Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1703 I know I was wrong, dare to do it next time

Chapter 1703 I know I was wrong, dare to do it next time
Chapter 1701: I know I was wrong, dare to do it next time
Although Han Xin wanted to take Qin Hao directly, but after all, the good opportunity had been missed, no matter how much he regretted it, it would be of no avail, so he could only put aside the matter of Qin Hao first, and carefully consider what the defenders of Yecheng should do.

"The defense facilities at the east and west gates were all destroyed by Qin Hao by more than [-]%."

Han Xin's eyes were full of pain, and he asked, "If we take out all the spare equipment in the treasury, how many vacancies can be filled?"

Although Yecheng was South Korea's territory at the beginning, it was occupied by Yuan Shao after all. Now, although Han Xin is the nominal general of the coalition army, the ownership of Yecheng still belongs to Zhao State.

Hearing Han Xin's question about the treasury, Xun Kan, who was in charge of the treasury, stood up and replied: "This time, the loss of the east and west gates is too great. Even if all the spare equipment in the treasury is taken out, it is not enough to fill a city. There are loopholes in the defense of the gate, not to mention that the east and west gates are in urgent need of defensive equipment."

Yuan Tan became impatient when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "The equipment that has been destroyed, if it is repaired, can it be used again?"

Han Xin replied with a wry smile, "Even if the leader of the Gong family came to him, he couldn't fix it."

Yuan Tan was taken aback, and asked, "Why?"

"It's all burned to slag, how to repair it?"


Yuan Tan showed a clear look, and then said angrily: "Qin Jun is really too ruthless, this is not leaving us a way to survive."

At night, although the defenders in the city repelled the attack of the Qin army, the defensive equipment at the east and west gates were also completely destroyed. How should the defenders resist the attack of the Qin army after dawn?
At this point, everyone present fell into silence, even a wise man like Tian Feng Jushou Xun Kan couldn't think of a solution to the problem.

This is an unsolvable problem!
After Han Xin pondered for a long time, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, then he looked at Yuan Tan and said in thought, "I have a strategy, which may save the entire army, but the price is too high. I wonder if King Zhao is willing to implement it?"

Yuan Tan's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly asked, "King Han, please tell me."

"Abandon Yecheng." Han Xin said in a deep voice.


As soon as this remark came out, everyone present except Tian Feng exclaimed.

"Abandon Yecheng?"

Yuan Tan widened his eyes even more, subconsciously shook his head and said, "No, absolutely not."

Following the two major defeats of Beihai and Julu, Zhao's land in western Hebei and Qingbei has basically been swallowed up by the Qin army, and now Yecheng is Zhao's only remaining territory.

If they were abandoning Yecheng, the third largest city in the world, Zhao would have no more land in Hebei, and even if they could keep their troops, they would not be able to last long.

Yuan Tan is not an idiot, and he can see the pros and cons of it, so he resolutely refused: "Yecheng is the last territory of my country of Zhao. If I abandon it, my country of Zhao will also be tantamount to subjugation, so absolutely not."

Not only Yuan Tan objected, but also most civil and military personnel in Zhao State, especially Yuan Hong glared at Han Xin, only Tian Feng and Xun Kan frowned, looking thoughtful.

Han Xin seemed not at all surprised by the reaction of Zhao's monarchs and ministers, shaking his head and said: "The survival of Zhao is not determined by Yecheng, but by you.

Even if the city of Ye is lost, as long as you and others are still alive, the State of Zhao will still be there.

But if you are gone, even if Yecheng is still there, Zhao Guo will still perish. "

Hearing Han Xin's words, Yuan Tan looked thoughtful, but Tian Feng and Xun Kan had a flash of firmness in their eyes at the same time.

Tian Feng stood up and said: "My lord, King Han is right, abandon Yecheng.

If we were in Yecheng and were taken over by the Qin army, then Zhao Guo would really die. "

Xun Kan also stood up and said, "Besides, there are not many defensive supplies in Yecheng. Even if the defensive equipment at the east and west gates is not damaged, we can only hold on for another month at most."

Yuan Tan still hesitated, and asked, "Does it have to be abandoned in order to survive?"

"King Zhao made a mistake. Even if you abandon Yecheng, you may not be able to survive."

Han Xin shook his head, and then continued: "But if you continue to defend Yecheng, you will definitely lose sooner or later.

Leaving aside the destruction of the defensive equipment for the time being, Su Dingfang will be able to wipe out Western Hebei in just half a month. When the 30 elite Qin troops return, we will have to face more than [-] Qin troops. "

After these words, all the generals of Zhao Guo who were still making noise just now fell silent.

More than 30 Qin troops, what a huge number, how long can they last with nearly 11 defenders alone?
"Withdrawing now, we can still leave. If we wait for Su Dingfang to come back, it will be too late even if King Zhao wants to withdraw." Han Xin said solemnly.

Hearing this, Yuan Tan's face became even more troubled. After hesitating for a long time, he said, "King Han, please let me think about it."

Seeing that this failed to convince Yuan Tan, Han Xin felt extremely helpless, and sighed: "King Zhao, please hurry up, time waits for no one, if you can't make up your mind within half a day, this king can only lead the army alone Leaving Yecheng."

Of course, Han Xin said this to force Yuan Tan. After all, even if he led the army to break through, without the help of Zhao Jun, and only relying on the weak Han Jun, it would be a matter of time before he was annexed by Qin Jun.

Among the 12 defenders in Ye City before, the Zhao army accounted for [-], and the Han army only had [-].

After the night attack by the Qin army, the defenders suffered more than [-] casualties, and now there are [-] Zhao troops and [-] Han troops left.

Although in northern Hebei, Han Xin still had [-] troops, but under the iron hooves of the Qin Army's hundreds of thousands of troops, this amount of troops basically did not have much effect.

Han Xin had to persuade Yuan Tan to lead the [-] Zhao army to withdraw with him, so that he could continue to survive in northern Hebei.

Hearing what Han Xin said, Yuan Tan also realized the seriousness of the problem, nodded heavily and said: "This king understands, and I will definitely give King Han an answer within half a day."


Different from the gloomy side of the coalition army, the Qin army, which had won another big battle, was completely cheering. In the eyes of everyone, Yecheng was already in the bag.

"Wen Yuan, I heard that your performance after killing the tower is very eye-catching, come and talk to the brothers." Xue Rengui said jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah, talk to the brothers."

With Xu Huang taking the lead, all the generals booed one after another.

Zhang Liao rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Get out, everyone, come to see Lao Tzu's jokes.

Just wait, next time you make a fool of yourself and see how I can laugh at you. "

"Ha ha……"

Hearing this, all the generals laughed.


Seeing this, Zhang Liao snorted coldly, turned his head to one side, and ignored these heartless guys.

At the same time, Qin Hao was also blocked by Bai Qi, Zhang Liang, Guo Jia and others, all of whom were accusing Qin Hao of not putting himself in danger.

"My lord, you are no longer a teenager, how can you still be so impulsive?" Bai Qi said.

After being repeatedly accused for half an hour, Qin Hao really didn't want to continue, so he could only take the initiative to admit his mistake: "This time it is indeed my fault. This king knows my mistake, and I will definitely not do it next time."

Seeing Qin Hao take the initiative to admit his mistake, Bai Qi, Zhang Liang and others looked at each other in blank dismay. After all, just by looking at the lord's appearance, they knew that he would definitely dare to do this next time.

 Guaranteed one more...

(End of this chapter)

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