Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1721 This one stick will make you ashes

Chapter 1721 This stick will wipe you out
Chapter 1719: This stick will blow you away
After Dai Li's arrival, he triggered the "Seven Monsters Killing", although it only brought Yuan Hong 1 point of force blessing, but it was a very important point.

With a combat power of 136 points, even if Yuan Hong goes all out, he can only match Jiang Songyuwen Chengdu, and he is still at a disadvantage overall.

With the blessing of this 1 point of force, although Yuan Hong still couldn't get back the disadvantage, at least his strength surpassed the combined force of the two, and he could still push Jiang Song and Yu Wencheng apart with all his strength.


After shouting violently, Yuan Hong exploded suddenly, his veins popped up all over his body, and his skin was flushed. He pushed Jiang Song and Yu Wencheng away at once, and then knocked them back with two consecutive heavy blows.

At the same time, Gao Chong also swung his gun to kill him, and the golden gun in his hand pierced Yuan Hong's heart.

[Highly favored skill 'Brave God' effect 2 activates, force +11, basic force 107, chiseled golden tiger spear +1, green-maned horse +1, holy emperor +2, violence +7, wild god effect 1+6, The current strength has been increased to 135. 】

Explosive fierce generals can increase their strength very quickly, and although Gao Chong doesn't have explosive skills like 'crit strike', his skills are very easy to activate, and his combat power soars to 135 in no time.
Yuan Hongcai broke free from the two generals, Jiang and Song. Before he recovered his strength, Gao Chong's lore came again. He had no time to react, so he could only lean back quickly to avoid it.

Yuan Hong dodged in time. Although he narrowly avoided the shot, his helmet was pierced off by the shot, and his hair was disheveled all of a sudden, which can be described as extremely embarrassing.

Gao Chong missed a blow, but he didn't give up. Under the sharp turn of the spear, he slashed at Yuan Hong's throat fiercely again.

"Damn it, take this stick from me, the ape is lying high."

In the gap between the two horses, Yuan Hong held a stick in both hands, straightened his waist, and had to confront Gao Chong again in a round of head-to-head strength, but was pushed back several meters by both the man and the horse. Behind him, Jiang Song and Yuwen Chengdu called again.

Seeing this, Yuan Hong quickly leaned on the horse's back, avoiding the gunshots from the two at the same time, and then hurriedly jumped into the battle circle, absolutely not giving the three opponents a chance to surround him.

Because of Dai Li's arrival, although Yuan Hong escaped a catastrophe temporarily, the situation he faced did not improve. On the contrary, it became more critical because of Gao Chong's joining, and he was in danger of dying at any time under the siege of the three generals.

Dai Li originally wanted to support Yuan Hong, but even if he wanted to intervene in the top ten battles in the generals list, he would not be able to intervene at all. If he made a rash move, he might drag Yuan Hong down.

"It's despicable, three against one, bullying the few with the more, winning without force."

Seeing that Yuan Hong was going to be unable to hold on anymore, Dai Li immediately put his heart on hold and was ready to go all out. After all, no matter how bad the situation was after he made a move, it was impossible for it to be worse than it is now.

As soon as Dai Licai urged his war horse, he was stopped by Gao Ming who arrived in time.

It is also impossible for Han Xin to send only Dai Liyi to support, and the second general Gao Ming Gaojue is also among them. They are also the last reinforcements Han Xin can send.

"General Dai, do you want to go up and seek death?" Gao Ming shouted.

Dai Li said anxiously: "If you don't support me again, elder brother will really be killed by Jiang Song and the others."

Gao Jue, who had caught up, said: "Then we can't rush forward like this. We can use hidden arrows outside the battle circle to support General Yuan Hong."

"Good idea."

Dai Li's eyes lit up immediately, and then together with Gao Ming Gaojue, he took down the bow and arrow, and the three of them aimed at Jiang Song together, because Jiang Song was the most threatening.

[Ding dong, the effect 3 of the combination skill 'Eyes and Ears' is activated. When it is used as an auxiliary to support other generals in combat, the force of the general of one's own side will increase by 1~5 points.

Yuan Hong's force +3, the current force has risen to 140. 】

huh, huh, huh...

Three iron arrows pierced the sky and came straight to Jiang Song.

Jiang Song was so sharp, he swept away two arrows with one clean shot, and when the remaining arrow was about to hit the throat, Jiang Song grabbed the arrow with his left hand and grabbed it. hand.


Seeing that Jiang Song was catching the arrow with his bare hands, Dai Li and the other three generals were stunned. Although their archery skills were not very high, the strength of the bows they used was not small. next.

Jiang Song didn't care about the sneak attack of Dai Li and the other generals. After glaring at the three of them, he made a sudden force with his left hand, and the iron arrow was broken directly. The meaning of the warning was self-evident.

Gao Jue, who was relatively timid, said with fear on his face: "What should we do? If we continue to shoot arrows, Jiang Song will definitely kill us himself."

Dai Li gritted his teeth, and said: "Brother, if we die in battle, we will die sooner or later. It's just the difference between early death and late death. Keep shooting arrows."

Gao Ming Gaojue pondered for a while, and felt that what Dai Li said was reasonable, so he decided to shoot the arrow together with Dai Li, but before he opened the bow, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Yuan Hong seemed to have been drugged, and suddenly began to show his power, and his momentum rose slowly. Although he still failed to reverse the situation, he was not as weak as before.

140 Yuan Hong VS135 Gao Chong, 135 Yuwen Chengdu, 134 Jiang Song.

"And the cards? It's really not easy."

Yu Wencheng's heart shuddered, and he was startled by Yuan Hong's sudden outburst. Only Li Cunxiao could deal with this kind of combat power. No wonder he was transferred from Bohai all the way to deal with Yuan Hong alone.

"Everyone, be careful of Yuan Hong's final counterattack." Jiang Song said in a deep voice, and the spear in his hand shone even brighter. .

[Jiang Song's skill 'Gun Saint' effect 2 was activated for the last time, force +2, and the current force has risen to 136. 】

"Big brother is mighty, big brother will win..."

Yuan Hong's sudden outburst gave Dai Li a glimmer of hope, and actually cheered Yuan Hong up.

After Yuan Hong heard this, he almost vomited blood. Only he knew his situation. In Yecheng, he displayed the strongest combat power, but he also failed to defeat Jiang Song and Sun Lingming, let alone the current Jiang Song and other three generals?

It was another heavy blow. Although Yuan Hong carried it down, he suffered internal injuries from the shock, and traces of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

Yuan Hong raised his stick against the chiseled golden tiger head spear and phoenix winged gold plate, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Third brother, hurry up and support the other brothers, get Sun Lingming out as soon as possible, and then come support me together."

"Understood, big brother, hold on, little brother will just come..."

Before he finished speaking, Dai Li suddenly changed his expression, and shouted with wide eyes: "Seventh brother..."

As far as Dai Li could see, Yang Xian, the oldest of the seven monsters in Meishan, was directly smashed off by Sun Lingming's stick in his hand, and his head was like a watermelon. Usually it explodes directly.

[Yang Xian died in battle, the combo skill 'Seven Monsters Kill' effect 3 is activated, for every one of the Meishan Seven Monsters killed in battle, the boss Yuan Hong's force will increase by 1 point, currently Yuan Hong's force has risen to 141. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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