Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1976 Li Shimin is cowardly

Chapter 1976 Li Shimin is cowardly
Chapter 1974: Li Shimin is Counseled
For the Liu family, it is not a crime for the Sima family to raise the emperor's son privately, after all, it saved Liu Ping.

But for the Qin family, this is a felony.

As the patriarch of the Jin Dynasty, you, Sima Fang, have always regarded yourself as loyal and loyal, but you have a prince in your family, and you have been hiding it all the time. What do you want to do?

Therefore, even if Sima Yi did not oppose Qin, just relying on the fact that the privately adopted prince concealed and failed to report, would be enough to destroy the Sima family.

In fact, as long as Sima Fang informed Liu Ping's existence in advance, nothing would happen to the Sima family, but he didn't know what was going on in Sima Fang's mind, and he did something as irrational and stupid as Sima Yi.

Sima Fang obviously has taken refuge in Qin Wen, but he still thinks about the big man. His political stance is not firm. Such a big deal.

This is simply to gamble with the lives of nearly a hundred people from all walks of life.

Sima Fang obviously had a good hand, but he played it badly by himself. Now the truth will finally be hidden, and the end of the Sima family is coming.

Although no one can prove Liu Ping's status as the emperor's son, it is obviously impossible to completely hide it from Heibingtai and Jia Xu.

Jia Xu doesn't even need evidence, as long as he knows this, the Sima family will be destroyed.

Sima Fang who has come to this point can no longer bet that Jia Xu may not find out, he can only take all the blame on himself, and use his own death to exchange life for the rest of the Sima family.

I have to say that no matter how selfish and timid a person is, there is also a selfless and brave side.

Although Sima Fang was a timid person who was afraid of death, he really did his best to keep his family. Not only did he take the blame and commit suicide, but he also completely abandoned his beloved second son, Sima Yi.

Sima Fang not only reprimanded Sima Yi for being unfaithful and unfilial in his suicide note, but also severed his father-son relationship with him, and also crossed Sima Yi's name off the genealogy, completely expelling him from the Sima family.

In addition, Sima Fang also wrote in the suicide note: From now on, Sima Yi will be the deadly enemy of the Sima family, and whoever kills Sima Yi will be the next head of the Sima family.

Sima Fang's suicide note did not mention Liu Ping. Liu Ping was a taboo existence, and he dared not write it out. Jia Xu knew it, and he knew it. If he really wrote it, it would break the tacit understanding.

Sima Fang's extreme behavior really won a chance for the unreasonable Sima family, but before he died, he did another stupid thing.

Although Sima Yi is in Tangying, his wife and children are at home.

Sima Fang wanted to keep the Sima family, but he was reluctant to part with his young grandson Sima Shi, so he secretly sent his daughter-in-law Zhang Chunhua and grandson Sima Shi away.

Sima Fang thought that he did it without anyone noticing, but he didn't know that Jia Xu couldn't hide this matter at all, and his unnecessary actions also greatly reduced the effect of committing suicide, making the future of the Sima family full of uncertainty again.

Whether it was Qin Gao and Qin Lu's suicide or Sima Fang's suicide, it didn't matter to the overall situation.

After suppressing the rebellion of the imperial party, the Qin army was completely free of internal troubles. The situation should be better than ever, but because of the heavy casualties, it became less optimistic.

If the strong men who participated in the defense of the city are not counted, the total strength of the Qin army in Luoyang is only [-], of which [-] family soldiers also participated in the rebellion, which means that the Qin army has only [-] troops.

One thousand was lost in suppressing the rebellion of the imperial party, and another eight thousand was lost when Hu Hai opened the north gate, for a total loss of nine thousand troops.

After this turmoil, there were only [-] Qin troops left in Luoyang City.

With only [-] regular troops and tens of thousands of strong men, it is not so difficult to withstand the Tang army's attack and defend the huge Luoyang city.

The serious shortage of troops made all the generals of the Qin army worried, but Jia Xu didn't seem to be worried at all.

Seeing that most people had no confidence in defending Luoyang, Jia Xu knew that if he didn't motivate them, the morale of the defenders would drop again and again, so he made public the news that Qin Hao had sent 20 reinforcements to Sizhou.

The reason why Jia Xu didn't talk about it before was that the water in the distance could not quench the near thirst, so it was useless to talk about it, and the second was that the situation in Luoyang City at that time was not so unstoppable that it needed to stimulate morale.

Now the timing for Jia Xu to announce the news is just right. It can not only strengthen his beliefs, but also stimulate morale, which can be described as the best of both worlds.

Although all the generals of the Qin army knew that the lord would not give up Luoyang and would send reinforcements to support him sooner or later, there was no definite news after all.

When the news of the approaching 20 reinforcements was announced from Jia Xu, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, that was an army of 20, more than the total number of Tang troops that entered Sizhou.

Not to mention that Luoyang has not yet fallen, even if it does fall, it can still be taken back with this 20 army.

The news of the approaching reinforcements greatly boosted the morale of the Qin army's defenders. Coupled with the strict defense of Mu Guiying, Qin Jian, Qin Ji, Di Qing, Sima Cuo and other generals, the Tang army could not find any flaws. It can only attack head-on, and it is almost impossible to break through Luoyang in a short period of time.

The reason why Li Shimin dared to go deep alone was mainly because there was an imperial party in the city, which was essentially a risky and speculative behavior.

Now that the imperial party has been destroyed, there is no internal support, and the Qin army has not shown any flaws. With his army of more than [-], can it really break through Luoyang?
Even if he really did it and captured Luoyang before the Qin army's reinforcements arrived, with the remaining troops, could he hold Luoyang under the counterattack of the 20 Hebei Qin army?
All this is unknown, but as long as one wrong step, not only Li Shimin will die, Li Tang may also be destroyed, so he can't help being careless.

"My lord, something is wrong. Yang, Ma and Han's [-] Liangzhou coalition forces were nearly wiped out under the attack of Meng Tian and Wang Meng."


Li Tang and all the generals turned pale with shock. They didn't expect that the [-] Liangzhou coalition army would be defeated by the Qin army so quickly.

Is this because Qin Jun is too strong?Or is Liangzhou too weak?
Unlike those weak princes, Tang Jun and Qin Jun fought a lot, winning and losing each other, and they didn't feel that Qin Jun was invincible.

As for the three Liangzhou families, although the Han and Ma families had never fought Tang Jun, Sui Yang was Li Tang's old opponent.

Is Sui Yang a soft persimmon?Obviously not, otherwise Li and Tang would have ruled Liangzhou long ago, and since the Ma and Han families can compete with Sui and Yang, it can be seen that their strength is not weak.

Since the three families in Liangzhou are not weak, they should be stronger when united. How could they be defeated by Qin Jun so easily?
Li Tangzhong was puzzled by this, and could only explain why the Liangzhou Army was defeated so quickly by the discord between the coalition forces.

The three coalition forces in Liangzhou were the first to retreat, and the impact it caused was undoubtedly huge.

Without the containment of the Liangzhou coalition forces, the Qin army in Hetao was liberated. It could go south to support Luoyang, and send troops to Hanoi to cut off the retreat of the Tang army.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin suddenly had a bad premonition, which soon came true.

"Reporting... important information from Guanzhong, Meng Tian ordered Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong to lead an army of [-] cavalry to the south, intending to cut off our army's retreat."

There were 20 Hebei Qin troops approaching before, and [-] Hetao cavalry later.

Li Shimin was a little scared suddenly.

 Today's guarantee.

(End of this chapter)

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