Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1915 Shooting Xue Jiao

Chapter 1915 Shooting Xue Jiao
Chapter 1913: Shoot Xue Jiao
"It's not that the governor Zhou Yu found remnants of fake Han." Zhang Liang said calmly.


Ye Qingmei was startled, and said with some uncertainty: "Didn't you go south? Could it be that you went north?"

After Zhang Liang smiled lightly, he shook his head and said, "If Huo Guang and others go north, they won't be able to bypass Tianjin Port. Besides, if they go south, they can rely on Liu Xiu or Liu Ji. Who can they go north to? Nurhachi or Wang Mang?"

Ye Qingmei thought about the grievances between Liu Che, Man Qing, and Wang Mang, and immediately affirmed: "Impossible, even if they die, they will not rely on these two people."


Zhang Liang also nodded in agreement. After all, these people are all loyal to the Han family. It is more painful to let them abandon the Han family than to kill them.

"In this way, Huo Guang and others did not go south or north, and it is even more impossible to go east to the open sea. Could it be that they went ashore?" Ye Qingmei analyzed.

After Zhang Liang pondered for a while, he shook his head and said, "This possibility is not great. After all, the two prefectures of Youji have been attached. Even if Huo Guang and others go ashore, they are still under the rule of our army. It's a matter of time."

Ye Qingmei suddenly showed distress: "It's not the southeast, the northwest, so where can Huo Guang and others escape?"

"If it's as expected, after Huo Guang and the others found out that they were exposed, they would probably be extremely terrified. They would neither dare to go ashore, nor go to sea, let alone go south and north. They should be hiding on a small island in the Youji Sea. Come on, I want to use this to delay the time to avoid being hunted down."

"What, there are hundreds of islands in the Youji sea area. If you search for them one by one, you may not be able to find them all in a month or two. How long will this drag on?"

Ye Qingmei was a little anxious, she still wanted to arrest Huo Guang and others so that they could atone for their crimes, but she couldn't wait too long for these few people.

"Madam, don't worry, it won't take that long at all. Although there are many islands in the Youji Sea Area, most of them are in the open sea, and the number of islands near the coastline is not too many."

A gleam flashed in Zhang Liang's eyes, and he said with a smile: "Besides, we don't need to search one by one, the place where there is that boat is their hiding place, so we just need to find that boat."


Ye Qingmei slapped her head suddenly, thinking to herself that she was confused, how could she forget this, if so, she might be able to find the hiding place of Huo Guang and others in less than three days.

Then Zhang Liang ordered Zhou Yu to block the sea and land southwards, and at the same time dispatch the navy to search the islands near the coast from south to north, while Zhang Liang himself led Huo Qubing, Xue Rengui, Lu Bu and other generals to search the nearby islands from north to south .

Both Zhang Liang and Zhou Yu searched by area one by one, and there is absolutely no case of missing.

Zhou Yu searched for three days in a row. Seeing that he was about to find out the area he was in charge of, he suddenly received news that the Qi State navy was on a large scale.

"Governor, Tianzi No. [-] spies have received important information. At noon today, the Donglai navy of the Qi State came out in full force, and they are suspected of attacking Beihai." A spies reported.


Zhou Yu showed surprise, and really couldn't understand why Qi Jun came so suddenly, and there was no sign of going upstairs before again, which is obviously unreasonable.

After Ming and Qi joined forces, they still haven't decided the outcome with Wei and Song. How could they attack suddenly at this time?
In addition, Qi State has not yet recovered from the trauma of the Beihai War, but the strength of the Qin Army in Qingbei has grown stronger. At this time, the sudden attack of [-] navy troops will not be able to shake the Qin Army in the slightest.

Regarding the attack by the Qi State Navy, Zhou Yu felt that everything was weird, but military affairs were bigger than the sky, so he naturally did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Zhou Yu led most of the warships back to the North Sea, ready to face Qi's navy at any time, but he also left Jintai to lead several warships to blockade the sea and land to prevent Huo Guang and others from escaping.

Although Zhou Yu stopped hunting Huo Guang and others, Zhang Liang's search continued, but the speed of the search was much slower without Zhou Yu's men.

"The Qi State navy didn't recruit at all, and suddenly they all went out. There's something very wrong here. I suspect that the Qi State navy is coming at Huo Guang. We must hurry up and find Huo Guang and others as soon as possible." Zhang Liang said solemnly.

"how can that be?"

Ye Qingmei exclaimed, and asked with a puzzled expression: "How can Huo Guang, the remnants of the Northern Han Dynasty, have such a big face that they can make Qi's navy go out to rescue them at the risk of fighting our army?"

"I don't know about this, but there must be a relationship between the two." Zhang Liang said firmly.

Another three days later, the Qin and Qi naval forces did not start, but were in a state of confrontation all the time, and both sides were very restrained and forbearing.

On the other side, the people who searched for six days in a row finally found the warship that Huo Guang and others were on outside a small island near the Bohai Sea, and found traces of a fire on the beach.

Huo Qubing pointed at the island and shouted excitedly: "Military division, I finally found it."

Huo Qubing is a cavalry general and doesn't know water skills. The six days he spent on the boat seemed like years to him, so he was so excited to find the whereabouts of Huo Guang and others.

"Okay, seal off this small island immediately. Generals Xue Li, Huo Bing, and Lu Bu, each lead a hundred sailors, go to the island to search for the whereabouts of Xue Gang and others. If there is any resistance, they will be killed without mercy. Zifu, Liu Ju, mother and son must be captured alive." Zhang Liang ordered.


The three generals shouted in unison, and then each brought a hundred people to the island, and the reason why they didn't bring many people was that Zhang Liang only had five hundred sailors in total.

After all, it was only [-] fugitives caught, and two of them were women and children, so there was no need to dispatch too many troops, with Lu Bu and other generals and [-] sailors more than enough.

This small island is not far away, with an area of ​​only a dozen miles. If 300 people search, it won't take long to finish the search.

Xue Jiao and Xue Kui, who were out fishing, ran into Lu Bu's troops.

When seeing Lu Bu, Xue Jiao almost couldn't hold back, and rushed out to fight Lu Bu desperately, but he still held back with his strong willpower.

"No, Qin Jun found out." Xue Jiao gritted his teeth.

"We must go back and tell Dad and them." Xue Kui said calmly.


Before the two had time to run away, they were discovered by Lu Bu, who had super hearing. He raised his hand and shot three arrows as if they were shooting at each other.

[Ding dong, Lu Bu's skill 'Arrow God' is activated, force instantly +6, base force 106, Fang Tian's painting halberd, dragon tongue bow +1, red rabbit horse +1, current force rises to 114. 】

Among the three arrows shot, two were aimed at Xue Kui, and only one was aimed at Xue Jiao.

Xue Kui dodged an arrow and blocked it with a swing of his hammer. Although Xue Jiao tried his best, he still failed to block Lu Bu's arrow and was directly shot through his throat.


The good brother was shot to death in front of him. Seeing this scene, Xue Kui's eyes were about to burst, and he looked at Lu Bu with red eyes, and roared: "Lu Bu, Lu Bu."

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  If the monthly ticket exceeds 300, one chapter will be added, and if the monthly ticket is broken, 400 will be added. There are currently 2 chapters owed.

(End of this chapter)

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