Chapter 1769 Whimsical?

Chapter 1767 : Whimsical?

When he was in the Central Plains, Wang Mang was hanged and beaten by Qin Hao all the way. He was almost autistic and almost lost his self-confidence.

It wasn't until after entering Sanhan that Wang Mang regained his confidence.

In Qingbei, after the disastrous defeat to Li Jing, Wang Mang led Chen Qingzhi, Wu Yong, and five thousand sailors to escape into Sanhan, and then opened the way to conquer Sanhan.

It has always been said that Sanhan is a land of barbarians, but when he came to Sanhan himself, Wang Mang realized how backward it was.

As early as the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Han army eliminated iron weapons and switched to steel weapons. However, except for a few countries such as Goguryeo, most of the national armies in Sanhan still use iron weapons. No wonder they were pushed to the ground by the Qing Dynasty. friction.

The [-] sailors under Wang Mang were from the Liang Shanshui Army. They could only be regarded as second-rate troops in the Central Plains, but they were already elite in Sanhan. available.

Relying on the advantages of equipment, Wang Mang destroyed three small southern countries in a row in less than a month, and established a stable base in Samhan, but it also caused panic in other surrounding countries.

The southern countries were worried that Wang Mang would further annex themselves, so they formed coalition forces one after another to attack Wang Mang, an outsider.

Wang Mang wished that they would take the initiative to call over, so that he could clean up at once, and save himself the trouble of attacking them one by one.

Wang Mang hadn't even used Chen Qingzhi's trump card yet, but he just led the army in person, beating the Allied Forces of the Three Koreas to cry, and then successively occupied the countries that were attacking him.

After all, Wang Mang is an outsider. Even if he forcibly occupied the territory, it would be difficult to win the hearts of the people. If he wants to gain a firm foothold in Sanhan, he must get the support of the local people.

The oppression of the people by the Sanhan family is even worse than that of the Central Plains family. It is not an exaggeration for the Sanhan civilians to say that they are slaves.

After Wang Mang pondered for a long time, he decided to follow Zhang Jiao's example and carry out land reform on the Korean peninsula.

The territory occupied by Wang Mang is about one-fifteenth of that of Sanhan, which is not small. Looking at the whole of Sanhan, he is now considered a big prince.

After the news of the land reform came out, the families under Wang Mang's command really rebelled collectively, and Wang Mang's army did not show mercy, directly massacring all the rebel families.In this way, money and food are obtained to support the army, and land is distributed to the common people.

Wang Mang wielded a butcher knife to slaughter the family, forced land reform in Sanhan, and gained the hearts of the people at the fastest speed. Even the people in other places also looked forward to Wang Mang, hoping that Wang Mang could rescue them from the fire as soon as possible.

Since then, Wang Mang has finally gained a firm foothold in Sanhan, and his military strength has increased to [-].

While carrying out the land reform, Wang Mang also took advantage of his own advantages as a traverser, and built a large number of new factories in Samhan, such as: paper mills, steel factories, brick factories, weaving factories and other factories.

With both fists out, Wang Mang's power grew stronger, and his army strength increased to [-]. This also aroused anxiety and fear in Linguo, and once again formed a coalition army to attack Wang Mang.

Wang Mang sent Chen Qingzhi to lead [-] troops to fight, and under Chen Qingzhi's personal command, the [-] king's army almost beat the opponent's [-] coalition forces, and finally wiped out the coalition forces with extremely low casualties.

After a big victory, Wang Mang also dispatched the whole army again, occupied the enemy country that was attacking him, and bordered on the local power of Sanhan.

Among the local powers in the three Koreas, apart from Goguryeo being the strongest, Baekje, Yufu, and Mahan are also powerful countries.

The other forces Wang Mang actually didn't care, but these four countries had to care, and Ma Han soon sent troops to attack, so Wang Mang led the army again to fight.

Of course, Wang Mang also miscalculated. He never expected that when he was facing Ma Han, the rear was attacked by Japanese pirates, and the losses in all aspects were extremely heavy.

At the same time, the main force of the Manchu Qing Dynasty went south to Youzhou in a large scale, and this also gave Wang Mang the hope of unifying the three Koreas.

"My lord, although our army can continue to expand at present, there is not enough ordnance in the treasury to arm the army. With the current output of our craftsmen, even if the craftsmen work tirelessly to forge weapons, it is too late." Wu Yong report.

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He was very envious of Qin Hao owning the No. [-] arsenal of the big man, and he had never bothered about weapons and equipment, unlike him who suffered from lack of equipment when he wanted to expand his army.

Wang Mang also attaches great importance to the arsenal, so he came to Sanhan, the first arsenal to be established.

Although the Wangmang Armory was not established for a long time, it has invested a lot of financial and material resources, but it still only has a scale of 500 people. Naturally, it is difficult to build weapons for an army of tens of thousands.

Insufficient weapons and equipment, naturally it is impossible to expand the army, and if Wang Mang wants to unify the three Koreas, the expansion of the army is inevitable.

The opportunity is not lost, time waits for no one.

Therefore, Wang Mang must obtain enough weapons and equipment in a short time.

"Where are we going to get the equipment?"

Wang Mang was thinking about the possibility of obtaining equipment from various major forces in his mind.

It must be impossible in the Northern Han Dynasty. After all, he made Liu Che miserable. Now Liu Che might wish to swallow him alive.

Zhu Ming?Cao Wei?Zhao Song?Sun Wu?
Both are possible, but more likely to fail.

Suddenly, an astonishing idea appeared in Wang Mang's mind, and a strange smile flashed across his mouth, and he said, "This time we may ask Qin Hao for equipment."

"Ask Qin Hao for equipment?"

Both Wu Yong and Chen Qingzhi's eyes widened, they were both stunned by Wang Mang's idea.

Qin Hao will give them the equipment?How is this possible, it is too whimsical.

Seeing the disbelief on both Wu Yong's and Chen Qingzhi's faces, Wang Mang smiled indifferently and asked, "Who is the least willing to see our army unify the three Koreas?"

"Of course it's the native countries of the three Koreas, as well as the Qing Dynasty." Chen Qingzhi replied.

"Then if our army unites the three Koreas, which side will pose the greatest threat?"

"I'm afraid it's the Manchus. After all, Sanhan is behind the Manchus, and the Manchus have paid a huge price to occupy Sanhan. If our army picks the peaches, Nurhachi will definitely not let it go." Wu Yong said.

Hearing this, Wang Mang laughed: "The Manchus are now the enemy of the Qin army. If Qin Hao wants to occupy Youzhou, he must defeat the Manqings. Even if Qin Hao occupies Youzhou, he will definitely fight with the Manchus in the future." There are constant conflicts between the Qing Dynasty, so compared to the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Qin Hao is definitely more willing to let me unify the three Koreas."

Wu Yong's eyes suddenly brightened: "Yes, if we unify the three Koreas, we will become the nail behind the Manchu Qing, and will also contain part of the Manchu Qing's troops, which is equivalent to helping Qin Hao share the pressure."

Chen Qingzhi also showed surprise, but still felt that it was impossible, after all, they and Qin Hao were mortal enemies.

 The second update, this chapter is added for rewards, thank you for the 30000 starting coins that the book friends donated before they didn't understand the natural dream, thank you for your support.

  The monthly ticket is broken 300, and one more is added, and 13 chapters are still owed.

(End of this chapter)

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