Chapter 1978 Hebei Qin Army
Chapter 1976: Hebei Qin Army
The composition of the Hebei Qin army supporting Sizhou is very complicated, consisting of five parts, namely:

Li Jing's [-] North Navy.

The main force of Zhang Liao's [-] Qin army.

Xiao Yan's [-] Zhao Guo surrendered.

Zhang He's [-] South Korean troops surrendered.

And Han Xin's [-] Han Zhao mixed troops surrendered.

Of the 20 troops, a full [-] surrendered. In fact, Xiao Yan and Zhang He's [-] troops surrendered directly, while Han Xin's [-] troops were all reorganized from war captives.

So it is conceivable that the 20 Hebei reinforcements formed by the [-] Qin army and the [-] Han Zhao Jiang army must be inferior to the Tang army in terms of comprehensive combat power.

Neither South Korea nor Zhao is a weak country, and the overall quality of the soldiers is not low. It is only because they have just surrendered that their morale is low, which lowers the overall level of the entire army.

However, the training foundation of Han Zhaojiang's army is still there, and it is not much worse than that of Tang army on the whole, and the huge number of troops also makes up for the shortcomings of morale.

Before the expedition, the 20 troops were scattered all over Hebei, and following Qin Hao's order, the five armies marched towards Henan like a long snake, and finally joined forces at the north bank of the Yellow River.

As the commander-in-chief of the 20 Hebei Army, Li Jing originally thought that this operation was a good job. After all, the Tang Army that ravaged Sizhou had no more than 15 troops at most. Wan Dajun, defeating Tang Jun is definitely a breeze.

But what Li Jing didn't expect was that a lot of time was wasted in army dispatching. It took nearly a month just to leave Jizhou. If he arrived in Luoyang, he would have to go another month.

Will Luoyang still be in Qin Jun's hands by then?

The slow marching speed of the Qin army in Hebei is actually caused by various factors such as the different numbers, quality, and speed of each army.

In addition, the five armies belonging to Li Jing, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Xiao Yan, and Han Xin all started from different places, and the distances they marched were naturally also different.

Zhang Liao's main force, the Qin army, was the fastest, while Li Jingbei's navy was a bit slower, while the [-] surrendered army was not only slow, but also delayed their march due to various incidents, which directly affected the overall marching speed.

Regarding this, although Han Xin, Zhang Ying, and Xiao Yan were also anxious, they had no good solution. Besides, they were not the commander in chief, and the matter had nothing to do with them, so they naturally let it go.

Seeing that more and more time was wasted, Li Jing couldn't sit still anymore, so he adopted Guo Jia's proposal and directly issued a death order to the generals. They must join forces on the north bank of the Yellow River at the end of the month, otherwise the whole army will be punished .

It has to be said that Guo Jia's proposal is somewhat damaging, but the effect is still very obvious.

The chiefs and generals didn't want to be punished. Naturally, they urged the soldiers severely and forcibly accelerated the marching speed, which made the soldiers at the bottom full of resentment. Of course, these had nothing to do with Li Jing and Guo Jia.

When the 20 Hebei reinforcements officially met on the north bank of the Yellow River, Qin Hao had already launched a war to destroy the Han, and had occupied nearly half of Youzhou.

After joining forces, Li Jing immediately proposed to cross the river, but the commanders of the various ministries were arguing over who would be the first and who would be the last. Only then did he realize that the army was full of arrogance and underestimation of the enemy.

In the eyes of the generals of the Hebei Qin Army, nearly 30 troops against Li Tang's 13 troops is a battle that cannot be lost. Therefore, in their eyes, the Tang Army is a stroke of merit. .

Among the 20 troops in Hebei, the descending army was most eager to make contributions. Han Xin, Zhang He, and Xiao Yan all wanted to cross the river first, so as to secure their first achievement since going south, so as to stabilize their position in the Qin army.

Although Li Jing understood the eagerness of the surrendered generals to perform meritorious service, he could not favor them overtly. After all, this would cause dissatisfaction among the main generals, especially the deputy general Zhang Liao.

The surrender army wants credit, but the main force doesn't?

Although Li Jing is the commander-in-chief of the Hebei Army and has the command of 20 troops, the real troops directly under him are only [-] soldiers from the Northern Navy, while Zhang Liao, the deputy general, has [-] main troops.

Although Li Jing made great contributions in the Hebei War, he was only the prefect of a county before, and there were many people in the army who did not accept him, and Zhang Liao was naturally one of them.

As one of the two lieutenant generals, Zhang Liao had neither seniority nor credit, but Li Jing's performance was too eye-catching, so he missed the position of chief general.

Although Zhang Liao admired Li Jing very much in his heart, it didn't mean that he was completely convinced.

A lieutenant who doesn't want to be a general is not a good general.

Zhang Liao also wanted to prove that he was no worse than Li Jing, so how could he give up the chance of making the first move.

Therefore, if Li Jing gave the first merit to the surrendered army, although he could get the support of the [-] surrendered army, it would also cause dissatisfaction with the main force headed by Zhang Liao.

After all, although the number of surrendered troops is large, it is obvious that the main force is more powerful, which is not worth the loss for Li Jing.

Just when Li Jing was in a dilemma, Guo Jia offered advice to Li Jing here, so that the main force and the surrendered army could share meritorious service.

Guo Jiayan said that after Tang Jun learned that the 20 Hebei army was about to arrive in Sizhou, he was afraid and might flee without a fight.

In order to prevent the Tang army in Luoyang from fleeing, the cavalry of the whole army can be gathered and let the cavalry cross the river to Luoyang first.

There are cavalry in the five divisions of the Hebei Army, and together they can have [-] cavalry.

If the Tang army fled, they could order the cavalry to pursue them. If they did not escape, they could fight outside the city to share the pressure on Luoyang City.

Guo Jia's words made Li Jing react. He had been thinking about how to wipe out the Tang army with the least casualties, but he ignored the possibility that the Tang army would give up the victory and flee without fighting.

No matter how much the Tang army achieved in Sizhou, the total force is only 13 after all, which is not enough to hold the fruits of victory under the offensive of the 29 Qin army. It may be embarrassing to withdraw from Sizhou without a fight, but it is also wise. Lift it.

Realizing this, Li Jing decisively gathered the cavalry of the entire army, appointed Zhang Liao as the vanguard general, and with [-] cavalry, they took the lead in crossing the Yellow River to help Luoyang.

Among Zhang Liao's [-] cavalry, [-] came from the main force, and the remaining [-] came from the other four armies, led by Zhang Ying, Xiao Yan, Tai Shici, Zhang Kui and other generals, and temporarily belonged to Zhang Liao's command. .

Under this arrangement, although the main force is still the main force, the other departments can also share the credit, which can be described as the best of both worlds.

The reason why Zhang Liao was chosen to lead the army was naturally because, apart from Li Jing and Han Xin, no one was better than Zhang Liao in terms of cavalry command ability.

After Zhang Liao led the cavalry one step ahead, Li Jing and Han Xin continued to cross the river with an army of 16, and marched at full speed towards Luoyang after crossing the Yellow River in batches.

16 Hebei had just crossed the Yellow River, and received news that the Tang army had withdrawn from Luoyang.

When Li Jing learned about it, he was very happy. Fortunately, he let the cavalry go ahead. Otherwise, when his army arrived in Luoyang, Li Tang's army might have retreated to Guanzhong.

 In the second change, the monthly ticket breaks 200 plus change, and currently still owes 4 chapters.

  The slow march is really necessary for the plot, otherwise the timelines will not match up. This is why the two-line narrative is not good. Be sure to pay attention next time.
(End of this chapter)

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