Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1923 Meng Tian Wang Meng defeated the Liangzhou Army

Chapter 1923 Meng Tian Wang Meng defeated the Liangzhou Army

Chapter 1921: King Mengtian defeated the Liangzhou Army

Wei Qing and Zhou Yafu surrendered one after another, which made Li Guang feel a little complicated.

When Wei Qing and Zhou Yafu came to persuade them to surrender, Li Guang didn't call them traitors. After all, Liu Che, the former lord, committed suicide.

The performance of both of them is worthy of the word loyalty, even if they have surrendered to the Qin army, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Li Guang knew that Wei Qing and Zhou Yafu would surrender, and there were family factors in it. Li Guang's family is now under the rule of the Qin army. It stands to reason that he should surrender even for the sake of the family, but he always feels in his heart. go.

It was he who betrayed Liu Che's trust and failed to guard Yuyang, which allowed Su Dingfang to drive all the way to the city of Yanjing, which eventually led to the demise of the Northern Han Dynasty.

Li Guang believed that the Northern Han Dynasty would destroy the country, and most of the responsibility was on him. He felt ashamed of Liu Che in his heart, so he was unwilling to surrender.

Li Guang had already decided to spend his whole life in prison, but he couldn't let his son spend the rest of his life in prison like himself, so although he himself didn't want to surrender, he let his son Li Gan surrender to the Qin army.

In this way, the five generals Wei Qing, Zhou Yafu, Tian Yu, Li Ling, and Li Gan became the principals in charge of the Qin Army's control of the Youzhou Army.

As for the two generals Han Zeng, Zhao Chongguo, and Wei Xiang, another Qilin Pavilion surrender, they were found to be suspected of fraudulent surrender, so they are currently under surveillance and under surveillance.

After repeated investigations by Wei Yang, only evidence of Zhao Chongguo's fraudulent surrender was found, and he was indeed a spy left behind by Liu Che. Therefore, Zhao Chongguo and more than 20 other officials were dismissed and imprisoned, and they could only spend the rest of their lives in a dark prison. up.

Because of insufficient evidence, Han Zeng and Wei Xiang cannot be proved to be spies, but due to the suspicion of spies, their political careers have been stained, and naturally it is impossible to be reused and promoted for the rest of their lives.

Zhang Liang stayed in Yanjing for a few days, and after handling all the affairs, he handed everything over to Xue Rengui and Wei Yang, while he himself was recalled by Qin Hao to the Youbeiping battlefield. He still needs to make a plan.

In the first year of Xingping (194), on August 29, the Qin army divided its troops into five groups to attack the Northern Han Dynasty.

On September 25, Yanjing Kaesong surrendered, and the Northern Han Dynasty officially destroyed the country.

In less than a month, the Qin army destroyed the Northern Han Dynasty and completely occupied the five counties of the Northern Han Dynasty.

In fact, the battle of Youzhou had just started, and the battle situation between Hetao and Sizhou had also undergone special changes, especially the Liangzhou coalition forces that invaded Hetao, were completely defeated by Meng Tian and driven out of Hetao.

In the first year of Xingping, on May [-]th, the Southern Han Alliance divided five armies to attack Qin, and wars ignited in Jingbei, Heluo, Nanyang, and Hetao.

The three lands of Jingbei, Heluo, and Nanyang are mainly facing the threat of the Three Kingdoms of Shu, Chu, and Tang, while Hetao, known as "the south of the Yangtze River", has to face the three princes of Yang Guang, Ma Teng, and Han Sui. , a total of [-] Liangzhou army threats.

On May [-]th, Meng Tian completed the war mobilization and led Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Meng Yi, Yang Erlang, Yang Wulang, Yang Qilang and other generals to fight against the [-] troops of the Yang, Ma and Han families with [-] Qin troops. Liangzhou Allied Forces.

Since then, the third Hetao War has officially started.

The [-] soldiers of the Qin Army led by Meng Tian, ​​after three and a half months of hard work and more than [-] battles of all sizes, finally drove the Liangzhou Allied Forces out of Hetao on September [-]th. .

