Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1917 The Power of Fang Tian's Painting Halberd

Chapter 1917 The Power of Fang Tian's Painting Halberd
Chapter 1915: The power of Fang Tian's painting halberd
Eight generals including Xue Kui surrounded Lu Bu, but none of them took the lead.

Seeing that the general was surrounded, the hundreds of Qin soldiers around him were about to step forward to help, but they were forced by Lu Bu to stop him with a wave of his hand.

"Back off, you are no match for them, and if you win, you will just die in vain."

"But the general..."

"Don't worry, a group of remnants are defeated."

After saying that, Lu Bu pointed at Xue Gang with Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand. Although his eyes were full of fighting spirit, he still said indifferently: "I will arrest him immediately, and I can consider Rao Er not dead."

Xue Gang was laughed angrily by Lu Bu, and said angrily: "Lu Fengxian, I have heard that you are arrogant, but I didn't expect to be so arrogant. You haven't figured out the current situation yet."

Although there are only eight people on Xue Gang's side, all of them are masters. Except for Xue Kui, the god of war, the other seven people, even Cheng Yuehu, who is the weakest, have super-class combat power after breaking out. The combination of eight people can definitely kill in seconds Any god of war.

Although there are many people on Lu Bu's side, he is the only general, so Lu Bu is at a disadvantage at this time.

"I think it's you who didn't understand the situation."

Lu Bu sneered, he knew the current situation very well, and he might not be able to defeat the eight opponents until he went all out, but he had a huge advantage, that is, the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand was a magic weapon. soldiers, and the weapons in the hands of Xue Gang and others are just ordinary weapons.

It is risky for Xue Gang and others to disguise themselves to escape the security check, but if they brought those weapons, unless Qin Jun was completely blinded by anger, they would never be able to escape the security check, so naturally they did not dare to bring out the weapons.

Now the iron hammer in Xue Kui's hand and the iron spear in Xue Gang's hand are just weapons used by ordinary soldiers, how many times can they withstand Fang Tian's painting halberd?

With the help of a group of uncles, although Xue Kui's confidence was greatly increased, he also knew the difference in weapons between the two sides, and immediately glared at Lu Bu and said, "Lu Bu, you are so crazy, even if you die today, I will die with you. "

"Then fight and kill."

After a long whistle, Lu Bu took the initiative to raise his halberd, and charged at Xue Gang, Xue Kui and other eight generals.

[Ding Dong, Lu Bu's skill 'Ghost and God' has effect 3 activated, and when fighting generals, the force will be +2, and every time the opponent increases, the force will be +2, and the maximum limit is 5 people.

Currently facing a siege of six people, if the upper limit of five people is exceeded, it will still be counted as five people, so force +5.

Lu Bu's basic force is 107, Fang Tian's painting halberd +1, ghosts and gods +6 +10, parachutist +5,

Currently Lu Bu's force has risen to 139. 】


Under two consecutive heavy blows, Luo Chang and Feng Qianlang were directly blown away, unable to stop Lu Bu's random blow at all.

Seeing this, Xue Gang, Xue Kui, Cheng Yuehu and others hurriedly set up an formation. Xue Gang and Xue Kui were the main attackers, and the other four supported them. Together, they launched an offensive against Lu Bu at the same time.

Seeing that the six of them cooperated tacitly and were both offensive and defensive, Xue Kui's iron hammer was powerful and heavy, and Xue Gang's spear style was flexible and changeable, all of which could threaten him.

Lü Bu danced wildly with the halberd in his hand, the dance was airtight and water could not enter, no matter which direction the six men attacked from, they would not be able to break through Lv Bu's defense line.

On the other side, Luo Chang, who was blown away, got up and shouted, "Brother Feng, are you all right?"

Feng Qianlang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth and said, "I still can't die."


After the two yelled, they attacked again, and Lu Bu changed from a one-on-six to a one-on-eight.

After ten rounds of fighting between the two sides, Lu Bu's weapon advantage was finally revealed.

The broadsword in Wang Zongli's hand was overwhelmed at first, and it shattered under Lu Bu's heavy blow, and then he was pierced through the chest by Lu Bu's halberd, becoming the first general among the eight generals to die in battle.


