Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1913 Su Dingfang Destroys Northern Han Dynasty

Chapter 1913 Su Dingfang Destroys Northern Han Dynasty
Chapter 1911: Su Dingfang destroys the Northern Han Dynasty
"Su Shuai, Liu Che committed suicide."

Looking at the corpses displayed in front of him, Su Dingfang said angrily, "I'm not blind, I can see."

The first thing Xiao Wangzhi did after surrendering was to send Liu Che's corpse to the Qin army camp. As for the corpses of Liu De and others, they were naturally burnt black, in order to dispel Su Dingfang's vigilance and at the same time create Xue Gang Waiting for the illusion that someone is dead. .

Seeing Liu Che who committed suicide, there was a smile on his mouth, Su Dingfang's eyes were full of complexities, and he sighed after a while: "Go and take over Yanjing City, remember, don't disturb the people, and offenders will be killed without mercy. "


Sun Lingming came over at this moment and asked, "Su Shuai, the Han army has surrendered, why aren't you happy?"

Su Dingfang shook his head, but did not answer Sun Lingming, while Li Hongzhang said, "The mess is still to come."


Sun Lingming suddenly showed doubts. He didn't understand that the Han army had surrendered, so how could there be such a mess.

"By the way, where are the three generals Huo Xuelu? I haven't seen them these days." Sun Lingming asked.

"They have another important task." Su Dingfang said meaningfully.

The Han army in Yanjing City voluntarily surrendered, allowing the Qin army to quickly take over the whole city, but Su Dingfang was taken aback by the information that followed.

"Su Shuai, it's miserable, it's really too miserable."

Seeing Li Hongzhang hesitant to speak, Su Dingfang asked, "What's going on?"

"The 3 regular troops of the Han army suffered more than [-] casualties, and less than [-] were left to surrender to our army. As for the recruited strong men, there were more than [-] casualties."

Speaking of this, Li Hongzhang sighed. As long as the Qin army persisted in attacking the city at this level, perhaps it would not take [-] casualties at all, and the city of Yanjing could be captured within [-] casualties. .

After a pause, Li Hongzhang continued: "There are not many strong men left in Yanjing City, and the rest are either women and children or the elderly and weak."

Hearing this, Su Dingfang clenched his fists, all of this was caused by himself.

Su Dingfang turned the No. [-] city in Youzhou into a city of widows, but he didn't regret it, because this is war, cruel and realistic.

"In addition, there are still a large number of wounded prisoners in the city, waiting for our army's treatment. Liu Che has no ability to treat them, but he left this mess to us. It's really insidious." Li Hongzhang couldn't help cursing.

Su Dingfang's heart moved, and he asked: "How many of the wounded prisoners can be cured after treatment?"

"I don't know, it's estimated to be [-] to [-], but the price must be very high."

"Pass down the order, do your best to heal Yanjing's soldiers and civilians, and try to preserve a little vitality for Yanjing." Su Dingfang ordered.

"This... No."

Li Hongzhang wanted to refuse, but seeing Su Dingfang's irrefutable eyes, he immediately suppressed what he wanted to say.

After accepting Yanjing's surrender, in addition to these bad news, it is not all good for the Qin army. At least the food in the city is cheaper for the Qin army.

The grain stored in Yanjing City was enough for the whole city's army and civilians to eat for a year, but it fell into the hands of the Qin army in less than a month. With this batch of grain in hand, at least the Qin army will not worry about food and grass outside for at least the next six months up.

[Su Dingfang forced the Emperor Liu Che of the Northern Han Dynasty to slay himself, and completely captured Yanjing City, destroying the Northern Han Dynasty, the skill 'Brave' effect 3 is activated for the fourth time, when he is the main general to destroy a country, all attributes will be permanently +1, this effect is the most Activate 4 times.


The fourth launch of the 'Brave' effect of destroying the country pushed Su Dingfang's commander attribute to the peak, reaching an astonishing level of 103.

Today, Su Dingfang is the basic commander of the Qin army, which has already tied Li Jing and Han Xin, second only to the governor Bai Qi, and is already the veritable fourth person.

Of course, Su Dingfang's advantage is not obvious. The gap between Yue Fei, Huo Qubing, Xue Rengui and others is not too big. It is not impossible to catch up with him in the future.


In the waters of Youzhou, a small boat flying the battle flag of the Qin Army headed south. It was Wei Zifu and his party.

On the plywood, Liu Ju asked Wei Zifu, "Mother...mother, can we reach Jiaozhou safely?"

Liu Ju originally wanted to call her mother queen, but immediately realized that he was no longer a prince, and he was no longer a queen, so he quickly changed his mind.

Wei Zifu touched his son's head distressedly: "Yes, I will."

"Mistress, it's going to be foggy, go into the warehouse quickly, so as not to catch a cold." Huo Guang said.

"it is good."

Wei Zifu nodded, pulled Liu Ju and was about to enter the cabin, but he didn't want Xue Gang to rush over in a hurry.

"Prime Minister, it's not good. The sea area ahead is being investigated by the Qin army. If it wasn't for the fog, we would have been discovered by the Qin army."

Hearing this, Huo Guang frowned, and said: "Qin Jun's target should be other wanted criminals. We have the pass given by Su Dingfang. They should not stop us."

"No, the Qin army's formation is very large. There are twelve boats guarding the waterway. Why do wanted criminals need such a large formation?"


Huo Guang couldn't help but exclaimed, and asked in a deep voice, "There are really twelve ships?"

"It's true."

"We're probably exposed."

A trace of bitterness flashed across Huo Guang's face, and at the same time doubts arose in his heart.

It's only been a few hours since they boarded the ship. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be exposed so quickly.

But the fact is that the Qin army's navy was waiting in front of them early, blocking their sea route going south.

The only possibility is that Qin Jun had already seen through their intentions, but if so, they could not be allowed to board the ship at all.

This is somewhat illogical.

"Your Majesty didn't hesitate to stay here in person, just to confuse Su Dingfang, so that I can leave safely and save the fire for the revival of the great man, but I don't want to be seen through by the Qin army in the end." Huo Guang said bitterly.

"Zhang Liang must have seen through our plan to get rid of the golden cicada. This person happened to go to Youbeiping during the negotiation. Now it seems that this is not a trick at all, but a strategy to paralyze us." Xue Gang said through gritted teeth.

After hearing that it might have been exposed, Wei Zifu immediately panicked, and quickly asked, "Mr. Huo, what should we do now?"

"Don't worry, mistress, the sea is so vast that even the Qin army can't completely block it. We can go around the sea." Huo Guang comforted.

"No way, Prime Minister, our ships can only sail along the coastline." Xue Gang said hastily.

"Why is that?" Huo Guang asked puzzled.

"Our warships are small warships, and they can't withstand the wind and waves in the open sea. A wave from the open sea can sink the warship, so we can only sail by the coastline." Xue Gang explained.


Huo Guang screamed again, he had never seen the sea in his life, how could he understand these truths, now that he knows it, he will die.

"Why don't you forcefully kill him," Wei Zifu said.

Xue Gang shook his head and said: "Those who cannot be killed, sea battles are different from land battles. If it is a land battle, with our strength, we can still protect the mistress and the young lord to fight out, but in sea battles, no matter how strong an individual is, he must Just board the opponent's ship.

Our ship has no attack equipment at all. Once it gets close to the Qin army's warship, it will only end up being sunk. "

"Damn it, Qin Jun will give us a small boat even if he is sure of this."

Huo Guang gritted his teeth and said, feeling unwilling and powerless in his heart.

 Today's guarantee...

(End of this chapter)

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