Chapter 1778

Chapter 1776: The End of the Japanese Bandits

Youzhou, Yuyang County, Lu County.

Here also became the battlefield of the Northern Han Dynasty and Japanese pirates.

Under the blessing of "Wuxiong", Xue Gang, whose commander reached 100, was ordered by Emperor Liu Che of the Northern Han Dynasty to lead [-] recruits and [-] cavalry to encircle and suppress the Japanese pirates.

In today's Northern Han Dynasty, there is a strong Qin in the south, and the Manchu Qing in the north is full of malice. The pressure on the Northern Han, which is in the middle of the cracks, is unprecedented. Therefore, Xue Gang must destroy the Japanese pirates in the shortest possible time.

Sanada Yukimura, who is known as the number one soldier in the Warring States Period of Japan, is both wise and brave. The strength in his hands is only one-seventh of the Han army. Naturally, it is impossible to head-to-head with the Northern Han army, but he still underestimated Xue Gang's methods in the end.

Seeing that the Japanese pirates had been avoiding and not fighting, Xue Gang had no choice but to lead a thousand fine cavalry and two thousand infantry to challenge the Japanese pirates.

Sanada Yukimura saw that there were only [-] Han troops who came to attack, of which [-] were recruits, while his own side had [-] elite soldiers, [-] more troops than the Han army, and the possibility of winning was more than [-]%, so he gave birth to He made a plan to eat this group of Han troops.

The two sides set up a posture in Luxian County, Yuyang County, and started the final decisive battle of life and death.

Sanada Yukimura: Commander 96, Force 99, Intelligence 95, Politics 84, Charm 97; Equipment: Crossword Spear, White and Raw Wool;
Sanada Yukimura overestimated himself and underestimated Xue Gang. Even with the blessing of his skills, the Commander 96 of him is still not as good as Xue Gang.

Naturally, it was impossible for Xue Gang to be foolish enough to use only [-] soldiers and horses to go head-to-head with [-] Japanese pirates. The reason why he dared to do this was because those [-] infantry were not new troops at all, but dismounted elite cavalry.

The Youzhou cavalry were all elites, and even if they got off their horses, they were no less powerful than the infantry, so Xue Gang was actually leading three thousand elite soldiers.

Three thousand Northern Han elite VS five thousand Japanese pirates.

After the war started, Sanada Nobumura was directly stunned. He couldn't believe that the Northern Han Army's combat power would be so strong that his [-] troops could not defeat the opponent's [-].

Soon, Sanada Nobumura discovered something was wrong. What kind of recruit is this?He is simply a veteran who kills without blinking an eye.

After realizing that he was being bullied by Xue Gangyin, Sanada Nobumura decisively issued an order to retreat, and this battle caused more than half of the casualties of the Japanese pirates, but the casualties of the Northern Han army were less than a thousand.

Sanada Nobumura, who was defeated in the first battle, never had the power to recover, but Xue Gang, relying on his superior force, kept squeezing the Japanese pirates' room for movement, bit by bit eating away at the Japanese pirates' vital forces.

In the end, it took Xue Gang less than half a month to beat up all the Japanese pirates, and Sanada Yukimura fled back to Dongying with less than 500 people.

Sanada Yukimura brought five thousand elites when he came to the Central Plains, but when he returned, he only had five hundred left. Even if he robbed so much money and food, he still couldn't make up for the manpower lost in the Central Plains. This trip to the Central Plains can be described as a big loss. sent.

What Sanada Yukimura didn't know was that at least he returned to Dongying with the money and food he had robbed, and Mori Moto was the Uesugi Kanshin family, but the entire army was annihilated without any benefit.

Mori Moto put his life on the line, and Uesugi Kannobu's whereabouts are unknown.

Compared with these two, Sanada Yukimura's luck has already been counted.

After Sanada Yukimura, Date Masamune was the next to suffer.

Date Masamune's luck was really bad. He couldn't choose anyone well, but he chose Qi State, which had a strong navy, and Qi State also had Zhu Tianpeng, a top water warrior.

After the other Japanese princes came to the Central Plains, they basically plundered some places, causing considerable losses to the local princes.

Date Masamune?After looting a small town, he was immediately noticed by the Qi army, and was chased and killed by the Qi army navy all the way.

Date Masamune only had [-] soldiers, but Zhu Tianpeng personally led [-] sailors to encircle and suppress him.

After half a month of fleeing and hiding, the hidden Japanese pirates were finally found by Zhu Tianpeng, and Date Masamune was forced to launch a counterattack, and the result was naturally a disastrous defeat.

Only one thousand of the six thousand army remained, and only a few warships remained, and finally fled back to Japan under the command of Date Masamune.

In this campaign against Japanese pirates, Qin Jun and others all passively defended and counterattacked, but only Qi and one country took the initiative to counterattack, and they continued to chase the Japanese pirates.

After exterminating the Japanese pirates in his own country, Zhu Tianpeng led the navy to the south to help his ally Zhu Ming and exterminate Takeda Shingen who was fleeing in Xuhuai.

Takeda Shingen originally fought Zhu Di's wits and courage, and the fight was inseparable, but when he heard that Qi Wang Zhu Tianpeng was leading more than 1 sailors to encircle and suppress him, he was shocked.

Takeda Shingen knew that if he didn't leave, he probably wouldn't be able to leave. He didn't care about any robbery, so he quickly ordered the remaining [-] troops to return, and fled back to Japan by boat overnight.

Of the [-] elite members of the Takeda family, there were [-] left when they returned, and the casualties reached half, but compared with other princes, it was already considered good.

Takeda Shingen was followed by Kitajo Tsunashige, whose luck was not as good as Takeda Shingen's. He was ambushed by Chen Qingzhi under the audacity of his greed. Not only was the entire [-]-strong army wiped out, but even his own life was lost. Three Korean peninsula.

So far, the Japanese princes who came to the Central Plains to plunder, except Tokugawa Ieyasu and Akechi Mitsuhide, have all been defeated. Among them, Mori Moto and Hojo Tsunashi even took their lives.

Tokugawa Ieyasu and Akechi Mitsuhide are both in Yangzhou, and the Japanese pirates in Yangzhong have a total strength of [-]. Yangzhou is the state with the largest number of Japanese pirates, so it is naturally the most difficult to eliminate them.

Most of the Soochow troops were fighting against Liu Xiu in Jiangxia, and they didn't pay enough attention to the Japanese pirates at the beginning, so the matter of suppressing the Japanese was the slowest among all the princes.

Sun Jian sent his two sons, Sun Ce and Sun Quan, to suppress the bandits. Sun Ce's side was not bad, and he severely injured Mitsuhide Akechi several times, but Sun Quan was indeed directly defeated by Tokugawa Ieyasu, and all of a sudden Sun Ce's advantage Lost all.

The suppression of Japanese in Wujun and Kuaiji counties was unsuccessful for a long time, and the number of people affected by the disaster was increasing, even reaching nearly 30 at one point.

The 30 people affected by the disaster were homeless and had to be resettled as soon as possible, and a lot of money and food had to be spent. This undoubtedly greatly increased the pressure on Soochow, and made Sun Jian on the front line almost unable to bear it.

But at this moment, another major event happened, which became the last straw that crushed Soochow, and completely disqualified Soochow from competing for Jiang Xia.

 At the second update, there are still 11 chapters in total...

(End of this chapter)

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