Chapter 1711 Flying Daggers (End)

Chapter 1709: Flying Daggers (final)


Han Xin was completely stunned after witnessing the scene in front of him. He couldn't believe that the Qin army would be in the north and ambush his breakout army in front of the gate of South Korea, which completely overturned all his previous speculations.

Qin's division of troops to the east, west, and south was a false move. The purpose was to prevent him from breaking out in those three directions, and to lead him to break out to the north where his thinking was blind.

At this thought, Han Xin's face was full of shock and bitterness, he smiled wryly and said to himself: "Bai Qi, Zhang Liang, you guys are so scheming."

Han Xin never thought that Zhang Liang would know him so well, even he himself didn't know how he would react when he knew there were ambushes on the three sides, but Zhang Liang could predict it and make arrangements in advance.

Immediately, Han Xin was puzzled again. The main force of the Qin army was obviously behind and had already been thrown away. Then where did these ambushes come from?Could it be that Su Dingfang has led the army back again?

As soon as this idea came up, Han Xin killed it immediately. After all, it is not close from Bohai to Yecheng. If Su Dingfang really came back, it is impossible for him not to receive any news.

Han Xin looked around, and based on visual estimation, the ambush soldiers in all directions had at least more than [-] troops.

There were more than 20 Qin troops chasing before, and more than 30 ambushes in front of them, but the total strength of the Qin army in Yecheng was only a little over [-]. It is impossible to mobilize more than [-] troops?
Suddenly, a dangerous idea appeared in Han Xinxin's head, that is, the pursuers of the Qin army behind were likely to be suspicious soldiers, and the ambushes suddenly appearing in all directions in front of him were the real main force of the Qin army.

After withdrawing from Yecheng, due to fear of being overtaken by the Qin army, the Han and Zhao armies fled all the way north, not daring to relax at all, and did not dare to have direct contact with the Qin army chasing north. Means huge casualties.

Even Han Xin can only judge the specific number of people who came to pursue them through the flag and momentum, but this does not guarantee that there is no mistake at all.

Seeing these more than [-] ambush soldiers with his own eyes, Han Xin immediately realized that the ones behind were actually ambush soldiers, pretending to be the main force to confuse himself. The real main force of the Qin army had already gone north, waiting for him to come to his door.

"Damn it, this was a trap from the very beginning."

Han Xin gritted his teeth and said, with his heart hanging in his throat, he knew that the [-] coalition army might be in danger, after all, he was tricked by Zhang Liang and Bai Qi from the very beginning, God knows how many other backers they have?
"My lord, what should we do now?" Gao Ming asked in a panic.

"King Han, hurry up and think of a way." Yuan Tan also shouted anxiously.

At this point, Yuan Tan has completely panicked and doesn't know what to do, and the only thing he relies on is Han Xin.

Han Xin is worthy of being one of the top commanders in the world, he soon woke up from the shock, and immediately began to think about ways to get out of trouble.

[Han Xin's skill 'Soldier Immortal' activates, effect 1, activates, commander +2 when he leads an army of 105, and the current commander of Han Xin rises to [-];]

[Gaoming Gaojue combination skill 'Eyes and Ears' effect 2 activates to increase the commander-in-chief above 100 by 1 commander-in-chief, and the current commander-in-chief of Han Xin has risen to 106. 】

Due to the urgency of the situation, there was no time for Han Xin to think about it. He had to stabilize the army first, block the offensive of the Qin army, and then find another way to break through.

Taking advantage of the fact that the two sides had not yet engaged in hand-to-hand combat, Han Xin quickly yelled and ordered: "Hold on, hold on, step forward with the sword and shield, and keep the spearmen behind. You must block the Qin army..."

[Han Xin's skill 'Soldier Immortal' effect 3 activates, the military strength of the generals in the army +2, and increases the combat power and morale of the entire army...

Yuan Hong's basic force is 108, equipment +2, and the current force has risen to 112;

Zhang Kui's basic force is 106, equipment +2, and the current force has risen to 110;

Nangong Changwan has a basic force of 105, equipment +2, and his current force has risen to 109;

Ma Shanwei's basic force is 105, equipment +2, and the current force has risen to 109;

Zheng Lun's basic force...

Chen Qi...]

