Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1933 Three British War Kong Xuan

Chapter 1933 Sanying Battles Kong Xuan
Chapter 1931: Sanying Battle Kong Xuan
[Ding dong, effect 2 of Kong Xuan's skill 'Shenguang' is activated, sealing Guan Yu's weapon bonus, and Guan Yu's current force has dropped by 111. 】

An extremely powerful force struck, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei didn't even have time to react, and they were shocked back by this huge force at the same time.

Guan Yu retreated ten steps in a row before stopping, while Zhang Fei even retreated twelve steps in a row.


Guan Yu and Zhang Fei looked at each other, and they both saw shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

The two of them are invincible together, this person is too strong, right?Where did it come from?

Seeing Kong Xuan attacking, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei hurriedly used their kung fu to dispel the numbness in their arms, and then joined hands to meet them again.

It won't work if we don't work together, Kong Xuan is really too strong, if he fights alone, no one is his enemy.


Guan Yu roared with all his strength, gripping the Qinglong Yanyue Knife tightly, all the strength in his body poured into his hands, and he slashed out with one blow again, and the power contained in this knife was even higher than the previous one.

[Ding Dong, Guan Yu's skill 'Martial Saint (false)' has effect 1, the second strike +4, and the current force has risen to 115. 】


As soon as the two knives touched, the Qinglong Yanyue Knife was bounced away. The counter-shock force was so great that it cracked Guan Yu's tiger's mouth. He almost couldn't even hold the knife, but he still held back the pain and gripped the handle tightly. , and roared out the third knife.

[Ding dong, Guan Yu's skill 'Martial Saint (false)' has effect 1, the third sword +5, and the current strength has risen to 120. 】

Zhang Fei also saw the opportunity, stabbed Kong Xuan's abdomen with a spear, and roared at the same time: "Go to hell."

[Ding dong, Zhang Fei's skill 'Rage War' is activated, force +3, intelligence -20, current force has increased to 117, and intelligence has dropped to 26. 】

Zhang Ba Snake Lance pierced Kong Xuan, but he was able to pierce his clothes. This was naturally because Kong Xuan had activated the Gang Qi Armor.

Not to mention that Zhang Fei's skills were sealed by Kong Xuan, even in his heyday he might not be able to break through the stellar armor, so naturally he couldn't hurt Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan didn't dodge or dodge. After resisting Zhang Fei's spear, the big knife in his hand drew an arc, and directly met Guan Yu's Qinglongyanyue knife.

Seeing this, Guan Yu's pupils shrank suddenly, not daring to continue to confront Kong Xuan head-on, so he turned the blade halfway to avoid Kong Xuan's knife, and then he retracted the knife to gather momentum, brewing a stronger blow.

Today's Guan Yu is not what it used to be. In a blink of an eye, he has accumulated strength, and his whole body is like a volcano that is about to erupt.

[Ding dong, Guan Yu's skill 'Critical Strike' is activated, and the force instantly increases to 7, and the current force rises to 127. 】

After "Sword God" merged with "Three Swords" to become "Wu Sheng (pseudo)", although Guan Yu only had one skill left, it didn't mean that he could only have one skill. May be able to stop Yin Zhou.

Guan Yu belongs to the kind of instant explosive generals, and after the three swords are integrated into the pseudo martial arts and turned into physical instincts, he is most likely to awaken the explosive skills.

In the decisive battle with Yin Zhou, Guan Yu awakened the new skill Heavy Strike, and after escaping the catastrophe, he upgraded the 'Big Strike' to 'Critical Strike'.

But perhaps because of the awakening of explosive skills, Guan Yu's second awakened skill Heavy Strike, the instant increase in force is only 5 points, even if it is advanced to critical strike, it only increases by 7 points, which is far inferior to the increase in strength of the three swords big.

This may be the disadvantage of the second awakening consent type of skill. In short, it must not be as strong as the first awakening.

With the blessing of 'Critical Strike', Guan Yu's sword was extremely domineering, but the result was obviously not as smooth as expected.

[Ding dong, Kong Xuan's skill 'Shenguang' effect 3 is activated, and Guan Yu's skill 'Critical Strike' is sealed, and Guan Yu's current force has dropped to 120. 】


After a loud noise, an unexpected scene appeared.

The knife that Guan Yu used all his strength to slash was blocked by Kong Xuan's one-armed knife, which shows how big the gap between the two is.


Guan Yu's eyes widened immediately, and he couldn't believe it was true.

Seeing that Kong Xuan was holding the Azure Dragon Saber, and there were flaws all over his body, Zhang Fei hurriedly stepped behind him, dancing wildly with the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand, and took the opportunity to attack Kong Xuan's back.

If he can't break the stellar energy armor with one blow, then he will come ten times, a hundred times, this can always be broken, right?
But what Zhang Fei didn't expect was that he attacked the same part in a row, stabbing thirteen times, but he still couldn't break through the armor of qi. What does this mean?

Everyone, including Liu Bei, gasped after seeing this scene.

With the strength of Zhang Fei's peak general, even if he loses to the general grand master, he will not be completely powerless to fight back, but what about now?
Kong Xuan stood still and asked Zhang Fei to fight, but Zhang Fei couldn't break the defense. It can be seen that Kong Xuan's strength is not as simple as a great master.

The strength gap between the two sides is too great, they are not at the same level at all, and such a huge strength gap can no longer be made up by tacit cooperation.

"It's over." Kong Xuan said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, Kong Xuan dodged sideways, making Zhang Fei miss, but swung the big knife in his hand with a Dzogchen, and slashed at Zhang Fei with incomparable ferocity.

Kong Xuan's knife came so fast that Zhang Fei had no time to dodge it. Although he knew he couldn't stop it, he could only bite the bullet and carry it.

"Third brother, be careful."

At the critical moment, Guan Yu appeared beside Zhang Fei, apparently preparing to join Zhang Fei in receiving Kong Xuan's knife.


Under Kong Xuan's knife, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were sent flying out. After spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, they fell heavily at Liu Bei's feet.

"Second brother and third brother."

Seeing this, Liu Bei was shocked, and quickly leaned over to check the injuries of the two, but was pushed by the seriously injured Zhang Fei and said, "Brother, hurry up, this person is no weaker than Xiang Yu who broke through the Great Master."

Kong Xuan disliked others comparing him to Xiang Yu the most. Hearing what Zhang Fei said, he quickened his slow pace, and said in a cold voice, "Want to escape from my Kong Xuan's hands? I'm afraid you haven't woken up yet."

"Kong Xuan? Are you Kong Xuan? In the Beihai battle against Zhu Qi, Kong Xuan who fought against a country by one person?"

Liu Bei asked with a look of horror, and his face instantly became extremely ugly.

Of course Liu Bei has heard of Kong Xuan's name, but he never thought that Kong Xuan would help Qin Hao, let alone that he would confront Kong Xuan.

But think about it, since Kong Xuan helped Qin Hao resist Zhu Tianpeng in the Northern Han Dynasty, he naturally had Qin Hao in his heart, otherwise why would he take the risk to fight against a country's elite?

When Kong Xuan approached, he stopped, looked at Liu Guanzhang coldly, and said indifferently: "Since you know me, it just happens to save trouble, you can kill yourself, so as not to dirty my hands."

 At the second watch, two chapters are still owed.

(End of this chapter)

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