Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1723 Monkey King VS4 God of War

Chapter 1723 Monkey King VS Four War Gods

Chapter 1721: Monkey King VS Four War Gods

Both Zheng Lun and Chen Qi are masters of Jiwu 102, and the combo skill 'Hengha Door God' is a rare skill that can be sealed apart from 'Goal God' and 'Double Door God'.

Although Gao Ming and Gao Jue both have first-class strength, they are more rare auxiliary generals. The combined skill 'Eyes and Ears' can not only increase the commander of the main general, but also can further improve the general's force by assisting in the battle.

Han Xin doesn't know the value of these four generals, how can Qin Hao not know?So naturally want to subdue them.

Because of Qin Hao's order, although Sun Lingming was able to kill Zheng Lun and Chen Qi without any effort, he didn't do so, but wounded both of them.

Just like that, the five generals who were besieging Sun Lingming just now, in the blink of an eye, two were unconscious and two were wounded, leaving only Yang Xian still in front of Sun Lingming.

"This person is not on the capture list and can be killed."

As soon as he thought of this, Sun Lingming immediately showed a bloodthirsty smile, and raised his stick to hit Yang Xian's head directly.

Under the lock of Sun Lingming's aura, Yang Xian could neither escape nor dodge in time, so he could only raise his halberd to block, but Sun Lingming directly smashed the magic weapon made of fine steel.

Without the protection of weapons, Yang Xian's fate was clearly doomed, and he was directly beaten to the head by Sun Lingming.

Yang Xian, who had a basic strength of 102, was smashed to death by Sun Lingming, with almost no strength left to resist.


Sun Lingming let out a long breath, and whispered to himself, "It's much better now."

It takes at least four people to trigger the 'Seven Monsters Kill', and with Yang Xian's death, logically speaking, the increase of the 'Seven Monsters Kill' will also disappear, but after all, it has already increased the strength of the person, and the effect of the skill is invalid. It takes a certain amount of time.

Yang Xian's death in battle seemed insignificant, but it had a considerable impact.

First of all, it gave Yuan Hong another 1 point of force increase.

Although Yuan Hong with a force of 140 can compete with Jiang Song and other three generals initially, he is still at a disadvantage overall, and the situation with a force of 141 is naturally much better.

Secondly, Yang Xian and Jin Dasheng had the closest relationship, and after Jin Dasheng witnessed Yang Xian's death in battle, his whole body exploded in an instant.

[Jin Dasheng's skill 'Rage War' starts again with force +5, intelligence -20, basic force 104, equipment +2, soldier fairy +2, seven monsters +1, sword god +4, anger +5, and the current force rises to 123. 】

"Sun Lingming, I'm going to kill you, kill you..."

Also losing his mind was Dai Li. He rode his horse and galloped towards him, chanting "I'll kill you" and was about to attack Sun Lingming from behind.

Sun Lingming didn't even need to turn his head to know that someone was preparing to attack from behind, so he said coldly, "You're looking for death."

Seeing Dai Li getting closer and slashing at his neck, Sun Lingming still had no intention of turning back.

Just when the big knife was about to hit, Sun Lingming turned around unhurriedly, and then stretched out his left hand to clamp the blade with great precision, no matter how hard Dai Li tried, he remained motionless.

After seeing the scene after that, Jin Dasheng's eyes widened, and then he roared like a beast.

"The third..."


Like Yang Xian, Dai Li's head was also blown off by Sun Lingming.

[Dai Li dies in battle, the combo skill 'Seven Monsters Kill' effect 3 is activated, every time one of the Meishan Seven Monsters is killed in battle, the boss Yuan Hong's force will increase by 1 point, and Yuan Hong's force has risen to 142 currently. 】

"Do not……"

Jin Dasheng roared with grief and indignation, his whole body was like an angry bull, his eyes turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the aura around him rose a lot in an instant.

[Jin Dasheng, in grief and indignation, broke his own limit, permanently +1 force, and the current basic force is 105. 】

[Jin Dasheng completely lost his mind under grief and anger, the skill 'Rage War' is fully activated, force +2, intelligence -8, and the current force has risen to 126. 】

"Huh, it actually broke through?"

Sun Lingming also showed surprise, apparently he did not expect Jin Dasheng to break through at this time, it seems that the death of Yang Xian and Dai Li brought him too much excitement.

"My old grandson advises you, if you don't want to be beaten to death by my old grandson, you should obediently put down your weapons and surrender. Resistance will only lead to death."

Sun Lingming said indifferently, not paying attention to the breakthrough Jin Dasheng and Ma Shanwei at all.

Sun Lingming's almost contemptuous attitude also completely angered Ma Shanwei.

"Surrender to your uncle."

After Ma Shanwei cursed angrily, the arrogance around him surged rapidly, and his aura also skyrocketed.

[Ma Shanwei's skill 'Rage War' is launched again, force +7, intelligence -28, basic force 105, equipment +2, soldier immortal +2, spearman +4, anger +7, and the current force has risen to 127. 】

Seeing that Ma Shanwei was so ignorant of good and evil, Sun Lingming's eyes flashed coldly, and he said angrily, "You're looking for death."

Ma Shanwei was also on the list of being captured alive. After all, Qin Hao would definitely not have too many warriors at the God of War level, but it was more difficult to capture the God of War alive, so Qin Hao's order was: if he can capture him, he can kill him if he can't.

Sun Lingming also had good intentions, so he took the initiative to persuade Ma Shanwei to surrender, but he didn't expect him to be so ignorant that it was fine to refuse, and he didn't know if he had an uncle, so Sun Lingming had already decided to kill Ma Shanwei.

At the same time that Sun Lingming moved, after Jin Dasheng's aura reached its peak, he also rushed towards Sun Lingming, accompanied by the equally angry Ma Shanwei.

"So what if we break through? Just the two of you are still not enough for my old grandson." Sun Lingming roared.

What Sun Lingming said was actually the truth. After all, even if Jin Dasheng became the God of War, he and Ma Shanwei were just two ordinary Gods of War.


Therefore, even if the two of them were in their peak form, they would be defeated by Sun Lingming sooner or later.

"The two of them are not enough, what about us?"

Just when the two sides were about to fight, a loud roar came from the south.

Afterwards, two riders were seen running towards Sun Lingming quickly, it was Nangong Changwan and Zhang Kui who broke out from the rear camp.

"not good."

Sun Lingming was also shocked when he saw this, he never expected Zhang Kui and Nangong Changwan to break through from the back camp to the front camp.

Only dealing with Jin Dasheng and Ma Shanwei, Sun Lingming has absolute certainty to defeat and even kill them, but if Zhang Kui and Nangong Changwan are added together, then this battle that is sure to win may have to be fought .

With this thought in mind, Sun Lingming immediately mobilized the war horse, and while accumulating energy, he swung the golden cudgel, taking advantage of the gap between the two of them, he charged towards Jin Dasheng as quickly as possible.

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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