Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1772 Qi Jiguang vs Uesugi Kenshin

Chapter 1772 Qi Jiguang vs Uesugi Kenshin (final)
Chapter 1770: Qi Jiguang vs Uesugi Kenshin (final)
After a loud roar, Uesugi Kannobu held a shield, brandished a broadsword in his hand to block the arrows, took the lead, and was about to charge the battle himself.

[Ding dong, Uesugi Kanshin's skill 'Strong Army' effect 3 is activated, when participating in the battle in person, the force will be +3, and the morale of the whole army will be greatly improved.

Uesugi Kanshin's basic force is 101, seven spiritual swords, Jiezhang sword +1, and moon hair growth +1. The current force has risen to 106 points. 】

Seeing that the main generals had personally participated in the battle, the morale of the Japanese soldiers suddenly rose, and they all screamed, followed Uesugi Kenshin to launch a counterattack, and charged against the rain of arrows.

Qi Jiguang originally planned to release two more rounds of bows and arrows, and then contracted his troops to completely trap the living Japanese pirates. He was not worried that the Japanese pirates would take advantage of this to break out, because he had already laid [-] ambushes on the Japanese pirates' retreat.

But what Qi Jiguang didn't expect was that after encountering an ambush, this group of Japanese pirates chose not to break out from behind, but chose to break out from the front, and they were caught off guard all of a sudden.

There are many archers on Qi Jiguang's side, but there are relatively few warriors. Once he gets close, he is likely to break out.

"Order Jintai to give up the ambush and attack the Japanese army from the rear."

After Qi Jiguang calmly issued the order, he looked at these fearless Japanese soldiers, his eyes were full of dignity, and he said in a deep voice: "The crossbowmen retreat, and the cavalry will attack first with the general, with swords, shields and long spears The team followed closely..."

After saying that, Qi Jiguang jumped out on a curly-haired blood horse, and shouted: "Kill." Then five hundred cavalrymen also killed them.

The crossbowmen of the Qin army, after several rounds of continuous shooting, have already dealt a great blow to the Japanese pirates.

If you don't retreat at this time, once the Japanese pirates get close, the archers are good against the infantry, even the Qin army's archers are equally powerful, but it is impossible to fight against the Japanese soldiers who are specialized in close combat training. It will most likely be a one-sided massacre at that time.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly a very wise decision for Qi Jiguang to transfer the crossbowman away in time.

Although the number of cavalry led by Qi Jiguang was not large, he obviously had an absolute advantage in the face of the Japanese army with a total of less than [-] cavalry.


After a roar, Qi Jiguang charged and stabbed repeatedly with his long spear, directly picking and killing several Japanese soldiers along the way, and then swept across with his long spear, and three more Japanese soldiers vomited blood and flew out backwards.


Five hundred Qin cavalry closely followed Qi Jiguang's pace, directly crashed into the Japanese soldiers head-on, and then rushed to kill them like a tank, and all the Japanese soldiers who approached were directly knocked into the air.

After the cavalry, the infantry and spearmen also had close contact with the Japanese soldiers, and a most primitive fight began.

Uesugi Kannobu, who was staggered with Qi Jiguang, turned around and saw a cavalry of the Qin Army charging back and forth at his front army, causing a lot of casualties to his own army, and even the entire front army was about to be disturbed by Qin cavalry , So decisively led the cavalry to take the initiative to fight.

"Don't be head-on, cut off the horse's legs." Uesugi Kanshin shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, the Japanese soldiers immediately realized that instead of rushing forward foolishly and fighting the cavalry with their flesh and blood, they formed a formation in twos and twos to cut off the horse's legs, causing a lot of casualties to the cavalry of the Qin army.

Qi Jiguang originally wanted to lead [-] cavalry to disrupt the enemy's formation first, and then defeat them by relying on their strength, but he didn't expect this group of Japanese soldiers to be so elite. targeted training.

If the cavalry of the Qin army ran at full speed, they would naturally not be afraid of the infantry in frontal combat. But at this time, the five hundred cavalry were in the middle of the enemy army, and their speed advantage no longer existed. .


After another shot killed a Japanese soldier, Qi Jiguang saw that his five hundred cavalry had suffered over a hundred casualties, so he immediately raised his gun and shouted: "Withdraw."

"Want to leave? Good idea."

A cold light flashed in Uesugi Kenshin's eyes, she had already recognized Qi Jiguang's identity, and secretly said: "This person is the general of the Qin army, as long as he can be killed, the morale of the Qin army will definitely drop, and it will be much easier to break through at that time .”

With this in mind, Uesugi Kenshin immediately rode his horse and brandished his sword, and killed Qi Jiguang who was about to retreat.

[Uesugi Kennobu's skill 'Sword God' is activated, force +4, and the current force has risen to 110. 】

Uesugi Kenshin stared at Qi Jiguang, and Qi Jiguang also stared at Uesugi Kenshin, wanting to kill him before retreating.

"Let's retreat first, I will cut off the rear for you." Qi Jiguang said coldly.

"But the general..."

"Excuting an order."


He casually killed two Japanese soldiers approaching, but Qi Jiguang's eyes were all on Uesugi Kennobu who was rushing towards him.

[Ding dong, Qi Jiguang's skill 'Gun King' is activated, force +3, and the current force has risen to 108. 】


Qi Jiguang frowned slightly, and his confident shot was blocked by the opponent, and it looked extremely relaxed.

This person is not simple.

Qi Jiguang thought to himself, then drew his gun and left.

Just by the shot just now, Qi Jiguang has already seen that the opponent's strength is not inferior to his own. Although Qi Jiguang is not afraid of him, it is obviously not good for Qi Jiguang to fight against him among the Japanese army.

After Uesugi Kanshin was hit hard, he was about to fight back, but Qi Jiguang turned around and was about to run away. He couldn't help saying angrily, "General Qin, don't run if you have the guts."

"Japanese pirates, you have the guts to come after them." Qi Jiguang sneered.

"Chase and chase."

Naturally, Uesugi Kenshin couldn't let Qi Jiguang escape, so he chased after her wildly, but Qi Jiguang didn't fight her at all, and the two quickly escaped from the Japanese army after chasing and fleeing.

After escaping from the Japanese army and returning to the main formation, Qi Jiguang reined in his horse and stopped, and Uesugi Kenshin also stopped.

"Run, why don't you run away." Uesugi Kanshin said coldly.

"It's not necessary anymore."

Qi Jiguang said calmly, and then he took the initiative to kill him, and Uesugi Kenshin also greeted him with a knife.

Nail... Nail... Nail...

The sound of metal clashing continued, and soon the two had fought for three rounds, with no less than twenty moves, but neither could do anything to the other.

"So strong."

Qi Jiguang's eyes were full of solemnity, he didn't expect this Japanese general to have such strength, he couldn't do anything to the opponent with all his strength, and he even had a slight advantage.

Uesugi Kenshin seemed to have touched Qi Jiguang's bottom, pointing his big knife at Qi Jiguang, and said confidently: "Within thirty rounds, I will take your life."

"is it?"

Qi Jiguang sneered: "Unfortunately, you don't have time to fight another [-] rounds."

Hearing this, Uesugi Kennobu was startled, and subconsciously looked around, only to see the corpses of his own soldiers everywhere, and she was almost surrounded by the Qin army without knowing it.

 As soon as the guarantee is updated, the monthly ticket breaks 400, and one chapter is added. At present, there are still 14 chapters owed.

  Liu Xiang didn't forget the owed chapters, and will pay them back as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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