Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1971 A Qing's promotion

Chapter 1971 A Qing's promotion
Chapter 1969: Ah Qing is promoted
On the other side, Fuxi, Bodhidharma, and Zhang Sanfeng closed the city gate and returned to the city. After all, the siege of Yun Zhongzi was not over yet.

It has to be said that compared with Dong Zhongshu, Zhu Xi, and Master Ziyang, Yun Zhongzi's background is indeed much deeper. In addition, he is the only one among the four who directly burns his internal energy without any injuries or much consumption. Great Grandmaster, his state is also the best among the four, so it is only natural that the combat power that explodes after burning internal energy is stronger than the other three.

Before Kong Xuan and Kong Qiu arrived, even if Ren Hongchang, Dugu Qiubai, Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang, Ah Qing and other top experts teamed up and even used the Four Swords, He could barely draw with them.

But can the combination of four swords be used all the time?Naturally impossible.

The consumption was too great, Ren Hongchang and Dugu Qiubai could bear it, and neither could Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang.

Therefore, when the four swords could not be combined, Ren Hongchang and others fell into a disadvantage. It was not until Kong Xuan and Kong Qiu joined that the battle began to tilt towards the Qin army.

But this is only a preliminary establishment of an advantage. It is almost impossible to kill Yun Zhongzi with a strong force like killing Dong Zhu Ziyang in a state of peak combat power.

Ren Hongchang estimated in his heart that without external support, the few of them who wanted to defeat Yun Zhongzi could only exhaust his internal energy.

How long can cloud neutrons burn internal force?In short, it must have been right for a long time than Dong Zhu and others.

So, until Fuxi and others came back, the battle to besiege Yun Neutron continued.

With the addition of Fuxi and other three respected persons, the lineup to besiege Yun Zhongzi has also expanded to ten people, namely: Ren Hongchang, Dugu Qiubai, Kong Xuan, Kong Qiu, Fuxi, Bodhidharma, Zhang Sanfeng, Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang, Ah Qing, a total of eight great master-level battle strength.

The battle between Yun Zhongzi and the ten people was absolutely earth-shattering for ordinary people, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a fight between gods.

In the previous three wars, nearly half of Xuanwu Street had been destroyed. A large number of houses collapsed, killing and injuring many people, and countless people who ate melons were affected.

The shivering residents of Xuanwu Street thought that the doomsday was over, but they didn't expect these gods to fight again, and the fight was even more violent than before.

The common people were afraid that they were eating well, and suddenly a sword qi flew over, and their heads were beheaded inexplicably, so they fled the doomsday battlefield of Xuanwu Street.

At the same time, Mu Guiying, who handed over the task of defending the city to Qin Ji, immediately led the army to Xuanwu Street to check the situation after annihilating the Tang army in the city. After seeing it, everyone, including Mu Guiying, gasped Take a breath.


"This is too exaggerated."

"Is this done by a human?"

The originally bustling Xuanwu Street has been completely reduced to ruins, a large area of ​​houses collapsed, and there are ruins everywhere at a glance, and the wails of the people are everywhere.

Mu Guiying was the first to wake up from the amazement, and shouted: "Why are you still standing there, go to the common people."

"This... but madam, if you get too close, the soldiers will also be affected."

Mu Guiying fell silent for a moment. Seeing the terrified expressions of seeing a ghost in the eyes of the soldiers around him, she didn't know what to say.

Of course she knew that if she went to save the people now, some soldiers would definitely be affected by Yu Bo, but if she didn't save them, she couldn't bear to hear the people's wailing under the ruins.

Zhao Min got Mu Guiying into a tangle, and immediately said: "Why don't you save the people on the outskirts first, after the rescue, maybe they have finished fighting?"

Mu Guiying's eyes brightened: "Yes, save the people on the periphery first."


The soldiers of the Qin Army did not dare to go deep into the battle circle, so they could only search and rescue the people who were buried under the ruins in the surrounding ruins.

The battle lasted for another half an hour, and finally Yun Zhongzi couldn't hold on anymore.

Even if he doubles the speed at which he burns his internal energy and frantically squeezes his own vitality, he still cannot withstand the siege of the eight great masters, and Zhan Duli inevitably begins to go downhill.


After Kong Xuan shouted loudly, he took sides with Zhang Sanfeng, Fuxi and Bodhidharma, and wrestled with Yun Zhongzi in the middle.

"Four swords combined."

Seeing that Yun Zhongzi was temporarily restrained, Ren Hongchang and the other four resolutely initiated the Four Swords Combination, and this was the sixth time they had used the Four Swords Combination.


Under Yun Zhongzi's full strength, although he defeated the four great masters Kong Xuan, Kong Qiu, Fuxi and Bodhidharma, he had no time to react, and was hit by the huge sword energy formed by the four swords combined. The air armor was also torn apart in an instant.

"good chance."

After seeing this scene, Ah Qing, who had been swimming all the time, suddenly brightened.

Before, Master Ziyang had his stellar qi armor broken, and before he could repair it, he was pierced through the heart by Arthur and fell on the spot.

Now the same opportunity is in front of him, of course Ah Qing will not let go of such a good opportunity.

"The sword of Yue Nu, the sword of man is one."

Ah Qing jumped up, the man and the sword merged and turned into a shooting star.

In the blink of an eye, Ah Qing was in front of Yun Zhongzi, and half a second before his stellar armor was repaired, he stabbed the sword towards Yun Zhongzi's heart.


What Ah Qing didn't expect was that Yun Neutron's repairing speed was slightly faster than his sword's speed. The point of the sword just pierced his clothes, and the repair of the stellar armor was completed.

Now that the matter has come to this point, it is naturally impossible for Ah Qing to stop, her left hand clenched the hilt of the sword tightly, and her right hand slammed on the hilt of the sword, and then it was like pushing, as if she had to stab the sword in.


Cracks appeared in the Gang Qi armor.

Seeing this, Yun Zhongzi's countenance changed, he swung his right hand and grabbed the blade of the sword, while his left hand slashed, breaking Ah Qing's sword that was blessed with stellar energy.


Ah Qing roared, holding the Broken Sword tightly, all the strength poured into his hands, and continued to stab, finally pierced the Gang Qi, and pierced the Broken Sword into Yun Zhongzi's heart.


Yun Zhongzi spat out a big mouthful of blood, then widened his eyes, which were full of disbelief.

Yun Zhongzi was speechless, he could feel his own power was passing away so fast, so he transferred the last of his power to his right hand, and slapped Ah Qing's head with a slap, ready to hold Ah Qing on his back even when he was about to die. .

Before Yun Zhongzi's palm fell, his entire arm was separated from his body.

At a critical moment, Ren Hongchang cut off Yun Zhongzi's arm with a sword, saving Ah Qing's life.

Piercing the heart first, then breaking the arm, Yun Zhongzi no longer had any strength to resist, he staggered and fell to the ground and lost his breath for a long time.


Ah Qing put on a dangerous expression. After taking a long breath, he crossed his legs and lowered to the left.

[Ding dong, Ah Qing killed Yun Zhongzi and broke through his own limit. His current cultivation level has broken through to: Grand Master;]

 The second watch still owes 5 chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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