Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1931 5-color Shenguang VS Wusheng

Chapter 1931 Five-color Shenguang VS Wusheng (pseudo)

Chapter 1929: Five-color Shenguang VS Wusheng (pseudo)

[Ding dong, Zhang Fei's skill 'Rage War' is activated, force +3, intelligence -20, current force has increased to 112, and intelligence has dropped to 46. 】

The effect of Zhang Fei's 'Rage War' skill, which reduced 20 points of intelligence in exchange for a 3-point increase in force, was not as strong as Li Yuanba's 'Rage War', but it was considered top-notch among ordinary booster skills.

Under the blessing of anger, Zhang Fei's combat power was improved to a higher level, and his first move was a killer move, directly blocking Kong Xuan's upper, middle and lower lanes.

"Crazy man, die." Zhang Fei yelled.

[Ding dong, Zhang Fei's skill 'Screaming' effect 1 activates, after activation, his own force +2, and the current force rises to 114;]

Zhang Fei's skills are all easy-to-fire skills, the kind that can be triggered with two roars of fire, which also makes Zhang Fei's force increase very fast.

"Third brother, come back."

Liu Bei shouted anxiously, but he couldn't stop the angry Zhang Fei at all.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Fei rushed to capture Kong Xuan alive, and pierced Kong Xuan's throat with the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand.

"The strength is not bad, and the speed is not bad, but why are you shouting so loudly?"

Kong Xuan didn't use his weapon right away, he saw his left hand was instantly wrapped by Gang Qi, and he actually held the stabbing Zhang Ba firmly in his hand.

Kong Xuan looked at Zhang Fei unkindly, and said indifferently: "The voice can't make up for the gap in strength."

"how can that be?"

Zhang Fei suddenly showed horror, what did he see, Gang Qi?This person actually used Gang Qi.

Zhang Fei is no stranger to stellar qi. The man in front of him can use stellar qi, which means that he is at least a half-step grand master, but this man seems to be about the same age as himself?
[Ding dong, Zhang Fei's skill 'Rage War' is activated, force +3, intelligence -20, the current force is up to 117, and intelligence has dropped to 26. 】


Zhang Fei screamed and circled him, exhausting all his strength, trying to pull back the snake spear, but found that Kong Xuan's hand was like cast steel, no matter how hard he exerted, even his face turned red, but Kong Xuan also remained motionless.

[Ding dong, Zhang Fei's skill 'Screaming' effect 3 activates. When the general roars, he can reduce the opponent's strength by 1~5 points. The higher the opponent's strength, the less the reduction in strength. more.

Currently, Kong Xuan's force is reduced by 1 point, and Kong Xuan's force is reduced to...]

Zhang Fei's 'Screaming' is very powerful among suppression skills. It can suppress the opponent by 5 points of force at most, but when it meets Kong Xuan, it is completely dumbfounded. Even with full power, it can only suppress 1 point, which is enough. It can be seen that the strength gap between him and Kong Xuan is huge.

At the same time, the stellar qi on Kong Xuan's body surged violently, and also emitted colorful rays of light.

[Ding dong, Kong Xuan's skill 'Shenguang' is activated.

Divine Light: Five-color divine light, brushing everything.This is Kong Xuan's unique skill.

Effect 1, not affected by any negative effects of skills.

Effect 2, no matter singled out or gang fights, directly seal the force bonus of the opponent's weapons and mounts.

Effect 3, can randomly seal one skill of the opponent, different opponents can only seal one skill, except super magic skills. 】

[Ding Dong, Kong Xuan's skill 'Shenguang' effect 1 is activated, all magic is invulnerable, and it is not affected by any negative effects, so Zhang Fei's 'Anger Drink' suppressing effect failed to activate. 】

[Ding dong, Kong Xuan's skill 'Shenguang' effect 2 is activated, sealing Zhang Fei's weapon bonus, and Zhang Fei's current force has dropped by 116. 】

[Ding dong, Kong Xuan's skill 'Shenguang' effect 3 is activated, and Zhang Fei's skill 'Wrath' is sealed, and Zhang Fei's current strength has dropped to 114. 】

Zhang Fei, who is not afraid of breaking things, is also a little scared at this moment. He has tried his best, but he still can't detect the depth of the opponent. It can be seen that the opponent's inscrutability is far from being able to match Zhang Fei. of.

