Chapter 1496
Chapter 1494: Fighting the fire with salary
On the way back, Zhu Yuanzhang kept a gloomy face, and everyone around him remained silent, obviously not in a good mood.

Zhu Yunwen looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, hesitated for a while and said, "My lord, Dian Wei should have just been probing. Even if Bawangqi doesn't put down his weapon, he definitely wouldn't dare to act recklessly."

"So? Just continue to carry it to death, and then let the people hiding behind him continue to use dirty tricks to deal with us?" Zhu Yuanzhang sneered.

Zhu Yunwen was stunned when he heard the words. He always thought that Zhu Yuanzhang hadn't woken up, nor was he aware of his dangerous situation, but when he heard this, he realized that he was completely wrong.

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang has always been very sober, but the situation in the Ming court changed too quickly, which made it difficult for him to accept the reality, but it does not mean that he is not clear about the crisis.

"My lord, what do you mean?" Zhu Yunqi asked with some uncertainty.

Zhu Yuanzhang sneered, and said coldly: "On the matter of the marriage between Qin and Ming, some people in the court wanted to force me to take a stand, but Bawangqi is my only force on the Ming court, so they I want to cut off the Overlord Cavalry's armament so that I can be forced to take sides on this matter.

Therefore, even if the Overlord Cavalry did not put down their weapons, the people behind them would still use other means, and it would be even more difficult to defend against. Therefore, it is better to let the Overlord Cavalry put down their weapons first, so that these people can let go of their guard first. "

Zhu Yunwen suddenly realized: "So that's how it is."

Zhu Yuanzhang patted Zhu Yunqi on the shoulder: "You, you are still too young, you must know that not everything can be done by force, besides, this place is Taihang, the temporary capital of Ming Dynasty, what is the value of three thousand overlords here? ?”

"My lord is far-sighted, but my subordinates are far behind."

Although Zhu Yunwen said that, he still couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Zhu Yuanzhang still didn't realize that the "certain people" he mentioned were actually Emperor Ming whom he trusted the most.

However, since Zhu Yuanzhang had already thought of this, it was obvious that he must be shaking in his heart, but the habitual trust he had maintained for a long time made him subconsciously unwilling to doubt Emperor Ming.

"My lord, for the sake of my lord's safety, I suggest that my lord should go back to Xuzhou first."

Zhu Yunxuan tentatively suggested, but the result was not as he expected. Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head decisively, without even thinking about it, and said directly: "I can't go. If I leave now, the marriage between Qin and Ming will be destroyed." It's a foregone conclusion, and Daming will definitely split."

"But this matter, not only the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, but even His Majesty has already agreed. Even if you stay, my lord, what's the use?"

Hearing what Zhu Yunqi said, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes were full of struggles, but he said firmly in an instant: "I'm going to see His Majesty right now. If I don't hear what His Majesty said in person, I will never believe it is true."

Zhu Yunwen was in a hurry when he heard this, and going to see Emperor Ming at this time, isn't this courting death?

"My lord, I can't go..."

Before the words were finished, a guard came to report: "Report to the lord, the military division has launched a spy, and there is an urgent secret message from eight hundred miles."

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Submit it quickly."


Zhu Yuanzhang took the letter quickly, but his face changed drastically after seeing the contents of the letter.

Fan Zeng wrote everything he analyzed in the letter, and bluntly said that he had cooperated with Qin Hao long before Zhang Jiao fell, so Qin Hao would let Zhang Liang and the other four return to Daming, and this time the marriage between Qin and Ming was the result of Zhang Jiao's marriage. The benefits promised to Qin Hao.

After reading Fan Zeng's letter, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly became enlightened, and many puzzles in his heart were solved. After all, besides the late Zhang Jiao, who else could make Emperor Ming commit himself to marry his enemy?

"Master, Master, since you have entrusted your hope to your apprentice, why can't you fully trust your apprentice, and you still want to leave behind Qin Hao?" Zhu Yuanzhang said sadly to himself.

Master Zhang Jiao is the person Zhu Yuanzhang respects the most. He always thought that Zhang Jiao absolutely trusted him, so he entrusted Emperor Ming and Daming to him, but the fact is obviously not the case.

Zhang Jiao also bet on both sides. He chose two successors at the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang and Qin Hao, and the competition between the two was also fair.

In the original Central Plains War, if Zhu Yuanzhang could defeat the big Han and keep Ming's power in the Central Plains, then the agreement with Qin Hao would be invalidated, and he would be the one who married and became Emperor Ming. On the contrary, if he failed, Qin Hao would be fulfilled.

In short, no matter what the process is, the one who wins in the end is Zhang Jiao's real successor.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhu Yuanzhang recognized Zhang Jiao's true face. He was really cunning.

But Zhu Yuanzhang would not hate Zhang Jiao because of this. After all, the old man was planning for Daming when he was dying, and won a chance for Daming. It was only because of his own incompetence that he activated his master's last backhand.

Zhu Yuanzhang is naturally unwilling to fulfill Qin Hao and let Qin Hao rule the world, because he has his own ambitions, so even if Zhang Jiaofu stands in front of him to persuade him, he will never give up his ambition and love to fulfill others.

"Master, this disciple will never give Daming to outsiders."

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes were full of determination, and he handed the letterhead to Zhu Yunqi casually, and said: "Let the dark sons find out immediately, who are the pro-Qin faction in the Ming court, we must find out in the shortest possible time."


Although Zhu Yunqi was a little confused, he still nodded and agreed.

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang turned his head and went directly to the palace. He also knew that this trip must be a narrow escape, but he had a reason to go.

Although Fan Zeng speculated that Zhang Jiao was the source of the incident from a small piece of information, there are still many unsolved mysteries, and the biggest question in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind is what is the relationship between Emperor Ming and Qin Hao?
Zhang Jiao has been dead for many years. Although the situation he set up while he was alive has some influence on Emperor Ming, but in terms of binding force, it will never be so great that he sacrifices himself, so why is Emperor Ming still willing to follow Zhang Jiao What about the arrangement?

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't know these secrets, so he had to question Emperor Ming himself in order to find out.

Although entering the palace this time seems to be dangerous, Zhu Yuanzhang thinks it is safe and sound. After all, if he is killed, the Ming Dynasty will immediately split, and his subordinates will support his son Zhu Di to completely break with the Ming court and break with the Qin Dynasty. It will only be the Ming army in Jizhou that will unite.

Therefore, at least before the military power was taken back, Zhu Yuanzhang believed that he was still safe.

I have to say that Zhu Yuanzhang took it for granted, but his behavior of fighting the fire with salary was still very courageous, but in the end, he might be burned instead of saving the fire.

 As soon as it was updated, thanks to the book friend Moro Motuo for the reward of 10000 starting coins, the reward and the addition have accumulated to two chapters again. There was still one chapter to be finished, but it turned out to be more, and I don’t know if it will be completed before the end of the month Can't finish it.Next, there are more recommended tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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