The three families of Yang, Ma and Han probably never imagined that their strength was twice that of the Qin army, but they were finally defeated by the [-] Qin army, and fled back to Liangzhou in embarrassment.

The Yang, Ma, and Han families all suffered heavy casualties in the battle with the Qin army. They were extremely afraid of Meng Tian, ​​and put all their energy on dealing with Meng Tian. However, they did not expect that Wang Meng led [-] new troops from Bingzhou. Stealthily detoured over.

Before, Wang Meng led an army of [-] troops to sit in Yanmen, and Xun Yu led an army of [-] troops to sit in Yinshan, in order to guard against Yuanmeng in the north, but after Kublai Khan returned to Longcheng and proclaimed himself emperor, the internal contradictions in Yuanmeng became more and more intense. .

Under Kublai Khan's political suppression, Maodun's power continued to shrink, and he might rebel at any time.

Yuan Meng was already on the verge of civil strife, and he was too busy to take care of himself. Naturally, it was impossible to send troops to attack Qin, so there was no need for the Qin army to use so many troops to defend Yuan Meng.

After some discussions, Wang Meng left [-] troops to guard Yanmen, but he personally led [-] troops, and transferred [-] troops from Yinshan Xunyu, and led a total of [-] troops to Hetao to support Meng Tian.

The attention of the three coalition forces of Yang, Ma and Han were all attracted by Meng Tian's main force, they didn't know that Wang led a new force of [-] and detoured to the flank of their army.

It was obviously too late when the Liangzhou coalition army found out, Wang Mengjun was less than [-] miles away from the coalition army, and together with Meng Tian formed a pincer attack on the Liangzhou Liang army, even if they wanted to withdraw, it was too late.

Long before Wang Meng's reinforcements arrived, Meng Tian secretly sent Huang Zhong, Meng Yi, Yang Erlang, and Yang Qilang out of the city to join Wang Meng's army, in order to prevent Wang Meng from having no generals.

When Wang Meng's [-] troops marched thousands of miles like magic soldiers descending from the sky, and suddenly appeared behind the flanks of the Liangzhou coalition forces, Meng Tian decisively led more than [-] troops out to attack the Liangzhou coalition forces together with Wang Meng.

The Liangzhou coalition forces rushed to the battle. Although their strength was higher than that of the Qin army, they were under attack from both sides of the Qin army, and they immediately fell into a disadvantage as soon as they confronted.

During the battle, Dian Wei and Xu Chu defeated and wounded Gao Ang, the number one general of the Sui Army, after inspiring the combination of lion and tiger.

Zhao Yun failed to defeat Gao Ang, but was strongly defeated by Dian Wei, Xu Chu, and Gao Changgong. If Gao Changgong hadn't rescued him in time, Gao Ang might have died at the hands of Dian and Xu.

As for Zhao Yun, the most powerful member of Meng Tian's army, he faced three strong generals, Shi Wansui, Wu Yunzhao, and Ma Yuan. The four of them fought for [-] rounds, until the Liangzhou coalition army was defeated.

Meng Yi faced Ma Chao in the chaotic army. Before Meng Yi had defeated Gao Ang in ten rounds, he wanted to compete with Ma Chao to save face, but he didn't want to be beaten by Ma Chao because of his lack of strength.

After Yang Erlang beheaded Sui general Hou Jing, seeing that Meng Yi had lost to Ma Chao, he decisively came to support, and Yang Wulang also came to support.

If it weren't for the timely support of these two generals of the Yang family, Meng Yi might have become the first traverser to fall under Qin Hao's command.

The three of Meng Yi, Erlang and Goro teamed up. Logically speaking, even if they could not defeat Ma Chao, they could at least draw. However, the imminent defeat stimulated Ma Chao to break through.

Under Ma Chao's eruption, it can be said that he performed super-level. Even if Meng Yi and the three teamed up, they were still no match.

If Huang Zhong hadn't arrived in time and repelled Ma Chao with a single blow, one of the three would have fallen.

 Monthly ticket breaks 500 plus more
(End of this chapter)

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