Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 165 The special event of famous ministers of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 165 The special event of famous ministers of the Northern Song Dynasty
Chapter 164: A Special Session for Famous Prime Ministers of the Northern Song Dynasty
What is the Great War?
What is the Great War?
Only wars with more than 20 combatants are eligible to be called great battles, such as the 'Battle of Guandu', 'Battle of Chibi' and 'Battle of Yiling', etc.

Qin Hao presided over the 'Battle of Yanmen Pass', which included seven major battles, including the defense of the city gate, the war of Yinguan suppression of rebellion, the battle of Qin Liangyu's defense of the city, the battle of Da Po Temujin, the battle of Yue Fei's defense of the city, the burning of Yanmen Pass and the ambush of Donglongkou. inside.

In this battle, Qin Hao can be described as racking his brains, with countless calculations, and constant conspiracies, and finally crippled the Huns, but the scale of the war barely reached the minimum number of people required for a major battle.

So how can a war like the Great War that can destroy a country in one battle can be launched at will?
Launching a big battle requires not only an opportunity, but also a strong enough strength, and many other factors...

Besides, the war has already been fought to such an extent that it is not bad to be able to win, who can still consider the rating?
Therefore, this 'war mission', not to mention tasteless, is of little significance to Qin Hao in a short period of time. It is difficult for Qin Hao to obtain those rewards, including the golden summoning card.

"Ding dong... During the battle of Yanmen Pass, the host fought seven battles in one month, and eliminated 18 Huns, more than [-] rebels, and less than [-] casualties. Therefore, the score of this battle is SS, and a silver summoning card is specially rewarded. .”

"The ten-to-one casualty ratio can't get an SSS rating?" Qin Hao sucked in a breath and said disappointedly: "This SSS rating is a bit sad, right?"

Gold Summoning can summon the top talents in the designated comprehension. Guiguzi is summoned by the Gold Summoning Card, while the Silver Summoning is a little weaker. Although it is also very precious, it is much worse than the Gold Summoning Card.

Qin Hao originally thought that he could get a gold summoning card in this battle, but the result was only silver, and he was naturally disappointed.

"The ten-to-one casualty ratio can naturally be rated at the SSS level."

The system elf also saw Qin Hao's disappointment, so he explained: "But the battle of Yanmenguan barely reached the standard of the big battle, and the SS grade is the limit."

"So it is!"

Qin Hao couldn't help but feel a lot better when he heard it. It's not that the battle was not good enough, but the scale was not big enough!

"If it's a big battle with a scale of 30 to 40, and the host can also play a casualty ratio of one to ten, then the golden summoning card is absolutely stable."

Qin Hao couldn't help rolling his eyes, it's really like winning a battle and playing, saying that if you win, you can win!

"Summon, I want to use a silver summoning card, the designated area is..."

Qin Hao had used the Gold Summoning Card before, so this time he used it with ease, but before Qin Hao could finish his words, the System Elf interrupted Qin Hao.

"The host had better not use the silver summoning card so quickly!"


Qin Hao wondered: "Why?"

"Doesn't the host feel that the threshold for ordinary summoning is a bit too low?"

When Qin Hao heard this, he suddenly became contemplative.

"Really, as long as there are enough summon points, you can activate the peak summon at will. This is really not like the style of the system!"

"The system is currently at level 10, and at level 15, both the system and me, the system wizard, will undergo major changes.

At that time, not only will the system function change greatly, but the balance system will also change, and even the summoning rules will also change. "

"That's what you said." Qin Hao heard it and said solemnly: "Then after level [-]..."

"Yes, after level [-], it may not be so easy for the host to initiate a peak summon!"

The system elf looked more serious than ever before, and said solemnly: "Take advantage of the fact that there are no restrictions now, the host should use a few more normal summons, anyway, you can't escape the silver summon card."

"Makes sense!"

Qin Hao nodded and said, "Use three hundred summoning points to make three peak summons, and the first is a political summon!"

The reason for calling for political talents is because Qin Hao will soon regain the three north-central counties, and after winning the three counties, the biggest problem the Yanmen Army faces is how to govern.

The three north-central counties were mixed with Han and Hu people, and the population of Hu people was still higher than that of Han people. Moreover, there were still some problems such as rebuilding Yanmen Pass, large immigration, and farmland. If the political attributes were not high enough, they would definitely not be able to cope with these problems.

Although Wang Meng can do it, it would be a bit too wasteful for an all-rounder like Wang Meng to govern the place, so Qin Hao definitely wants to take Wang Meng by his side.

"The host's first two summons were by force, so political summons can be made... The summoning begins!"

"Ding Dong, Character 1, Reform Wang Anshi, Commander 70, Force 53, Intelligence 87, Politics 98, Charm 91."

Wang Anshi is not only a famous official, but also a great writer. Qin Hao remembers plagiarizing his poems. As for which one?Qin Hao copied too much and forgot.

However, Wang Anshi, who advocated reforms and greatly increased the national strength of the Northern Song Dynasty, did not break the political level, which made Qin Hao a little different.

This is estimated to be the gap between success and failure. If Wang Anshi's reform is successful, at least Zhang Juzheng is on the same level!Qin Hao sighed inwardly.

"Character 2, Prime Minister Pang Ji of the Northern Song Dynasty, Commander 66, Force 45, Intelligence 81, Politics 95, Charm 83."

This Pang Ji is not the Pang Taishi in "Bao Qingtian". Pang Ji is actually quite miserable. He has been seriously blackened by the novel, so that when he mentions Pang Taishi, he will be reminded of him, but Pang Ji's original brilliance is ignored.

"Character 3, Fan Zhongyan, a famous official of the Northern Song Dynasty, 85 in command, 71 in force, 90 in intelligence, 96 in politics, and 92 in charm."

Fan Zhenggong, Fan Zhongyan, who 'worries about the world before the world's worries, and enjoys it after the world's pleasures', is a rare all-rounder who can fight, govern, and write poetry.

However, Fan Zhongyan's political achievement of 96 was beyond Qin Hao's expectations. Qin Hao did not remember Fan Zhongyan's political achievements.

In fact, what Qin Hao didn't know was that Fan Zhongyan once put forward ten reform measures in "Answering Bulletin of Chen Ten Things", and the results were very good, which shows his high political ability.

"Character 4, famous minister of the Northern Song Dynasty Han Qi, Commander 81, Force 61, Intelligence 79, Politics 95, Charm 83."

This person, Qin Hao, also knows that Han Qi and Fan Zhongyan once defended Xixia together, and they were famous for a while, and they were called "Han Fan" at that time.

"Character 5, famous minister of the Northern Song Dynasty Kou Zhun, Commander 86, Force 59, Intelligence 83, Politics 97, Charm 89."

Kou Zhun who signed the 'League of Chanyuan' also came out.Qin Hao thought to himself.

When the Khitan invaded the Song Dynasty in the south, Emperor Zhenzong wanted to escape, but Kou Zhun urged Zhenzong to conquer himself and resolutely opposed the move to the south.

Afterwards, Kou Zhun persuaded Zhenzong, and after Zhenzong arrived in Chanzhou, the army gradually stabilized and shot and killed the pioneer of the Liao army, Tallan, and thus established the famous "Chanyuan Alliance".

 [Thanks to flying Pisces 369, hd gift, tail of Pisces and book friends 2460******63 for monthly tickets.Guess who will be summoned this time?Let’s talk about it, your opinions can change Liu Xiang’s decision! 】

(End of this chapter)

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