the Song army would get Huaibei, and the Henan army would get Huainan.

Before Song and Wei both wanted to recruit Lian Po, now Zhao Pu persuaded Zhao Kuangyin to lower the standard and change the recruitment to cooperation, so that Lian Po can guarantee independence and continue to support Yuan Yao as the main one. The cost of this is heavier than Cao Cao Many, I am not afraid of Lianpo and not moved.

As Zhao Pu expected, compared to Cao Cao's solicitation, the cooperation is undoubtedly more clever, and it also moved Lian Po very much.

In the end, Lian Po decided to cooperate with Zhao Kuangyin to expel Zhu Yuanzhang from Jianghuai, and rejected Cao Cao's solicitation, but he did not dare to reject Zhu Yuanzhang, because once he refused, it meant that there was no room for relaxation with Zhu Yuanzhang. At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang might call directly.

Lian Po wanted to hang Zhu Yuanzhang first, so as to sort out the interior for himself and take full control of the army to delay time.

Zhu Yuanzhang is so shrewd, how could he be deceived by Lian Po, he saw at a glance that Lian Po didn't want to surrender, he was just delaying time, so he pretended to believe in Lian Po, but secretly wooed those in Lian Po's army to surrender Pai, ready to wait for the opportunity to secretly deal a fatal blow to Lian Po.

Lian Po is indeed a good player in war, but his methods of fighting for power and profit are far worse.

Although Lian Po also killed many surrendering factions Liwei, but there were too many surrendering factions in the army, and he couldn't kill them all.

In the end, the [-] Yu army fought internally, and even Lian Po couldn't control the army. Zhu Yuanzhang took the opportunity to lead the army out of the city to help the surrendering faction attack the opposition.

The capitulation faction naturally gained the absolute upper hand under the cooperation of the inside and outside, while the opposition headed by Lian Po fled miserably.

Seeing that Lian Po ran away, Zhu Yuanzhang personally led an army to pursue him, just to capture Lian Po, a famous general, but Lian Po was too cunning, and even Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't keep him when he wanted to escape.

In the end, [-] Henan troops surrendered to Zhu Yuanzhang, while Lian Po protected Yuan Shu's family, led a remnant army of less than [-], and took refuge in Zhao Kuangyin, whom he least wanted to rely on.

Before Lian Po held [-] Henan troops, he was naturally qualified to say no to Zhao Kuangyin, but after rejecting Cao Cao's offer, there was only Zhao Kuangyin's last retreat, and Lian Po had no one to vote for except Zhao Kuangyin.

Zhao Kuangyin was leading the army to Shouchun, but before the army arrived, he received news that [-] Henan troops surrendered to Zhu Yuanzhang, and Lian Po led the remnant army to join him.

If he had learned that Lian Po had come to vote before, Zhao Kuangyin would have been ecstatic, but now, although he is a little happy, it is far from the level of excitement.

Lian Po voted in this way, which meant that he failed to control the army, and it also meant that his plan to regain the Huaihe River failed completely.

 This chapter makes up for the guarantee chapter that was missing yesterday

(End of this chapter)

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