Under Luo Chang's grief and anger, his marksmanship gradually lost his way. Lu Bu seized the opportunity, broke through the spear net, and chopped off his left arm with a halberd.


Luo Chang immediately screamed, but endured the pain in his heart, ignored Lu Bu's attack, and stabbed Lu Bu's throat with a single shot, as if he was going to die together.

Naturally, it was impossible for Lu Bu and Luo Chang to die together, so he resolutely blocked with his halberd. After the spears collided, he didn't want Xue Gang's long hair to be broken.

Lu Bu saw the opportunity, raised his leg and kicked Luo Chang in the chest.


The sound of bone cracking sounded.

Immediately, Luo Chang flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and died after a while, becoming the second general to die in battle.


Xue Gang roared hysterically. Another sworn brother was beheaded by Lu Bu in front of him. This made him hate Lu Bu even more, but there was nothing he could do about Lu Bu.

"Damn it, if it weren't for the fact that this weapon is not easy to use and can't show its full strength, Lu Bu, you are the opponent of the eight of us." Xue Kui gritted his teeth while attacking.

Lu Bu swung his halberd to repel Xue Kui who was attacking, and said with a sneer, "Can't you win against strange weapons? Boy, why don't you say that you are fighting eight against one, and the more you bully the less, the victory is not martial?"


Xue Kui was at a loss for words. It is not a glorious thing to fight eight times, and he has not won yet. It is really unreasonable to blame that there are so many weapons.


After another blow, the iron hammer in Xue Kui's hand cracked inch by inch, and finally shattered due to the heavy load, leaving only a bare hammer handle.


Xue Kui was shocked, and before he could react, he saw a big halberd hitting his head, and quickly turned back to avoid the blow, but Lu Bu followed closely and attacked again.

"Aoi, borrow."

Cheng Yuehu shouted, and then threw the left-handed prisoner in the two-handed ax to Xue Kui. At the same time, Xue Gang, Feng Qianlang and others were also supporting Xue Kui.

As if he had identified Xue Kui, Lu Bu turned a blind eye to the rest of them. After repelling them directly, he threw his halberd at Xue Kui again with all his strength, and Xue Kui, who had a new weapon, also swung his ax at Lu Bu.


After the halberd and ax collided, the hammer handle of the iron ax broke directly, and the ax was smashed and flew out.

In the confrontation with ordinary weapons, the power of Fang Tian's painted halberd can be said to be vividly displayed.

Xue Kui was dumbfounded again. Facing Lu Bu who was attacking again with his halberd, he decisively rolled forward and let Lu Bu's halberd miss, but was kicked by Lu Bu's turning back, and he vomited blood and fell down. He flew out, lay on the ground and couldn't get up again.


Xue Gang was in a hurry and wanted to save his son, but even if he joined forces with everyone, he still couldn't stop Lu Bu, on the contrary, the spear in his hand also cracked.

"Xue Kui, die."

Lu Bu jumped into the air, directly passed Xue Gang and the others, and threw his halberd from the sky towards Xue Kui who was on the ground.


Under Lu Bu's halberd, a hole was smashed into the ground, but there was no Xue Kui's body in the hole.

It turned out that just as Lu Bu's halberd was about to fall, Cheng Yuehu pulled Xue Kui over in time, making Lu Bu's killing halberd miss again.

[Ding dong, Cheng Yuehu's skill 'Fu Jiang' is activated.

Blessed generals: turn bad luck into good luck, and turn disaster into good fortune.Generals who are destined to be rich and powerful will have a certain chance to awaken this skill.

Effect 1, after this skill is activated, it will bring good luck to oneself, and there is a great chance to survive the crisis of life and death.

Effect 2, after meeting the Ming Lord, it will bring good luck to the lord and colleagues around him. When the lord and colleagues are in danger, they will be greatly helped to survive the crisis. 】

 Guaranteed one update, thanks to book friend Ziqing Qingzi for the reward of 10000 starting coins, plus one chapter, and currently owes a total of 3 chapters.I have been a little busy in my life recently, so I have delayed the update, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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