Chapter 1716

Chapter 1714: I can't do it, son

Although Huang Feihu's aura weakened, the murderous intent in his eyes became even crazier. He was obviously planning to kill Nangong Changwan no matter the cost, in order to avenge the tragic death of his son Huang Tianjue.

Although Nangong Changwan was also injured by Huang Feihu's blow, he had not suffered other injuries before, so even if he was shot by Huang Feihu, it was still within his tolerance.

Seeing that after Huang Feihu got hit by a halberd, his aura quickly weakened, Nangong Changwan immediately laughed maniacally and said: "Huang Feihu, you have been injured, but you still dare to exchange injuries with me, you fight Did you beat me? You can't even protect your own son, you are a waste."

Nangong Changwan's performance not only surprised Long Qi on one side, but even Zhang Kui on the coalition side was stunned, thinking to himself: What's wrong with him?
Nangong Chang Wan Mingming severely injured Huang Feihu, but why did he go crazy instead?

Nangong Changwan has always thought highly of himself, Zhang Kui won the title of the first general of the Han army, and he has already made him regret it, but Han Xin has been suppressing him, so Nangong Changwan dare not go to Zhang Kui. trouble.

Nangong Changwan has always believed that Zhang Kui is not much better than himself, but now he can't even take down Zhang Kui's defeated Huang Feihu, and even fell behind in the confrontation with Huang Feihu. How can Nangong Changwan accept this? ?

Therefore, Nangong Changwan ridiculed and insulted Huang Feihu because he couldn't accept the fact that he was inferior to Huang Feihu and tried everything to cover up his incompetence.

Hearing this, Huang Feihu gritted his teeth angrily, and even his pupils were bloodshot. This was not only hating Nangong Changwan, but also hating himself for being incompetent and unable to kill Nangong Changwan.

Huang Feihu wiped off the blood stains at the corner of his mouth, fixedly stared at Nangong Changwan opposite, and said bitterly: "Nangong Changwan, even if I risk my life today, I will kill you to avenge Jue'er."

Hearing these words, Long Qi couldn't help being secretly anxious. Huang Feihu, who had experienced the pain of losing his son, lost his mind due to the grief and indignation, and even had the idea of ​​dying with Nangong Changwan.

However, it is not easy for Long Qi to stop him. After all, Huang Feihu is just a pile of dry firewood at this time, and he will catch fire at one point. If Long Qie stops him forcefully, he might hate Long Qie.

Nangong Changwan also lost his mind at this time, and yelled frantically: "Then let's see who dies first, kill..."

Nangong Zhang Wancai set off, but Zhang Kui blocked him with his horse.

Seeing this, Nangong Changwan scolded angrily: "Zhang Kui, why are you blocking me? You go and kill Long Qi, and leave Huang Feihu to me to deal with."

Hearing this, Zhang Kui's face became a little ugly, but he still didn't have an attack after all.

Leave it to you to deal with it?Have you dealt with it?
Zhang Kui secretly said in his heart, but said coldly: "They just want to delay the time. If they continue to fight like this, I'm afraid they won't be able to break through again."

Nangong Changwan was awakened suddenly, and looked around, the soldiers who followed them to break out had already suffered more than half of the casualties, and it was true that they could not continue fighting. Once the soldiers were completely lost, they would have to fight alone Ride the breakout.

"I'll spare you this time, and I'll take your dog's head next time." Nangong Changwan said viciously.

After saying that, Nangong Chang didn't turn his head back, and together with Zhang Kui, he rode his horse and went directly to the north to break through.

Before leaving, Zhang Kui took a deep look at Huang Feihu. Just now, Huang Feihu's performance exceeded his expectations. If Huang Feihu also showed such strength when fighting him, he might be the one who lost the battle.

Seeing that Nangong Changwan was about to run, Huang Feihu hurriedly rode his horse, no, he urged the five-colored bull to go after him.

"Master Nangong Wanxiu leave, don't run if you have the guts, and fight me three hundred times again..."

Before the words were finished, a sudden dizziness hit Huang Feihu, and Huang Feihu felt his eyes go dark, and he fell directly from the back of the bull.

"General Huang?"

"Big brother?"

Long Qi and Huang Feibiao turned pale with fright, and hurried forward to check on Huang Feihu's situation, only to find that Huang Feihu fainted because of his serious injuries and grief and anger.

After Long Qi pinched the target for a while, Huang Feihu came back to life automatically, but due to the serious injuries in his body, it was difficult to even pick up the weapon, so it was obvious that he could not continue to participate in the battle.

"Come here, send General Huang down for treatment." Long Qie shouted.

A group of soldiers came to carry Huang Feihu and prepared to leave the battlefield, but Huang Feihu held on to Long Qie's robe tightly and murmured while crying: "General Long, I want revenge, I want revenge."

"Big brother."

Huang Feibiao burst into tears holding the seriously injured Huang Feihu.

Long Qi grabbed Huang Feihu's hand and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, General Huang, the entire Han-Zhao coalition army is in ambushes from all sides, Nangong Changwan cannot escape.

General Huang, please go down to receive treatment first. Even if Long can't avenge the young general Tianjue, Sun Lingming, Gao Chong, Jiang Song and other generals will definitely avenge the general for you. "

Huang Feihu shook his head, and said to Huang Feibiao beside him, "Brother Biao, go and tell Tianhua, Tianlu, and Tianxiang that you must kill Nangong Changwan with your own hands, and avenge Tianjue for your father."

The three brothers Huang Tianhua, Huang Tianlu, and Huang Tianxiang were not under Huang Feihu's command, but stayed with Li Jing in the right team. After all, Li Jing's own strength is not strong, and he can't do without the protection of a general.

"Understood brother, I will definitely pass on the word." Huang Feibiao said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Huang Feihu showed satisfaction, then tilted his head and passed out again.

Huang Feihu suffered heavy blows from Zhang Kui and Nangong Changwan in succession, and had injured his internal organs. He had to hold on until he didn't have an attack. If he didn't treat it in time, the root cause of the disease might be left behind.

Under the protection of the soldiers, Huang Feihu withdrew from the rear camp battlefield.

Since Zhang Kui and Nangong Chang Wan also left, it was difficult for the rear battalion coalition forces, which were already difficult to sustain, to resist without a leader. More than [-]% of the soldiers chose to surrender directly, although [-]% of the soldiers remained People are stubbornly resisting, but obviously it can't affect the overall situation.

Long Qie's younger brother, Long Yang, reported excitedly: "Brother, all the supplies and supplies of the Han and Zhao armies have been seized by our army."

Long Qie nodded, and said decisively: "All are sealed up, and no one can tamper with them."


"Long Yang, I'll leave the back camp to you. Brother, I'm leading the army to support the central army and the front camp." Long Qi said in a deep voice.

Long Yang was overjoyed and said: "No."

Long Qi took Huang Feibiao and one-third of the troops to encircle the Chinese army, but he didn't know that the Chinese army had already been captured by Gao Chong and Sun Lingming's troops.

 At the third watch, there are still a total of ten chapters left, everyone, please don't worry, the final battle is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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