Han Xin, whose commander reached 106, gave every order correctly, but in this situation, no matter how correct the order was, it still could not prevent the defeat of the army.

Affected by Han Xin's "Bingxian", the morale of the Han-Zhao coalition army has picked up a bit, and the morale of the army has also stabilized a lot, at least it can operate normally.

However, after a few days of full-strength march, the Han-Zhao coalition army was exhausted, at most only [-]% of its usual combat power, even with the increase of soldiers, it still couldn't resist waiting for work, and beat a Qin army who was caught off guard.

Although the ten-sided ambush array arranged by the [-] Qin army belonged to ten directions, it was also divided into left and right sides by the Han Zhao marching team like a long dragon.

The east, that is, the [-] ambush soldiers on the left, is led by five generals Xue Rengui, Jiang Song, Gao Chong, Sun Lingming and Hu Luguang respectively.

In the west, that is, the [-] ambush soldiers on the right are led by Li Jing, Yuwen Chengdu, Huang Feihu, Long Qie, and Zhang Han respectively.

One hundred thousand troops from ten directions, [-] each on the left and right sides, formed the shape of "mountain", and encircled the Han and Zhao armies in the center at the same time.

First of all, the five teams on the left and right, that is, Hu Luguang and Zhang Han at the end of the team, directly blocked the coalition army's supply team and the retreat of the rear army to prevent the Han and Zhao armies from fleeing back to the mountains.

Afterwards, the left and right teams, that is, Xue Rengui and Li Jing, the leaders of the team, led their respective troops to completely block the way forward of the coalition forces.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Song and Yu Wencheng from the second team on the left and right, Gao Chong and Sun Lingming from the third team, Huang Feihu and Long Qi from the fourth team, six troops with a total of [-] troops, like six nails, pierced directly into the left and right sides. The enemy's waist and abdomen divided the [-] Han and Zhao coalition forces into seven sections, so that they could not take care of both ends.


Gao Chong, who took the lead, shouted violently, the gun in his hand was as powerful as a mountain, but any enemy soldiers who appeared around him would be swept away by him immediately and died unexpectedly.

[Highly favored skill 'Violence' effects 1 and 2 are launched in succession, force +7, and greatly boost the morale of one's own side.

At present, the force of Gao Chong has increased by 118, and the overall quality of the Qin army has been partially improved. 】

"Hey, let my old grandson die."

The golden cudgel weighed more than a hundred catties, but in Sun Lingming's hands, it seemed to be nothing. It danced faster and faster, so fast that it couldn't even be seen with the naked eye.

[Sun Lingming's skill 'stick god' activates, force +4, and the current force rises to 116. 】

[Sun Lingming's "fighting" effects 1 and 4 are activated in succession, and his force is +3. At present, Sun Lingming's force has risen to 119, and the morale of all soldiers in the army has increased, their combat power has increased, and their speed has increased...;]

"Ugly, don't be crazy, look at me, Pan Zhong, coming to get you"

Pan Zhong, the former general of Wang Qing's department, was a mid-level general in the Chinese army. Seeing that Sun Lingming had disturbed his own position, he immediately led someone to kill him, and even called Sun Lingming an ugly monster.

A cold light flashed in Sun Lingming's eyes, and with all his strength in his hand, he swung the stick, first directly breaking the big knife in Pan Zhong's hand, and then Pan Zhong's head burst like a watermelon.

Sun Lingming, who easily killed a general, did not stop at all, and the leader continued to charge.

Gao Chong and Sun Lingming of the left and right teams were in charge of attacking and intercepting the central army of the coalition forces, and their task was logically the most difficult.

However, with the increase of Qin Hao's 'Holy Emperor', Gao Chong's 'Violence', and Sun Lingming's 'Fighting', the combat power of the [-] troops in the central region increased dramatically.

The central army of the Han-Zhao coalition army was like tofu. It was directly pierced by the two armies, and then launched a further assault.

Then I saw that Gao Chong's troops rushed from left to right, and Sun Lingming's troops rushed from right to left. The two armies seemed to be in no man's land, and they were the first to cut through the middle army of the Han-Zhao coalition army.

 In the second update, I would like to thank the book friend Xiangyun Huanyue again for the 10000 starting point coins rewarded. At present, a total of 6 chapters are still owed.

(End of this chapter)

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