Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1921 2 Qin troops went to Peiping

Chapter 1921 12 Qin troops went to Peiping
Chapter 1919: 12 Qin troops went to Peiping
Huo Guang, Xue Gang and others were not even afraid of death, so naturally they would not abandon the big man and seek refuge with Wang Mang. They had to temporarily commit themselves to Wang Mang's command just to escape from the pursuit of the Qin army.

Wang Mang naturally knew what Huo Guang and others were thinking, but he didn't care. After all, how could he spit out the fat that was on his lips?

After Wang Mang's power initially entered the right track, it can be said that he lacked everything, but what he lacked most was talents.

Wang Mang seems to be unrestrained in Sanhan, but life is actually not easy. The three countries of Chenhan, Mahan, and Baekje have formed an alliance, advance together and retreat together, and form a three-nation coalition to attack in three groups.

It is true that Chen Qingzhi has no opponents in Sanhan, but his ability to command troops is strong, but he can only stop the enemy army of one country, who will stop the armies of the other two countries?

Even if Wang Mang personally leads the army to fight one way, there is another way where there is no general to send, and he can't find a general who can lead the army after searching all over the army.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Mang took the risk of going to war with the Qin army and traveled thousands of miles to rescue Huo Guang and others.

Doesn't Wang Mang know the risk of saving Huo Guang and others?Of course he knew, but he also knew what the addition of Huo Guang Xue Gang and others meant to him, a weak force.

Only with the assistance of these people can his power grow in a short period of time, repel the invasion of the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, and have a chance to complete the unification of the Three Koreas by Snake Tunxiang.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Wang Mang never thought of letting Huo Guang and others leave.

Wang Mang wanted to save Huo Guang and others, all he needed to do was show a tough attitude. It was impossible for Zhang Liang to really start a war with him, but he had the cheek to treat Huo Guang as his adoptive father and Xue Gang as his adoptive brother. It's just to build relationships and keep these people.

Of course, Wang Mang also knew that it was impossible to keep these loyal ministers based on this alone, but he still had a set of combos, such as marrying Huo Guang's daughter Huo Shuixian who was studying abroad, and marrying his adoptive daughter to Xue Kui and Xue Gang Marriage and so on.

Huo Guang wanted to help Wang Mang unify the three Koreas before leaving, but he didn't know that Wang Mang had prepared a series of packages for them.

From the moment he stepped on Wang Mang's boat, it was not so easy to think about it.

At the same time, in Yanjing City.

Liu Bingji, who was obviously from the Liu clan but became a commoner, was practicing well, but sneezed inexplicably.

"Ah cut."

Liu Bingji rubbed his nose, and said to himself: "It's strange, how can I sneeze when I'm fine? Someone must be scolding me, forget it, let's think about something happy.

Yanjing City has been unsealed. In order to prevent being liquidated by the Qin army, it is better to leave as soon as possible, but although the world is big, where can I go when I am sick? "

After thinking for a while, Liu Bing already remembered a person.

"By the way, you can go to Oolongyuan to hide for a while. There is a pure Buddhist land, and Miss Huo Shuixian is also there."

Thinking of Huo Shuixian, Liu Bing couldn't stand it any longer. He threw down his sword, took dry food and some silver coins, and prepared to leave Yanjing City.

But after arriving at the gate of the city, Liu Bing realized that he could go out, but the interrogation was still very strict, and there was a danger of revealing his identity, so he had to go back and wait for the limelight to pass.What Liu Bing doesn't know is that this hesitation has become the biggest doubt in his life, ruining the last fate with Huo Shuixian, and when they meet again, the former lover has become someone else's wife.

His gaze returned to Zhang Liang's side.

Zhang Liang spoke to Qin Hao, and after detaining the equipment traded to Wang Mang, he took the three generals Xue Huolv, Wei Zifu, mother and son back to Yanjing City.

It is natural that the trilogy of the three generals is still in Yanjing if they do not go back.

In addition, there are still some trivial matters in Yanjing, which require Zhang Liang to preside over them.

When Zhang Liang returned to Yanjing, Bai Qi had already arrived.

After Bai Qi accepted Wei Qing's surrender, he left [-] soldiers and horses to guard Zhuo County, and guarded [-] surrendered troops, and led an army of [-] to Yanjing.

After Bai Qi's army arrived, the strength of the Qin army in Yanjing reached an astonishing 13. Of course, this army will soon go north to fight against the Qing Dynasty.

After some discussions, Bai Qi decided to lead Su Dingfang, Huo Qubing, Lu Bu, Sun Lingming and other generals to lead an army of 12 to fight against the Qing Dynasty, and leave Xue Rengui to lead an army of [-] to stay in Yanjing to prevent the remnants of the puppet Han forces in Youzhou from rebelling.

Although the Northern Han Dynasty had destroyed the country and Liu Che committed suicide, his influence was still there, and there were still a lot of people who loved Liu Che.

Before the people's hearts are completely surrendered, even if the Qin army has occupied the entire Northern Han Dynasty, it still cannot be careless in the slightest.

In order to prevent the remnants of the Northern Han Dynasty from surrendering in the rear and rebelling against the Manchu Qing with all their strength on the front line, it is necessary to leave enough troops to guard the various places.

As Yanjing's 12 Qin army rushed to the front and merged with Youbeiping's 14 army, the distribution of Qin's troops in Youzhou changed drastically again, and nearly 26 troops were concentrated in Youbeiping County.

Of course, the five counties including Guangyang Zhuojun also left sufficient troops. The specific distribution of troops is as follows:

In Guangyang, there are [-] defenders and [-] surrendered troops.

In Daijun, there were [-] defenders and [-] prisoners.

In Shanggu, there were [-] defenders and [-] prisoners.

Zhuojun had [-] defenders, [-] surrendered troops, and [-] prisoners.

In Yuyang, there were [-] defenders, [-] surrendered troops, and [-] prisoners.

Xue Rengui stayed in Yanjing, leading an army of 4 and [-] troops from the Northern Han Dynasty, responsible for guarding and stabilizing all parts of Youzhou.

In addition, there are [-] prisoners of war scattered in various counties and counties, ready to be reorganized into an army at any time.

That is to say, if the battle situation on the front line is unfavorable, the Qin army can still dispatch 15 troops to support the front line and fight against the Qing Dynasty.

The Manchus in Youzhou, even with the addition of Chen Guojiang's troops, had a total of only 32 troops.

The Qin army mobilized 26 troops only on the front line, while there were still 15 troops in the rear for support.

It can be seen from this that in this battle between Qin and Qing, in terms of national strength alone, the Qin army already has the upper hand.

If the Manchu Qing wanted to reverse the situation, they had to increase their troops. However, the Manchu Qing had to guard against forces such as Yuanmeng, Goguryeo, Chenhan, and Mahan. Obviously, there were not many troops that could be mobilized.

At this time, the Qing Dynasty was already in a dilemma.

"Military division, the matter of integrating the puppet Han's descending army has to be handed over to the puppet Han's descending general."

Xue Rengui looked at Zhang Liang and asked, "I don't know if there is a suitable candidate for the military division."

"Wei Qing, the original puppet Han general, is the best candidate." Zhang Liang replied.

"Of course the general also knows that Wei Qing is the best candidate to integrate and surrender, but Wei Qing would rather die than surrender." Xue Rengui said with a slight headache.

"General Xue, don't worry, the first thing Liang did when he returned to Yanjing after recovering Wei Zifu and his mother was to persuade Wei Qing to surrender to our army."

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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