Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1911 The Death of Liu Che

Chapter 1911 The Death of Liu Che

Chapter 1909: The Death of Liu Che

If Liu Che really exempted himself from dying and came to blackmail the Qin army as a condition, Su Dingfang would never agree to it, not to mention that his surrender would reduce the loss of tens of thousands of soldiers in the Qin army, even if it was a hundred thousand.

After all, the Qin army still respected the Han family and supported the Han emperor, but Liu Che proclaimed himself emperor. This is a crime that is absolutely impossible to pardon.

If even Liu Che, who proclaimed himself emperor, could be pardoned, then in the future, other princes who proclaim themselves emperors will surrender after being defeated by the Qin army. Is that pardon or not?
Therefore, everyone in the Northern Han Dynasty can be exempted from responsibility, but Liu Che must die. This is a matter of principle, and it is also the price that must be paid to become emperor.

Proclaiming the emperor is a serious crime against the nine clans. According to common sense, Liu Che's wife and children will naturally be implicated, but if there are special circumstances, pardon is not impossible, such as the current situation.

Liu Che's wife and children did not commit any crimes, and they did not pose any threat to the Qin army, but if they were spared, the Qin army could save tens of thousands of elite soldiers from dying.

"I said, there won't be any premeditation here, right? Liu Che doesn't even care about his own life, but he cares about the lives of his wife and children?" Sun Lingming said in disbelief.

Su Dingfang was also not sure if there was any conspiracy, and said helplessly: "It's a pity that the military commander has gone to Youbeiping and is not in the army. Otherwise, even if Liu Che has a conspiracy, as long as the military teacher is there, there will be nothing to hide."

The battle situation at You Beiping was urgent, but it was a foregone conclusion on Yanjing's side. As one of the three great military advisers, Zhang Liang, if he stayed in Yanjing, he would be overqualified.

Therefore, shortly after Ye Qingmei entered the city, under the protection of hundreds of guards, Zhang Liang went to Youbeiping at full speed to assist Qin Hao in fighting against the hundreds of thousands of Manchu troops.

"But Bu felt that Liu Che didn't play any tricks, after all, if he planned to continue fighting, it was just a sacrifice in vain.

Liu Che was not a madman at all, and when he knew that the war would be defeated and he would die, it was not at all normal for his wife and children to fight for a chance of life. "Lu Bu said.

Hearing this, all the generals couldn't help but nodded, thinking that what Lu Bu said was reasonable.

Seeing this, Ye Qingmei looked at Su Dingfang and asked, "Marshal Su, can you agree to Liu Che's conditions?"

After pondering for a while, Su Dingfang said, "I promise, it's just letting go of a few people, but it can reduce the casualties of tens of thousands of soldiers and add tens of thousands of troops. Why don't you agree to such a good thing?"

"But what if Liu Che plays tricks?" Sun Lingming asked.

"Then attack the city, anyway, our army has no losses."

Su Dingfang agreed to Liu Che's conditions, and Ye Qingmei asked for orders to enter Yanjing again to negotiate with Liu Che about the surrender.

"Your Majesty, Marshal Su Dingfang has already agreed to your conditions. He will not liquidate your wife and children after the war, and he will ensure that they have no worries about food and clothing." Ye Qingmei said.

But Liu Che shook his head and said, "No, Su Dingfang is insidious and cunning, and will use any means to achieve his goals.

In order to attack Yanjing before, all kinds of dirty water were poured on me. I don't believe his nonsense. "

Hearing that Liu Che has called himself "I" instead of "Zhen", this is a good signal, and Ye Qingmei believes Liu Che's words even more.

It can be seen that Liu Che has a grudge against Su Dingfang and doesn't believe in Su Dingfang's promise, which makes Ye Qingmei a little headache.

"Then how can you believe it, Your Majesty?"

"I don't believe in Su Dingfang, but I believe in Miss Ye, so I want to ask Miss Ye to escort my wife and children to sea."

Liu Che's eyes were full of desolation, and he said tragically: "If they are orphans and widows, if they stay under the rule of the Qin army, even if they are not liquidated, they will definitely have a hard time in the future. It is better to leave by sea and land, and go to seek refuge with other people. The clan of the Han Dynasty."

