Chapter 1493 Treacherous ([-])

Chapter 1491: Treacherous ([-])

Ever since returning to the Ming court, Zhu Yunqi had an ominous premonition, because the atmosphere in the Ming court was too weird, and some ministers looked at them as if they were prey.

It wasn't until after Zhu Yuanzhang reported his duties at the court meeting that Zhu Yunqi finally realized that Emperor Ming wanted to play for real this time, and she definitely wanted to join hands with Qin Hao, otherwise, how could anyone dare to agree to the marriage proposal in front of her, and She didn't respond at all?

Regarding Qin Hao's marriage proposal, although Zhu Yunqi had doubts, he thought the same as most people, and didn't think there was a possibility of success, but what he saw after coming to the Ming court directly shattered all the luck in his heart. Let him have to think in the worst direction.

Zhu Yunqi didn't care why Emperor Ming made the decision to marry Qin Hao, but since she was ready to do so, it was obvious that she had other plans for recalling Zhu Yuanzhang this time. She, Xianxian, and Zhu Yuanzhang were all trapped now.

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang still did not have any doubts about Emperor Ming, Zhu Yunwen felt extremely anxious. It seemed that his stupid grandfather really had deep affection for Emperor Ming, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible for him to guess this point with his wisdom.

"We must find a way to wake up Grandpa and let him see the sinister intentions of Emperor Ming, otherwise everyone who returns to the court will undoubtedly die."

Zhu Yunqi thought to himself, but it is obviously not easy to do this.

The image of Emperor Ming in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart has long been deeply ingrained. Unless she takes the initiative to reveal it, Zhu Yuanzhang will never doubt her.

At the same time, Emperor Ming, together with Zhang Liang, began to make the final plan for returning to Qin.

"Third Uncle, is everything properly arranged?" Emperor Ming said indifferently.

"The Overlord Cavalry has been dispatched, and [-] yellow scarf warriors have been arranged to watch over them. If there is any change, this elite team will be turned into ashes in an instant."

"The ones I worry about are not Bawangqi, but Zhu Yuanzhang and Luo Shixin."

Seeing that Emperor Ming was supporting me instead of me, Zhang Liang's eyes flashed a strange color, and he said calmly: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, the minister has sent Long Qi, Sun Lingming, Dian Wei, Yue Xi, Li Jin and other generals The recall is enough to suppress Luo Shixin.

As for Zhu Yuanzhang, without Bawangqi and Luo Shixin, he is just an ordinary general, and a dozen or so yellow scarf fighters are enough to capture him alive. "

"well done."

Emperor Ming praised him, but sighed: "I don't want to do this either, but I have been planning for the present for many years. I hope Senior Brother Zhu can be of one mind with us."

"Your Majesty, it's better not to have any expectations. Zhu Yuanzhang is the most staunch supporter of the elder brother. He only wants to rely on Ming Dynasty to rule the world. He will never agree to the merger of the two companies, even if we write this as a letter from the elder brother. Show him, he probably won't believe it either."


Emperor Ming showed distress, and she naturally knew this, and then asked: "Third Uncle, if Senior Brother Zhu is unwilling, what are you going to do with him?"

Zhang Liang didn't speak, but just made a movement of wiping his neck, which made Emperor Ming silent for a long time.

"Why, Your Majesty is reluctant?"

"Senior Brother Zhu has always taken care of me like an elder brother, and I have always seen Senior Brother Zhu as an elder brother. Uncle, are you willing to do something to your brother?" Emperor Ming asked back.

Although Emperor Ming didn't like Zhu Yuanzhang, he didn't have no feelings for him. After all, people are not ruthless, so she didn't want to do anything to Zhu Yuanzhang unless it was absolutely necessary.

Hearing Emperor Ming ask himself such a rhetorical question, Zhang Liang couldn't help being speechless. In fact, he also knew that although Emperor Ming looked strong on the outside, he was also soft on the inside. There were only a few people she cared about, and Zhu Yuanzhang happened to be one of them .

Therefore, it is undoubtedly an extremely cruel thing for Emperor Ming to let Emperor Ming kill Zhu Yuanzhang.

"I abandoned Xiang Yu at the beginning, and now I want to abandon Zhu Yuanzhang. Is it necessary to abandon someone in order to achieve a great cause? I have experienced this kind of mistake once, and I have regretted it. I don't want to make a second mistake."

Hearing what Emperor Ming said, Zhang Liang couldn't help but sigh in his heart, no matter how talented a woman is, she is still a woman, and she is always soft-hearted at critical moments, it is really hard to make a big deal.

Didn't Emperor Ming know the consequences of not killing Zhu Yuanzhang?Even if Zhang Liang didn't say it clearly, she must have known it clearly in her heart, but she was still unwilling to kill Zhu Yuanzhang unless it was absolutely necessary, just because of the little bit of guilt in her heart.

"It's so naive and ridiculous."

Zhang Liang secretly thought that it was precisely because of this that even though he had been with Emperor Ming for many years, he never really regarded him as the lord in his heart, and Emperor Ming was never the candidate for the master in his heart.

Now that Emperor Ming has made a decision, even if Zhang Liang persuades her, she will not change easily, so Zhang Liang didn't say much, but he also has some expectations about which direction it will eventually develop.

"If this trend continues, Zhu Yuanzhang must be dead."

Looking at Emperor Ming, a strange smile flashed across Zhang Liang's mouth, and he thought to himself, "Your Majesty, since you don't want Zhu Yuanzhang to die so much, let me help you."

After leaving from Emperor Ming, Zhang Liang immediately recruited a man in black. She was one of the four former Ming Cult Dharma Kings, Zishan Dragon King and Dai Qisi.

Shangguan Yan became one of the new Four Great Dharma Kings by succeeding the dead Dai Qisi, but in fact Dai Qisi did not die, but feigned death and hid under Zhang Liang's hands, helping Zhang Liang in secret all the time .

Dai Qisi looked at Zhang Liang with affection in his eyes, and Zhang Liang, who had never been close to women, also looked at Dai Qisi with a touch of tenderness in his eyes. Obviously, the relationship between the two was not as simple as superior and inferior.

Zhang Liang handed over a note and said, "Secretly disclose the above information to the factory guard. Remember, don't let Zhu Wushi find out that our people did it."

After Dai Qisi took a look, her heart suddenly jumped, and she asked with some hesitation: "Is there a need to do this?"

"of course."

Zhang Liang said affirmatively, his eyes sparkled, who knows what he is in danger of.


Factory Guard is an organization of spies established by Zhu Yuanzhang. The leader is Zhu Yuanzhang's younger brother, Zhu Wushi, who is also a master-level master.

Zhu Wushi is a good intelligence agent. Even with the limited resources available in his hands, he still managed to develop the factory well. The four spies under his command have all made a name for themselves in the Central Plains.

"Report to Commander, Xuanzi No. [-] spy agent Shangguan Haitang will pass on important information."

"Bring it up."

After Zhu Wushi took it and took a look, he was stunned for a moment, then his face turned pale, and he ran out without saying a word, making everyone in his subordinates a little confused.

 Guaranteed update...I went out to play with my friends last weekend, and it was already very late when I came back at night. I fell asleep before I wrote it. I will make up what is missing today.

(End of this chapter)

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