Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1780: Chu Kingdom Victorious Without Fighting

Chapter 1780: Chu Kingdom Victorious Without Fighting

Chapter 1778: Chu Kingdom Victorious Without Fighting

In the process of suppressing the Japanese, although Sun Wu pacified Danyang Shanyue along the way, he was delayed because of this. After arriving in Wujun, the Japanese pirates had already fled ahead of time.

Tokugawa Ieyasu and Akechi Mitsuhide had already grabbed enough money and food, and knowing that the main force of the Wu army in Jiangxia had returned, they decisively chose to return to Dongying.

So far, Sun Wu has also become the only Han prince who was defeated in the war against the Japanese.

You know, even Wang Mang of Sanhan wiped out all the Japanese pirates who violated the border, but the powerful country that sits on the entire Jiangdong let the Japanese pirates run away. This incident also greatly affected the prestige of Sun Jian and Wu. .

Let's go back to Liu Xiu.

Liu Xiucai occupied 57 counties in the seven counties of Jiaozhou, which was the best time to recuperate, but the Shu Han came to him at this time to join forces against Qin.

This opportunity is really rare. Since Liu Ji is willing to be the first bird, it is impossible for Liu Xiu to let go of this opportunity, so the Shu Han teamed up to attack Qin Hao.

However, Liu Xiu was not stupid, and was unwilling to confront the Qin army head-on, so he sent [-] troops to attack Qin Hao's henchman, Jiangxia Huangzu.

After occupying Jiangxia, Chu will gain an absolute advantage in its strategy against Wu.

In the future, if the State of Wu commits another crime, the State of Chu can send troops from three directions: Jiangxia, Changsha, and Jiaozhou, so that the State of Wu can take care of the head but not the tail. Strategically, it will already be invincible.

Liu Xiu knew the importance of Jiangxia, and Sun Jian naturally knew it too, so in order to prevent Liu Xiu from occupying Jiangxia and at the same time seize the strategically important area of ​​Jiangxia, Sun Jian personally led an army of [-] to support Huang Zu.

Liu Xiu didn't expect that Sun Jian would be so fierce this time, and he would lead an army of [-] to Jiangxia at one time. This is to fight a national war with him!

Normally, Liu Xiu would not be afraid of Sun Jian, but at the time when he was in Jiaozhou, the people's hearts had not yet returned, and the foreign race had not yet fully joined, so it was impossible to gather all the troops from all over the country.

But since Sun Jian wanted to fight, it was impossible for Liu Xiu to retreat without a fight.

The total strength of the Soochow and Jiangxia Alliance is as high as 13.

In order to fight against the Sun-Huang alliance, Liu Xiu had to increase his troops, and recruited [-] troops from each of the three counties of Wuling, Lingling, and Guiyang, and the total strength of Chu State in Jiangxia also reached [-].

The chances of winning 13 against [-] are still not great, not to mention Soochow and Sun Wu, a master of contemporary art of war, so Liu Xiu gritted his teeth and recruited [-] Taiping troops from Jiaozhou.

In this case, the total strength of the Chu army in Jiangxia can reach 11. Although they are still at a disadvantage in terms of strength, at least the gap will not be too big.

For Jiangxia, Liu Xiuzheng mobilized a full 11 troops, which was already the limit of Chu State. If he was mobilizing troops, there would be no guarantee that there would be no turmoil in the rear.

In fact, Liu Xiu also knew that it would be difficult to occupy Jiangxia this time, but he was still unwilling to retreat, just because once he lost to Sun Jian in terms of momentum, it meant that Chu State lost to Wu State.

In the confrontation between countries, if one trick fails, it may lead to a thousand miles, so Liu Xiu will never show weakness to Sun Jian.

The three factions of Sun, Liu, and Huang, with a total of 24 troops, are gathered in such a small place as Jiangxia. The daily consumption of money and food is an astronomical figure. If it takes a long time, no one will be able to afford it, but the three parties seem to be in no hurry.