"Your Majesty, you are worrying too much. King Qin is definitely not a narrow-minded person, and he will definitely not embarrass your wife and children."

"Qin Hao really can't, but what about his subordinates?"


Ye Qingmei was speechless immediately, she really couldn't guarantee this.

Seeing this, Liu Che hurriedly said: "Yanjing is only five days away from Yuyang Haikou, and it only takes five days to ride a horse at full speed, and half a day to fly a pigeon to pass a letter.

Miss Ye, can you escort my wife and children to the seaport first, and if you receive the letter of surrender from me in five days, how about letting my wife and children go to sea? "

Ye Qingmei's eyes lit up immediately, surrender first before letting go?How could Liu Che be so reassuring about himself?
"Your Majesty, aren't you afraid that after surrendering, Qingmei won't let him go?" Ye Qingmei asked.

"Miss Ye is able to take risks alone for the people of Yanjing. It can be seen that she is a highly virtuous generation, and she will not be dishonest." Liu Che said seriously.

Ye Qingmei was a little embarrassed by Liu Che's words, and then she cupped her fists and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, Qingmei will guarantee the safety of your wife and children after she promised."

"Thank you, Miss Ye."

Ye Qingmei nodded, then returned and reported the truth to Su Dingfang.

Looking at Ye Qingmei's leaving back, a trace of guilt flashed in Liu Che's eyes, because he took advantage of this woman's kindness.

After a while, a black shadow appeared beside Liu Che and reported: "Your Majesty, the substitutes for the adults are all ready, there are 18 people in total."

"Okay, tomorrow I will send the queen and the others out of the city, and let them appear at the top of the city."


On the other hand, after Ye Qingmei told everyone about Liu Che's conditions, Su Dingfang and the other generals couldn't help but hesitate again. After all, there is still a big difference between pardon and release.

Su Dingfang even began to doubt Liu Che's sincerity. It was not until Ye Qingmei said that Liu Che was willing to surrender first that he dispelled his doubts about Liu Che again.

The next day, the Yanjing City Gate, which was sealed from the inside, was finally opened from the inside.

Three carriages drove out slowly from the gate of the city, and the person leading the carriage was none other than the puppet emperor of the Northern Han Dynasty, Liu Che.

As soon as Liu Che appeared, everyone's eyes focused on him. Su Dingfang turned a blind eye to other people, but fixed his eyes on Liu Che to prevent him from being someone else in disguise.

After a long time, Su Dingfang said: "This is Liu Che, that's right, but why did he come out in person, aren't you afraid that the commander will detain him directly?"

"Su Shuai, look at the city tower." Sun Lingming said.

Su Dingfang looked up and found Xue Gang, Xue Kui, Huo Guang, Han Zeng, Qin Hong, Yu Chijing, Luo Chang, Wang Zongli, Cheng Yuehu, Feng Qianlang and other generals all appeared on the tower and stood in a row.

"Hehe, no wonder he dared to leave the city. It turned out that he dared to see his wife and children for the last time because he had left behind."

After Su Dingfang sighed, he said: "It's kind of affectionate and righteous, without losing the true qualities of a hero. If that's the case, I'll give him a blessing and let him stay with his wife and children for a while."

When the convoy traveled to the front and back of the Qin army, the emperor Wei Zifu, the crown prince Liu Ju, and the eldest princess Liu Ling stepped out of the carriage one after another and were inspected one by one by the Qin army. The accompanying maids and guards also had to be inspected. 30 people.

It was already Liu Shi's turn to check, but because of Su Dingfang's order, Liu Shi turned back and ran back, holding Liu Che's thigh and crying loudly.


Liu Che stroked his son Liu Ju's little head, and said softly, "Don't call me Huangfu, call me Daddy."


"Ji'er, from now on your father will not be by your side, you should obediently listen to your mother, you understand?"


 Monthly pass breaks 200 plus more chapters
  Don't worry, there will be a turning point in the future, absolutely surprise
(End of this chapter)

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