"Let go." Zhang Fei shouted.

"Okay, I will fulfill you."

Kong Xuan let go of his hand suddenly, under inertia, Zhang Fei, who had no time to regain his strength, staggered suddenly, almost fell to the ground directly.

Seeing this, Kong Xuan strode forward, and then put his left hand and five fingers together, and struck out with a palm, directly hitting Zhang Fei's chest.

Zhang Fei was shocked, and quickly raised his spear to block it. Although he blocked the palm dangerously and dangerously, he was blown away by the blow before he could breathe a sigh of relief, and hit the rear in a parabola. On the wall, the bluestone wall was directly cracked.


Zhang Fei snorted, and then a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Hitting the wall with a flesh and blood body, although it will not cause him serious injuries, is still not very comfortable after all.


Liu Bei, Guan Yu and others gasped.

How strong Zhang Fei is, no one knows better than them, even if he is not an opponent in the top ten of the generals list, it is still no problem to last dozens of rounds, but he was directly crushed by this mysterious master who does not know his name pressure.

I'm afraid it won't be Xiang Yu and Li Cunxiao again, right?

Guan Yu held the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand and held it in front of Liu Bei, and asked in a cold voice: "Your Excellency indiscriminately injured my third brother, what is your intention?"

After Kong Xuan glanced at Guan Yu, surprise flashed across his eyes. Guan Yu's aura was much stronger than Zhang Fei's, even threatening him to a certain extent, which was different from what was explained in the report.

It seems that this task is not as boring as expected.

Kong Xuan thought to himself, and then replied flatly: "I just said that I am here to take your lives, not to mention that it was your third brother who did it first."

Liu Bei took a step forward: "What's the hatred between you and Liu Bei?"

"No enmity, no hatred."

"Then why take our brother's life?"

"It is only to blame that you have offended people you shouldn't offend, and participated in things you shouldn't be involved in."

"Your Excellency, prepare..."

Liu Bei wanted to say more, but Kong Xuan didn't have the patience to continue listening.

Kong Xuan stepped on the Seven Stars, his figure was as fast as a ghost, and at some point a roar appeared in his hand, and he swung his big knife and slashed at Liu Bei.

"Brother, be careful." Guan Yu shouted quickly, and Zhang Fei also appeared beside Liu Bei, Guan and Zhang joined forces to meet Kong Xuan.

[Ding dong, Guan Yu's skill 'Wu Sheng (pseudo)' is activated...]

Guan Yu's achievement reward for completing "Five Levels and Killing Six Generals" is the fusion of "Three Swords" and "Sword God" into a new skill, "Wu Sheng (False)".

Since Guan Yu's "Wu Sheng (pseudo)" has a false character, it is obviously the same as Zhu Yuanzhang's pseudo destiny, it is an incomplete "Wu Sheng", and the effect is definitely not as good as the complete "Wu Sheng".

Originally, according to Guan Yu's growth process, as long as he can successfully become a super general, no matter which skill is integrated with weapon skills, he can steadily obtain the skill of "Wu Sheng". After all, the title of "Wu Sheng" belongs to him.

It's a pity that Guan Yu lost to Sun Lingming in the competition for Super God.

The process of passing five levels and beheading six generals was too dangerous for Guan Yu. Even with the help of Zhang Fei and Yuan Tiangang, without skill fusion, he might not be able to pass through alive.

Therefore, in order to survive, Guan Yu had no choice but to give up the super divine skill level of 'Wu Sheng' and obtain the fusion skill 'Wu Sheng (False)'.

It has to be said that Guan Yu missed a big opportunity, otherwise, with his 106 base martial arts, the possibility of success in the next competition for super generals is still very high, but in order to survive, he can only give up becoming a super general Opportunity.

There are only twelve super generals in total, and they can only be fused with weapon skills. Now that Guan Yu has no weapon skills, it is obvious that he has no possibility of becoming a super general.

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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