Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 155 Burning Yanmen Pass

Chapter 155 Burning Yanmen Pass
Chapter 154: Burning Yanmen Pass
You must know that the foundation of the entire Yanmen Pass, and even within a radius of [-] meters outside the pass, is full of coal and stone underground, and the amount of engineering and the demand for coal and stone is absolutely indescribable!
Asking where there is more coal in China is like asking people which excavator school is stronger.The coal mines on the land of Sanjin, like the salt mines on the Qaidam Basin, can be said to be everywhere.

Yanmen County is located in the land of Sanjin, so coal resources are also extremely rich, and Qin Hao, who is a traveler, how could he let go of this great weapon.

Under the leadership of Qin Hao, the Qin family had already discovered two large coal mines, several medium-sized coal mines, and a dozen small coal mines, but none of them had been developed on a large scale.

The profit brought by coal is too great. If the world is not in chaos, it will be announced to the world. With the strength of the Qin family, it is impossible to keep this golden mountain, so it is not excavated just to save it for later use.

When Qin Wen rebuilt Yanmen Pass, at Qin Hao's suggestion, the foundation of Yanmen Pass was paved with coal and stone, and a large amount of coal was added to the inner wall of the city wall, and then many arson passages were deliberately reserved.

There is only one purpose for doing this, that is, in case one day he can't keep Yanmen Pass, Qin Hao would rather burn the entire Yanmen than leave it to the Huns.

It's just that Qin Hao didn't expect that Wang Meng also happened to know the role of coal and stone, and was aware of his entire plan only through a little detail.

However, Wang Meng only partially revised Qin Hao's original plan, and turned this helpless last-ditch effort into the key to victory in completely annihilating the enemy's army!


Yanmen Pass.

One of the captains who went to stop the fire fighting rushed up to the tower in a panic, and said to Hu Chuquan: "King Zuo Xian, something is bad."

Hu Chuquan frowned and said impatiently, "What's wrong?"

Since the fire broke out in the Guan, Hu Chuquan has not heard a good news.

"The fire in the city can't be put out, and it's burning more and more fiercely!" The commander Wan said eagerly.

"What?" Hu Chuquan said with a different expression, "How could such a thing happen?"

"Go and have a look."

"Okay, take this king to have a look."

When Hu Chuquan got off the city tower, he saw that the fire in the city was not only not extinguished, but was getting more and more intense. He couldn't help but be surprised: "What is going on here?"

"The last commander doesn't know either, this fire seems to be burning up from the ground, and no matter how you pour it, it won't go out! Pour a pot of water, and it turns into water vapor after two sips. After a while, just poured it. The place where it was extinguished still burst into red flames. It's a goddamn evil."

"How could this be?" Hu Chuquan was in a state of surprise when King Zuoguli shouted again behind him.

"Look, King Zuo Xian, look!"

"What's wrong?" Hu Chuquan turned around impatiently, and immediately took a breath of cold air as far as his eyes could see, and said in disbelief, "This ~ how could this happen?"

After such a short time, the inside of the city was not bad, and the fire outside the city had become more and more violent, and even red flames rose from the ground and went straight to the sky. very large.

The wind is helping the fire, and the flames are getting higher and higher. Suddenly, the faint circle of fire has burned into a sea of ​​fire.

On the city tower a hundred steps away, Huchuquan could also faintly feel the heat wave sent by the wind.

"There's something wrong with this situation! According to this situation, maybe it will really burn into the city." Hu Chuquan wiped the sweat on his forehead and said solemnly: "Take a few people down the rope to see if this fire is actually How did it burn? There is not even a grass outside the city. Qin Hao can't burn such a big fire with such a kind of fire."

"As ordered." The commander-in-chief agreed, and immediately went to look for the rope.

On the other hand, King Youguli asked anxiously: "What about the fire in the city?"

"Ah, in the city?" Hu Chuquan patted his forehead impatiently. Now, no matter the fire outside the city is bigger than that in the city, in Hu Chuquan's opinion, the fire in the city is better to solve.

Hu Chuquan forced himself to calm down and said loudly: "While the fire is not big now, find more people, find more water, and control the fire first."

"Uh, obey." After another commander agreed, he hurried away.

Several strong-bodied soldiers went down the ropes to the outside of the city, and within a few dozen steps, they were forced back by the violent fire and the choking smoke.

Standing at the root of the city wall, King Youguli raised his head and shouted hoarsely to Huchuquan: "The fire is so fierce, the brothers can't get close at all."

Seeing this, Hu Chuquan said helplessly, "Come up first, and let's talk about everything after dawn."


After hearing Wang Meng's answer, Zhang Liao looked surprised. He thought that Wang Meng was thinking that winning a battle was a battle, but he didn't expect that the other party even considered Xianbei.

Wang Meng smiled slightly and continued: "Xianbei is good at Shanyu Shihuai, and although the new Shanyu Helian succeeds smoothly, his prestige is not enough to convince all the Xianbei tribes, whether it is Bu Dugen, Kirby Neng or Su Li. He won't obey him, and he won't give up all his strength, so Helian must have been busy with internal struggles in the past few years, so he has no time to take care of him."

Zhang Liao opened his mouth to refute, but he didn't know where to start. After a while, he sighed and said, "Mr. talented, Zhang Liao bows!"

Wang Meng smiled indifferently, he didn't care, he showed the demeanor of an expert!
"There is another important reason why I dare to persuade the lord to burn down Yanmen Pass, that is, I am sure that it will rebuild Yanmen Pass within three months after the destruction and replacement, and the defensive power of Yanmen Pass, which has been reborn from ashes, will be stronger than before."

Wang Meng also knew that his plan to set fire to Yanmen Pass made many veterans who had deep feelings for Yanmen dissatisfied with him, so he exploded another big killer, which was also the biggest reason why Qin Hao finally agreed to set fire to the pass.

All the generals were in disbelief when they heard this. You must know that the rebuilding of Yanmen Pass received support from all over the country, and the 20 soldiers and civilians of Yanmen entered the battle and fought continuously for ten months before the reconstruction was finally completed.

But Wang Meng now said that the ten-month amount would be reduced to three months. How could this be possible!

Wang Meng didn't expect anyone to immediately believe his shocking words, and explained slowly: "Have you forgotten another purpose of our trip?"

"Recover the three counties in the North and Central China!" After hearing this, some of the generals immediately exclaimed.

"Everyone, Yu Fuluo has almost emptied the garrison of the three north-central counties. Now the three counties of Dingxiang, Yunzhong and Wuyuan have a total of less than [-] defenders. As long as we win this battle, the three north-central counties will be at our fingertips. ." Wang Meng said confidently, but the Yanmen generals did not understand.

What does the recovery of the three central and northern counties have to do with the reconstruction of Yanmen Pass?
When Lu Bu, who was standing beside Qin Hao, heard this, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes. The temptation to regain the three north-central counties was too great. If possible, he would like to take the credit exclusively.

 [Thanks to Flame Valley, Jack River, beachboyscb and others for their rewards, there are three chapters today, this is Chapter 2, please subscribe, monthly pass! 】

(End of this chapter)

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