The three families of Sun, Liu, and Huang were in a tacit understanding. No one directly provoked a big battle or a decisive battle, but constantly tested their opponents through small battles one after another.

In the month-long three-party competition, the three amphibious battles had been fought no less than a hundred times, and all of them had suffered a lot of casualties, but no one could do anything to the other, but generally speaking, Liu Xiu's side was at a disadvantage.

Just when Liu Xiu couldn't bear it anymore and was about to stop fighting with Sun Huang's family, news of the Japanese pirates' attack suddenly came.

The Japanese pirates burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of crimes along the coast of Jiangdong, which greatly damaged the stability and prosperity of Wu State. Only then did Liu Xiu see a glimmer of hope for success.

Liu Xiu had been holding on to not withdrawing his troops before, because he knew that if he retreated, Sun Jian would definitely annex Huang Zu directly, and if he wanted to take Jiang Xia back from Sun Jian, it would probably be ten times more difficult than Huang Zu's.

However, the Sun-Huang alliance is too strong. Before the state of Chu fully digests the results of the battle in Jiaozhou, the two alliances cannot be moved at all. Even if they continue to stay, it will be a waste of money and food, so it is better to withdraw as soon as possible.

But things are different now.

The Japanese pirates were too destructive along the Jiangdong coast, and it was impossible for Sun Jian to watch these Japanese pirates destroy and remain indifferent, so sooner or later he would deploy some troops to go back to suppress the Japanese pirates, and this was Liu Xiu's chance to win.

What Liu Xiu didn't expect was that even though the Japanese pirates were destroying the coast, Sun Jian did not withdraw troops from the front line, but sent his two sons back to take charge of the overall situation.

Sun Jian's behavior also made Liu Xiu realize his determination to occupy Jiangxia. If he continues to lead the army to stay in Jiangxia, a decisive battle will break out with Wu sooner or later.

Just when Liu Xiu was thinking of withdrawing his troops again, good news came from Jiangdong that was beneficial to him. Sun Quan failed to suppress the Japanese, and was defeated by the Japanese pirates.

After hearing the news, Liu Xiu was not very happy to be honest, but was surprised that the Japanese pirates would have such a strong combat power?
Afterwards, Liu Xiu still did nothing, just defending the camp, but news that was beneficial to him came one after another.

The coastal pirates were completely flooded, and 30 people lost their homes and became disaster victims, requiring a lot of money and food for resettlement.

The Shanyue alien race was ready to move, and finally rebelled together, and the whole Wu Kingdom was full of wars.

After these news were sent back, the generals of Chu State immediately burst into joy.

They obviously didn't do anything, and they were even ready to withdraw their troops and return to the country, but the country of Wu inexplicably provoked a series of disasters, and even brought the whole country to the brink of subjugation. It was as if the heavens were blessing their Chu country. .

Liu Xiu was naturally very happy about this. He knew that Sun Jian would not be able to hold on anymore, and sooner or later he would withdraw his troops and return to Wu to suppress Shanyue and encircle and suppress the Japanese pirates.

Sure enough, after a few days, all the Wu troops withdrew from Jiangxia. Naturally, Jiangxia's army alone could not be the opponent of the 11 Chu army.

Chu State has won without a fight.

"Everyone, Sun Jian acted against the heavens, and he has been convicted by the heavens. The natural disasters and man-made disasters in Wu Kingdom this time are proof."

Liu Xiu looked at the people below with burning eyes, and said with a smile on his face: "And my country of Chu obeys the destiny, so it is naturally blessed by the heavens. This Jiangxia County should belong to my country of Chu.

Pass down the order to attack across the board and occupy Jiangxia. "

"No." All the generals responded in unison.

 The second change to... the monthly ticket breaks 500, and one chapter is added. At present, a total of 11 chapters are still owed.

(End of this chapter)

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