Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1727 Capture Han Xin Alive

Chapter 1727 Capture Han Xin Alive
Chapter 1725: Capture Han Xin Alive
Li Jing knew that Jushou wanted to take the initiative to die, so he intentionally humiliated and stimulated him like this, so he wiped off the old phlegm on his face indifferently, but wiped it on Cheng Yaojin's shirt casually.

Seeing this, Cheng Yaojin couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, but he didn't say anything more, but his mother's criticism was in his heart, and he thought to himself: Do you treat Fu Jiang like this?

"Mr. Jushou, why are you doing this?"

Li Jing looked at Jushou and persuaded him: "You must know that a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a good minister chooses a master..."


Ju Shou raised his head, without even looking at Li Jing, he said in a deep voice, "I just want to die quickly."

Seeing this, Li Jing knew that he could not persuade Jushou, so he ignored Jushou and walked slowly into the surrendering soldiers instead.

Seeing this, Ju Shou became anxious and wanted to knock away the guarding soldiers, but was held tightly by Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin pressed Jushou's shoulder, and said with a displeased face: "Be honest with me."

Li Jing ignored Cheng Yaojin's side, and walked among the soldiers on his own. After scanning for a week, he walked slowly to an ordinary-looking soldier with shabby armor, bowed his hands and said, "See Mr. Han."

Li Jing did not address Han Wang, because Han Xin's Han Wang was conferred by Emperor Liu Che of the Northern Han Dynasty, and the Luoyang court did not recognize it at all, and Luoyang officials still recognized Han Xin's title as Han Gong.

As soon as this statement came out, the surrounding soldiers all turned pale with shock. The soldiers who were very close to this person suddenly distanced themselves from him, leaving Li Jing and the soldier alone in the middle.

After hearing Li Jing's words, the soldier's body visibly trembled, but then he said with a blank face: "This general, I'm not some Han Gong, I'm just an ordinary soldier."

Li Jing smiled calmly, and said to himself: "Han Gong sent Ma Shanwei, Zheng Lun, Gao Ming and other generals to support the Chinese army, and there is only one Jushou left beside him.

Jushou is Duke Han's confidant, so wherever Jushou is, the king of Han must also be there. "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone first looked at Jushou, and then all their eyes focused on the soldier.

Is this person really King Han?

Li Jing didn't pay attention to everyone's reaction, and still said to himself: "If Li Jing's prediction is not bad, Ju Shou should have exposed himself deliberately, and took the initiative to let Yao Jin be captured alive, in order to cover Han Gong after he disguised himself.

After Yaojin caught the big fish Jushou, he was so excited that he ignored that there was a bigger fish hidden in the drop barracks right under his nose.

Han Gong, do you think Li Jing's analysis is correct? "

"It's just nonsense."

The soldier didn't say anything, but Ju Shou said excitedly: "My master is not here, the master has already fled to a safe place..."

Before he finished speaking, Ju Shou was completely stunned. The soldier took the initiative to reveal his mask, and then revealed Han Xin's face.


Everyone present, including Cheng Yaojin, gasped, and it turned out to be Han Xin.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin wanted to slap himself, Han Xin was right under his nose, but he hadn't found out that capturing Han Xin alive was the greatest contribution!
Seeing this, Ju Shou was so angry that he beat his chest and said, "My lord, why did you take the initiative to uncover it?"

"Military division, it's useless."

Han Xin's face was full of bitterness, and he smiled wryly: "Li Jing has recognized me, even if he continues to quibble, it is impossible to deceive him."


After Ju Shou sighed, he closed his eyes in despair.

Seeing this, Li Jing stretched out his finger and pointed to the back, and said with a faint smile: "Han Gong, please, the lord and the governor are waiting for you."

Han Xin didn't move, but touched the sword at his waist, and said coldly: "Li Jing, you made a fatal mistake, you should never have come to see me alone.

If Xue Rengui and Huang Tianhua were present, I would definitely have captured them without saying a word, but now you have come alone, which also gave me a chance to escape.

As long as he hijacks you and takes you as a hostage, Qin Hao will definitely let me go for your safety. "

As soon as this remark came out, Cheng Yaojin's face changed drastically, but he didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that Han Xin would directly attack Li Jing.

All of a sudden, the eyes of the audience were all on Han Xin and Li Jing.

Han Xin also stared at Li Jing, looking forward to Li Jing's reaction, but the expected panic did not appear, but a hint of joke flashed in his eyes.

"Then why hasn't Mr. Han acted? You can give it a try."

Li Jing looked calm, and said unhurriedly: "However, Li advised Mr. Han not to draw the sword."

"Then what if the king is biased?"

As soon as the words fell, Han Xin had already begun to draw his sword.


Han Xin drew his sword out of its sheath, but Li Jing approached him, and then kicked Han Xin's wrist, and the sword was also kicked out.

Seeing this, Han Xin was stunned. He naturally knew that since Li Jing dared to approach him, he must have absolute confidence in self-protection, but he did not expect that he would rely solely on his own strength.

While Han Xin was in a daze, Li Jing picked up Han Xin's sword and put it back into the scabbard around Han Xin's waist, and said with a light smile, "Han Gong, can you go now?"

After Han Xin took a deep breath, he said softly, "I don't complain about losing."

After all, Han Xin did not continue to resist stubbornly, but took the initiative to walk out of the prisoner-of-war area in the direction pointed by Li Jing, because he knew that continuing to resist was just asking for humiliation.

Seeing that Han Xin was finally willing to cooperate, Li Jing immediately showed a smile, and then said to Cheng Yaojin on the side: "Immediately order the whole army to shout together: Han Yuan has been captured, and those who surrender will not be killed."


"In addition, send an order to Huang Tianhua, Huang Tianxiang, and Huang Tianlu to immediately go to the Chinese army to support them. Han Xin sent so many generals there, and the battle over there should still be going on."


Soon, the slogan "Han Yuan has been captured, those who surrender will not be killed" resounded throughout the battlefield.

The stubborn soldiers, hearing this, could no longer arouse any resistance, and put down their weapons and surrendered one after another.

The three Huang Tianhua brothers, who were looking for Han Xin's whereabouts, immediately led the army to support the Chinese army after receiving Cheng Yaojin's message.

Xue Rengui also went to the Chinese army with the Huang family brothers. After all, Han Xin had been captured alive by Li Jing, and if he wanted to get more credit, only the Chinese army could fight.

At the same time, the slogan of the former army quickly spread to the Chinese army.

When he heard the slogan "Han Yuan has been captured, those who surrender will not be killed", Yuan Hong's face changed instantly, his thoughts became more chaotic, and even his moves were slightly confused, and Jiang Song found a flaw, and he was almost missed by Jiang Song. Song was stabbed to death on the spot.

Soon Yuan Hong calmed down, and kept hypnotizing himself in his heart: This must be a fake, this is a conspiracy by the Qin army to hit our army's morale.

 At the second update, there are still 6 chapters in total...

  In fact, according to the update speed of this week, the debt owed last week could have been paid off, but this week there are a lot of rewards, monthly ticket upgrades, and blades, so there are still six chapters left to be paid off.

  Thank you again for your support. Next week, we will speed up the progress as much as possible, at least pay off the debts owed first.

(End of this chapter)

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