Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1983 Carrying the coffin and fighting to the death

Chapter 1983 Carrying the coffin and fighting to the death
Chapter 1981: Battle of Carrying the Coffin to the Death
Only [-] cavalry charged, and the momentum created was so huge, the roar of mountains and tsunamis was daunting, if [-] cavalry charged together, would it be okay?
The Tang army's raid on Luoyang failed, and their morale was already frustrated. They were overtaken by the Qin army on the way to retreat. Now it is at a stage of low morale.

After seeing the scene of thousands of galloping horses, many soldiers were frightened and began to move back subconsciously.


Li Shimin's eyes were like lightning, and he could tell at a glance that the soldiers were in crisis. He immediately pulled out the Seven Star Longyuan from his waist, and shouted: "No one is allowed to retreat, and the one who retreats dies."

Although the scene of Wan Qi rushing to score was frightening, he hadn't rushed in front of him after all, but the bright sword of the law enforcement team behind him could cut himself at any time.

The soldiers of the Tang Army did not dare to retreat any longer. Although there was cold sweat on their foreheads, they still suppressed the fear in their hearts and faced the cavalry of the Qin Army who were about to charge.

"My lord, Zhang Liao did not directly launch a general attack, but divided his troops into four groups, with Zhang He and Xu Huang each leading seven thousand cavalry, and took the lead in attacking the two wings of our army.

As for the other two divisions, one is Zhang Liao's [-] central army, and the other is Xiao Yan's [-] rear army. However, Xiao Yan's division came out alone, as if he had no intention of participating in the war. "

Li Shimin's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he knew that the trick to transfer [-] cavalry had worked.

Zhang Liao thought that the disappearing [-] cavalry would backtrack after the decisive battle began, so he left Xiao Yan with [-] cavalry on guard.

"Mr. Sima, you are really amazing." Li Shimin praised.

"It's just a little trick."

Sima Yi shook his head: "The crisis has not been resolved, His Royal Highness Tang Wang must not be careless."

Li Shimin nodded. Of course he knew that the Tang army's crisis had not been resolved. After all, even if the Qin army attacked by [-] fewer, there were still [-] cavalry. The [-] elite infantry of the Tang army might not be able to stop it.

But this is already very rare. After all, if the Qin army's cavalry is [-], then the Tang army has almost no chance of winning, but if it is only [-], there is a chance of survival.

Li Shimin had to fight for this chance of survival on his own.

On the podium, Li Shimin stepped forward, pointed his sword at the sky, and shouted: "Soldiers, if we lose today's battle, we will all die without a place to die.

If you want to survive, you must fight to the death and defeat the Qin army. "

[Ding dong, effect 3 of Li Shimin's skill 'Zhenguan' is activated. When commanding a large army to fight, the overall quality of the whole army will be greatly improved. (Note: This effect works best with Li Shimin's exclusive troop, the Xuanjia Army. The bonus obtained by the Xuanjia Army will be double that of other teams.)
Since there is no disparity in the strength of the enemy and our troops, it can only increase the overall quality of the whole army. The overall quality of the whole army has been greatly improved, and Commander Li Shimin +2;

Li Shimin's basic command is 100 (+2), and the current command rises to 102;]

The 'Zhen Guan' effect 3 is extremely powerful for the increase of the commanding army, but there is no clear increase for the commanding officer, which is obviously unreasonable, and now I finally understand what is going on.

The more advanced the skill, the more ambiguous it is in terms of effect display. For example, there is no clear numerical limit for Destiny and Holy Emperor, and the same is true for Zhenguan.

'Zhenguan' is not unable to increase the commander, but like other advanced skills, it is not clearly revealed, and as long as the conditions are met, the attribute of the commander can still be increased, and there is no clear numerical limit.

Of course, Zhenguan's increase in commander-in-chief must be limited. After all, in such a crisis situation, Li Shimin was only given an additional two days as commander-in-chief. It can be seen that 2 points should be the limit of Zhenguan's increase in commander-in-chief.

In a few words, Tang Jun's unsteady march was appeased by Li Shimin.

Seeing that the unstable morale of the army had recovered, and the morale was also picking up, Li Shimin hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, and said to the left and right: "Bring it up."

Under the gaze of everyone, four soldiers among them carried up a coffin.

Li Shimin pointed at the coffin and shouted: "Soldiers, I, Li Shimin, hereby promise you that if you lose this battle, Shimin will die before you."

[Ding dong, Li Shimin's skill 'Zhen Guan' effect 4 is activated. When he personally joins the battle, the generals of the entire army will have +1 force and reduce the morale of the enemy. (Note: This effect can be activated together with effect 3 stacking.)
Li Shimin: Force 93 (+5), Qixing Yongyuan +1, Shivachi +1, the current force has risen to 96;

Master Shang and Apprentice: Strength 103 (+3), Tilu Spear, Yeming Helmet, Tang Ni Armor +1, Yellow Maned Horse +1, current strength rises to 106;

Hou Junji: Strength 97 (+2), White Tiger Sword +1, Dawan Horse +1, current strength rises to 100;


Ma Shanwei: 105, Seven Kill Overlord Gun +1, Curly Lion Black +1, the current force has risen to 108;]

Li Shimin's prestige in the Tang army was extremely high, and all the soldiers supported him extremely.

The soldiers who heard the tragic speech before had tears in their eyes, but now he even moved out the coffin.

Li Shimin's act of carrying the coffin to the death battle completely aroused the grief and indignation of the soldiers, and a feeling of mourning for the army quickly spread among the Tang army.

The Tang army, who was shocked by the cavalry of the Qin army and had a turbulent military spirit, turned into a mourning army in an instant under Li Shimin's tragic speech and the increase of "Zhenguan".

"Fight to the death, fight to the death..."

The [-] Tang troops tried their best and roared hysterically. The roar could be said to resound through the sky, even Zhang Liao, who was ten miles away, could hear it.

Zhang Liao, who was observing the large formation of the Tang army, had a solemn look on his face when he heard the roar of grief and indignation from the [-] Tang army. At this moment, he understood why Qin Hao liked Li Shimin so much.

"As expected of a man that the lord should treat with caution, he has inspired the morale of the dispirited Tang army so quickly, and there is a faint tendency to transform into a mourning army." Zhang Liao said to himself with a serious face.

If the morale of the Tang army had been low, it would be effortless for the [-] Qin cavalry to defeat them, but it would be completely different when facing the [-] mourning army.

The mourning army will win!

In Zhang Liao's eyes, Tang Jun was originally a wild bull, which could be eaten with some effort, but now he has turned into a hedgehog, although he can still be eaten, but his mouth will be full of blood, which is not worth the loss.

In an instant, a gleam flashed in Zhang Liao's eyes, and he said to himself, "So what if you are a mourner?

Even if the turtle shell has thorns, it is still a turtle shell. As long as it doesn't take the initiative to bump into it, it can still hurt the hunter. "


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(End of this chapter)

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