Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1936 Dragon Slaying Technique

Chapter 1936 Dragon Slaying Technique
Chapter 1934: Dragon Slaying Technique
Why did Xu Shu, who was going to join Qin Hao, change his mind and join Liu Bei?

This is naturally the result of Liu Bei's cutting off.

Luoyang, as the imperial capital, has many officials who have no official career, especially after Yang Guang implemented the imperial examination.

There are rumors that the king of Qin admired the imperial examination very much, and he didn't know when the imperial examination would be implemented, so a large number of officials became "Luo Piao" and gathered in Luoyang, just to participate in the first imperial examination of the Qin army.

Since Xuzhou, Liu Bei has been reading to Zhuge Liang endlessly, but he also knows that Zhuge Liang cannot follow him.

Seeing that there are so many talents in Luoyang, Liu Bei wondered if he could find a few talents, but he didn't think that most of these officials were so ambitious that they didn't think much of him, a bereaved dog.

Of course, Liu Bei also looked down on these officials. Although there are many people, most of them are the talents of some county officials, and there are not many great talents.

Liu Bei had already given up hope, but he was still idle when he was idle, so he continued his great business of "digging for gold", but he didn't expect to find a gem from the gravel, and that was Xu Shu.

Xu Shu explained his fate, but Kong Xuan was still extremely puzzled, not understanding why he made such a choice.

From Kong Xuan's point of view, Xu Shu has both civil and military skills, and should have a brighter future, but in the end he chose the most rugged path. Isn't this just humiliating himself?

"Yuanzhi, listen to this seat's persuasion, it's still too late to turn around now."

"Does the protector want Xu Shu to be a disloyal person?"

"Infidelity? Liu Bei is about to die, and you don't even have someone to serve you, so why are you being unfaithful?"

A cold light flashed in Kong Xuan's eyes, and he made no effort to hide his murderous intent towards Liu Bei.

Xu Shu was shocked when he saw this, but he never thought that because of him, Kong Xuan's killing intent towards Liu Bei would be deepened, so he quickly said: "My lord, you can't kill my lord. If you really kill the lord, Jia Xu will definitely kill Liu Bei." I will blame you."

"Hehe, it was Jia Xu who asked me to stay here and kill everyone who walked out of the Liu residence."

Kong Xuan sneered, then looked at Xu Shu, and said calmly: "Yuan Zhi, you have also walked out of Liu's residence, I can kill you now.

But because you are a Confucian disciple, I can spare you and ask Jia Xu to intercede for you, but if you are protecting Liu Bei, don't blame me for not thinking about the past.

go away. "

Xu Shu was in a hurry, and was about to grab Kong Xuan, but when he touched his sleeve, he was blown away by a wave of energy, and there was no obstacle between Kong Xuan and Liu Bei.
Seeing this, Xu Shu quickly shouted: "Wait, Lord Protector, please listen to Shu's last words."

Kong Xuan frowned, and said coldly: "Three sentences, if you can't tell the reason, I will kill you too."

Xu Shu immediately said: "Jia Xu is worried that my lord will participate in the rebellion, so he asked the Lord to guard outside Liu's residence and kill all the people who left the residence."

"One sentence."

"But my lord brought the guards out of the house not to participate in the rebellion, but to help the Qin army suppress the rebels."

"Two...uh, you said Liu Bei came to quell the rebellion?"

Kong Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a strange look, and said with disdain: "Xu Yuanzhi, do you think I will believe your nonsense?"

"Whether adults believe it or not, this is the truth, and my master can prove it with practical actions."

Kong Xuan gave Xu Shu a chance to say three sentences, and Xu Shu only used three sentences, no more and no less, and it hit Kong Xuan's heart at once.

After pondering for a while, Kong Xuan still shook his head and said, "Jia Xu gave me the order to kill everyone who left the Liu residence. Whether Liu Bei rebelled or suppressed the rebellion, it has nothing to do with me."

Xu Shu immediately said: "But my lord, my lord is the uncle of the Han Dynasty. If you kill my lord unjustly without asking the reason, it will not be a good thing for you or Confucianism."

Seeing Xu Shu's upright speech, Kong Xuan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and at this moment Shen Nong came out from the shadows.

"Shen Nong? What are you doing here?" Kong Xuan frowned.

"Liu Bei is a farmer's disciple, and I, Shennong, am the leader of the farmer's family. Why do you think I'm here?"

Kong Xuan's face turned cold: "So, you want to protect him?"

"If Liu Bei participated in the rebellion, I would naturally not protect him, but since he was trying to suppress the rebellion, if you still want to kill him, naturally I, the leader of the farm family, can't ignore it."

Hearing this, Kong Xuan couldn't help being caught in a dilemma. He wasn't afraid of Shennong. Although they were both great masters, Shennong was only a newcomer to the realm of great masters, so he could never be his opponent. impossible

What Kong Xuan really cared about was that if Liu Bei really came to quell the rebellion, if he killed Liu Bei in front of Shennong, and Shennong publicized the matter afterwards, he and the Confucianists might be stigmatized for not distinguishing between right and wrong.

After thinking about this, the killing intent in Kong Xuan's heart receded a bit, and after giving Xu Shu a hard look, he looked at Liu Bei and said indifferently, "I'd like to see how you prove it."

Liu Guanzhang, who escaped from the dead, showed excitement, while Xu Shu said: "The rebels are gathering and preparing to attack the Qin Palace. Although my lord is injured, it is my duty to protect the Qin Palace."

"Ha ha……"

On the roof, seeing that Kong Xuan could have killed Liu Bei, but because of Xu Shu and Shennong, Ah Qing gave up killing Liu Bei, and she couldn't help showing doubts.

"What's the matter with Kong Xuan? He listened to Xu Shu and Shennong's nonsense so easily? If you don't believe me, go and urge him."

Ah Qing was about to jump downstairs, but was stopped by Ren Hongchang.

"Senior sister, don't go."

Ah Qing looked at Ren Hongchang puzzled, and asked, "Why?"

A strange color flashed in Ren Hongchang's eyes: "My husband will not hide any secrets from me, and Jia Xu mentioned Xu Shu's name many times in Feige's biography to him."


Ah Qing stared wide-eyed, looking thoughtful, and then asked some uncertain questions: "So, this Xu Shu is actually..."

Ren Hongchang shook his head and said, "I don't know, but this scene must have been carefully planned by Jia Xu."

"Why? It's just Liu Bei. Is it necessary to go through so much trouble?" Ah Qing asked puzzled.

Ren Hongchang couldn't help showing a look of thought, she didn't understand Jia Xu's intention in this step.


Inside the Qin Palace.

"My lord, as expected before, even if Liu Guanzhang joined forces, he is not Kong Xuan's opponent. He couldn't survive even fifteen moves."

Dugu Qiubai looked at Jia Xu, and reported, "However, my lord, in order to keep the show hidden, we did not reveal the plan to Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan is a determined person. Without knowing the plan, Dizi No. [-] may not be able to convince him. "

Jia Xu smiled indifferently: "If Kong Xuan can't even talk about it, he is not worthy of the old man's attention. Besides, the old man has left behind."

"Report, my lord, Kong Xuan did not kill Liu Bei, but brought the injured Liu Bei and others to guard the palace."

Jia Xu was not surprised at all, and said with a light smile, "Look, isn't this a success?"

 Guaranteed one update to... Thanks to book friends Xiangyun Huanyue and Youyin Ghost Lantern for the 10000 starting point coins, plus two chapters, and currently owes a total of 4 chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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