Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1944 Liu Mu sees through the fake Liu Xie

Chapter 1944 Liu Mu sees through the fake Liu Xie

Chapter 1942: Liu Mu sees through the fake Liu Xie

Qiao Feng had a very good impression of Liu Xie. After all, he was very eloquent at a young age, and even had the courage to personally participate in the seizure of power.

But Yang Ping regarded King Qin as rebellious just because King Qin refused to return to power, which really broke Liu Xie's good impression in Qiao Feng's heart.

It is a matter of course for the emperor to seize power from the powerful ministers, and the process of seizing power is also a kind of training for the emperor.

It is understandable that Liu Xie wants to seize power, but his current performance is too impatient, which also shows that his eating is too ugly.

You know, even if Qin Shihuang won the government and was established as the Queen of Qin at the age of 13, he endured it for a full eight years, and did not start to take charge until he was 21.

Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, succeeded to the throne at the age of 16, but he really ruled the world, and it was only after the death of Queen Mother Dou that he was able to grasp the power.

This is the case for Emperor Qin, Han and Wu, can you, Liu Xie, be an exception?Or are you stronger than them all?

The big man can no longer bear the torment, and if a country that is about to perish is handed over to a 14-year-old child, anyone with a little knowledge will not think that this child can save the country.

Qiao Feng naturally didn't believe it either, so in his opinion, Liu Xie's lust for power was too strong.

If Qiao Feng thought Liu Xie was a young hero before, now Liu Xie gave Qiao Feng the impression that although he was young, he was ambitious.

In order to attack political opponents and seize power, they have begun to disregard black and white, use any means, and even have to cut off their own arms.

This kind of monarch who desires too much power is fine if he does not take power, but once he takes power, it will be a disaster for the people of the world.

It has to be said that the impression Qin Hao left on Qiao Feng was, no, it was the persona he set up, which left a good stereotype for the people of the world.

Before there is definite evidence, let alone Qiao Feng, the vast majority of people in the world will not believe that Qin Hao betrayed the big man, and how could Qin Hao keep such things as evidence.

After Yang Ping heard Qiao Feng's words, his face turned red immediately, he really wanted to say who do you look down on?I can do what Qin Hao can do, but even if he has a thick skin, he can't say this, because he really can't handle it.

Today's situation is too chaotic and complicated, even Qin Hao can only barely parry, how can he, Yang Ping, be able to handle it.


Yang Ping took a long breath, and said in a deep voice: "Hero Qiao, what you said is not unreasonable. I really can't deal with the chaos in the world, but I can't just let Qin Hao usurp the Han."

Qiao Feng shook his head: "Caomin still said the same thing, since His Majesty thinks that the King of Qin usurped the Han, please show evidence and give the world an explanation, otherwise the world will not be convinced."

"How could the Qin thief leave evidence for such a crime that will last forever." Yang Ping said angrily.

"Is that empty talk?"

Qiao Feng looked at Yang Ping with a look of disappointment: "Your Majesty, your current rhetoric can't even convince the grassroots. Do you think you can convince the people of the world?"


Yang Ping's face changed instantly, and he said coldly: "Qiao Feng, are you determined to be my enemy?"

Qiao Feng shook his head, and said calmly: "It's not that the grassroots want to make enemies with His Majesty, but His Majesty wants to make enemies with the people of the world."

Yang Ping stared at Qiao Feng, and said coldly: "You are also qualified to represent the people of the world?"

Qiao Feng didn't know what to say, but Lu Xiaofeng stood up.

"Sect Master Qiao is indeed not qualified to represent the people of the world, but neither are you, Your Majesty, but justice is at ease in people's hearts."

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Yang Ping calmly, and said in a deep voice: "If the King of Qin is really overstepping, we, the grassroots, will definitely help His Majesty.

But now that the King of Qin has not rebelled, and he has not disrespected His Majesty, and His Majesty can't produce any evidence, he will label the King of Qin who has made great achievements and the community as a rebel. How can the people of the world be convinced?
If His Majesty insists on doing this, it will only force His Highness King Qin to turn against him, and that will be a real disaster for the great man.

Your Majesty, please stop, if you continue to be obsessed with obsession, it will only disappoint King Qin to His Majesty, and make the people of the world feel chilly about the great man. "

Different from Qiao Feng's clumsiness, Lu Xiaofeng was eloquent, and in a few words, he dismissed Yang Ping as worthless.

Seeing this, Sima Yi was very anxious.

Qin Hao was fighting against the aliens outside, but they stabbed him in the back. This matter was unreasonable. In addition, Qin Hao was really impeccable in his work, and it was normal to argue with the other party.

Sima Yi immediately grabbed Yang Ping and told him to stop talking nonsense with Lu Xiaofeng, but Yang Ping seemed to have been poked into a pain point and didn't listen to persuasion at all.

Yang Ping obviously couldn't argue with Lu Xiaofeng, but he continued to argue forcefully, trying to give himself some psychological comfort, but in the end, the more he said, the more mistakes he made.

"Your Majesty, calm down, they are delaying time." Dong Zhongshu said in a deep voice.

Yang Ping woke up suddenly, and looked at Qiao Feng and Lu Xiaofeng angrily. It was because of the intervention of these two that no hero came to him, so he said coldly, "Mr. Dong, kill them."


"If you can't say it, you will kill him. Your Majesty is so murderous."

Suddenly, a soft voice came from the palace.

Then I saw Liu Mu walking out of the palace with a cold face, wearing a yellow exercise uniform and holding a sword.

When he heard someone shouting 'Your Majesty' outside the mansion, Liu Mu couldn't stand it any longer, and was about to go out and ask Liu Xie why he did this.

Liu Mu is not only a half-step Dazong-level master, but also the hostess of Prince Qin's mansion. She is determined to go out, and Jia Xu can neither stop her nor stop her.

Looking at Liu Mu's leaving back, Jia Xu said helplessly, "There are still changes after all, I hope Yuan Zhi can hurry up."

On the other side, in front of the palace gate.

Seeing Liu Mu coming out in person, Arthur quickly saluted and said, "See Princess."

All the heroes saw that it was the princess of the Han Dynasty and the princess of the Qin Dynasty, and they all followed Arthur to salute.

"See the princess."

Liu Mu ignored everyone, but stared at Yang Ping, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

The expressions of Yang Ping, Sima Yi, Dong Zhongshu, Zhu Xi and others all became unnatural.

Yang Ping had already guessed that Liu Mu would meet this time, but he didn't expect Liu Mu to expose him as soon as they met, and immediately said calmly: "Sister Huang, I am naturally Liu Xie, your own brother."

"No, you are not."

Killing intent flashed across Liu Mu's eyes, he slowly pulled out the sword in his hand, pointed at Yang Ping, and said coldly: "Your appearance, posture, voice, manners, habits, eyes, and even tone are all in line with Xieer's." You are exactly the same, but your personalities are very different.

Bengong understands Xie'er, he is not as brave or strong as you.

Tell me, who are you?Why pretend to be Xieer?Where is the real Xieer? "

 Guaranteed one update to...

  If I said that it took five hours to write this chapter, would anyone believe me?
  This plot is really difficult to write, the author is too painful to write, and will get stuck while writing, and I will never set up such a complicated game next time.

(End of this chapter)

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