Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1701 Yuan Tan Kills Yuan Shang with Tears

Chapter 1701 Yuan Tan Kills Yuan Shang with Tears
Chapter 1699: Yuan Tan beheads Yuan Shang with tears

"But finally left."

As soon as Gao Chong left, Zheng Lun and Chen Qi fell off their horses and lay on the ground gasping for breath.

In front of Gao Chong just now, Zheng Lun and Chen Qi did not dare to do this. After all, if Gao Chong sees through the truth, even if Zhang Kui and Nangong Changwan are present, they will be in danger.

Zhang Kui and Nangong Changwan's injuries were lighter than Zheng Lun and Chen Qi's, but neither of them looked very good.

In the beginning, Zhang Kui and Nangong Changwan were able to fight Gao Chong on a par with Gao Chong, but with the addition of Zheng Lun and Chen Qi, the four of them could even suppress Gao Chong.

Everything was going well at first, Zhang Kui thought that this battle was a sure win, but he didn't expect Gao Chong to explode suddenly.

The high pet with a force of 133, with the increase of the 'Holy Emperor', his force increased to 135.

Although it was only two more points, the battle situation was completely different.

Under the siege of the four generals before, Gao Chong was at a disadvantage, but with this 2-point increase, Gao Chong had no pressure at all when he hit four, and the situation was completely reversed. From this, it can be seen that the later the force Every point of increase is precious.

"Close the city gate immediately and reoccupy the city tower." Zhang Kui ordered in a deep voice.

Because the Qin army retreated on its own initiative, the defenders in the city suffered almost no casualties, and took back the tower that had been fought for several hours, but the tower at the east gate was already in a mess.

After Zhang Kui closed the city gate, he climbed up the city tower again, but when he witnessed the tragic situation on the city tower, he was completely stunned.

As far as Zhang Kui could see, there were almost all the corpses of his own people, and none of the defense equipment was intact. Ninety-five percent of the defense equipment were destroyed by the Qin army.

"Report, my lord, Dongmen lost 56 catapults and 334 bed crossbows..." Zhang Kui reported with an ugly face.

"Report, report to King Han that Ximen lost 49 catapults and 294 bed crossbows..." Yuan Hong Hui reported with an extremely ugly face.

After hearing these reports, Han Xin felt a little dizzy in his dark pocket.

More than [-]% of the defense equipment at the east and west gates were damaged at one time. Even if all the defense equipment stored in the warehouse were moved out, it would still not be enough to fill such a big hole.

Han Xin tried his best to maintain a calm look, and asked, "How many soldiers were lost in total?"

Hearing this, Yuan Hong and Zhang Kui also looked at Jushou. After a little thought, Jushou replied truthfully: "According to statistics, our army suffered a total of 430 casualties in this battle."

Hearing this, Han's confidence trembled. There were only 12 defenders in Ye City, but more than 1 were lost at one time, and the defenses of the east and west gates were all destroyed. How can they defend this?

Han Xin suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked tremblingly, "What about Qin Jun?"

"Only 320 corpses of the Qin army were found."

Hearing this, Han Xin suddenly smiled miserably.

The number of defenders in the city was obviously more than that of the Qin army that entered the city. As a result, the Qin army on the attacking side only suffered [-] casualties, while the coalition army defending the city died more than [-].

What kind of battle is this called?

Han Xin felt so aggrieved for the first time.

For such a huge loss, someone must stand up and take responsibility, and who is the person who caused all this?Of course it was Yuan Shang.

Taishoufu, in the hall.

Han Xin and Yuan Tan looked at each other, and both saw killing intent in each other's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Hong carried Yuan Shang in like a chicken, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ah, it hurts so much, take it easy..."

Yuan Shang wailed in pain, and then saw the elder brother Yuan Tan with a livid face.

Yuan Shang couldn't help but suddenly knelt down and kowtowed, and begged for mercy: "Brother, I know I was wrong, I beg you to spare my life."

Seeing that Yuan Tan still had a cold face and didn't say a word, Yuan Shang rolled his eyes and said again: "It's Yuan Xi, it's Yuan Xi who wants to become the King of Zhao, that's why he bewitched my younger brother to fight against you, my younger brother is also a lard fool." I made up my mind and believed Yuan Xi's nonsense for a while, that's why I caused a catastrophe, please give me another chance, my brother will never dare to do it again..."

Before Yuan Shang finished speaking, Yuan Tan's face became distorted, and he shouted violently: "Enough."

Yuan Tan couldn't sit still anymore, he walked straight down, and slapped Yuan Shang on the face, half of Yuan Shang's face was swollen from the slap.

After a slap, Yuan Tan slapped three more times, and roared: "Obviously you bewitched your second brother, and after the incident, in order to monopolize the benefits, you attacked and killed your own brother, who is a mother and compatriot, and now you are making your mistake All pushed to the dead Yuan Xi.

Yuan Shang, why are you so vicious at such a young age? "

Yuan Shang was a little stunned by Yuan Tan's beating, but when he heard Yuan Tan say that Yuan Xi was killed by him, he was shocked instantly.

The other Yuan Shang can recognize it, but only the matter of killing his second brother Yuan Xi with his own hands, Yuan Shang can't recognize it anyway, otherwise he will surely die.

"No, the second brother loves me the most. How could I kill the second brother? The second brother died in the melee."

Yuan Shang defended himself anxiously, and those who didn't know really thought how much wronged he had suffered.

Seeing this, Yuan Tan also had doubts in his eyes. He also felt that Yuan Shang didn't seem to be lying. Could it be that he was really wronged?
Seeing Yuan Tan's hesitation, Han Xin stood up and said, "Yuan Shang, I knew you wouldn't admit it, so I'll convince you to death today.

Lift it up. "

After saying that, a corpse was carried in by two soldiers, and Yuan Shang's pupils shrank suddenly after the white cloth was lifted. It was the corpse of his second brother Yuan Xi who he hadn't had time to clean up.

Han Xin turned Yuan Xi's body over, pointed to the wound on his back, and said calmly: "Although Yuan Xi has many wounds on his body, the fatal wound is the sword on his back.

Let me ask, who can make Yuan Xi defenseless and give Yuan Xi a fatal sword behind his back? "

Hearing this, Yuan Tan's complexion became ugly. It was obvious that no one could do it except Yuan Shang.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yuan Shang quickly argued: "Han Xin, you must have evidence for what you say. Even if the second brother's fatal wound is on the back, it still cannot prove that I stabbed it? Who saw it?"

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Shang opened his mouth wide, unable to utter a single word.

Yuan Shang saw Han Xin pull out the sword in his hand, and this sword was Yuan Shang's saber, and he killed his own brother with this sword.

"Yuan Shang, you don't know this sword, do you? This is your sword, but it matches the wound on Yuan Xi's body. Now you dare to say that you didn't kill Yuan Xi?" Han Xin shouted violently.

 At the second watch, six chapters are still owed...

(End of this chapter)

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