Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1990 Breaking the Dragon Gate Formation

Chapter 1990 Breaking the Dragon Gate Formation
Chapter 1988: Breaking through the Longmen Formation
Although Bai Ying was shot by Tai Shici with an arrow, the Tang army did not collapse because of his death.

With Li Shimin, the main commander of Commander 102, commanding and controlling the overall situation, the generals guarding the gate became secondary. Even if they all died in battle, the Longmen Formation would not collapse, and at most it would be chaotic for a while.

As soon as Bai Ying died, the deputy general took over the command and continued to direct the large formation to strangle Tai Shici's troops.

Tai Shici was very surprised when he saw Tang Jun Weiluan, he knew that there was not much time for him to escape, and he had to take this opportunity to get rid of this wave of interception and killing.

With this in mind, Tai Shici immediately led the army, taking advantage of the fall of the Tang army's defender and the chaos in the command, charged towards the northwest.

Tai Shici was lucky, the guard of the gate he entered was only an unknown person, so he was able to kill a bloody path so easily, but the other four routes were not so lucky.

Zhang Kui's troops lost their way as soon as they entered the battle. More than [-] of the [-] cavalry under their troops broke away from the main force and were surrounded, beaten and strangled by the Tang army's spear formation.

Seeing this, Lieutenant General Gao Lan immediately led more than a hundred horses to support him, but he was killing and killing, but found that there was no one around him, and nearly a hundred Tang Army spearmen were forming a circle to surround him.

Gao Lan smiled wryly when he saw this. He never expected that Tang Jun would be so cautious, and he would end up fighting against himself alone.

If he doesn't form an formation, he still has the possibility to break out, but it will be difficult if he forms an formation.

"Fight." Gao Lan gritted his teeth.

[Ding Dong, Gao Lan's skill 'Knife General' is activated, force +2, base force 95 (+3) current force has risen to 97. 】

More than a dozen long spears stabbed at Gao Lan, and he swung the big knife in his hand with all his strength. With one blow, he not only separated all the stabbing spears, but also cut off several of them, but the next moment there were dozens more The long spear stabs.

Gao Lan fought with him for several rounds with all his strength, and after beheading more than [-] Tang army elites, his mount was cut off by the Tang army captain.

Gao Lan quickly turned around and beheaded the captain with a single knife, but he was thrown off by the horse because the horse stumbled.

Seeing Gao Lan fell from the horse, the Tang soldiers around were overjoyed and rushed over one after another, wanting to take his head.

Hundreds of long spears were like nails, piercing the ground secretly. Gao Lan, who had no time to get up, could only roll on the ground to avoid the spearmen's stabbing.

After another round of tumbling, Gao Lan took advantage of the situation and got up, bumped into a soldier's chin, and forced him to die, but was kicked in the chest and fell to the ground again. He slashed at him with a big knife.

Driven by the desire to survive, in order to avoid being hacked to death by random knives, Gao Lan raised the knives with both hands to block, but was pressed half kneeling on the ground.

[Ding dong, Gao Lan breaks through his own limit, his force is permanently +1, the current base force is 96 (+4), and the current force rises to 98. 】


Seeing that the blade was about to cut the skin of his neck, Gao Lan roared with all his strength, and he actually blocked more than [-] people at the same time with his own strength, and even gained the upper hand.

The soldiers of the Tang army turned pale with fright and shouted to cheer themselves up, but they still couldn't push Gao Lan back.

At this moment, two more Tang army spearmen raised their guns and stabbed Gao Lan, but at this time Gao Lan could not move at all.


Gao Lan's eyes showed despair, and he closed his eyes unwillingly, but he didn't wait for death to come, instead he heard the screams of two Tang soldiers.

At the critical juncture, Zhang Kui, who lost his way, led the army back and shot and killed the two Tang soldiers with two arrows, saving Gao Lan's life in a dangerous way.

After the two arrows succeeded, Zhang Kui hung the bow and arrow on the horse's back, rushed towards Gao Lan with a big knife in his hand, knocked several of the sword and shield soldiers who were besieging Gao Lan into the air, and rescued Gao Lan from it.

"Quick, give General Gao Lan a horse." Zhang Kui shouted.

The soldiers immediately gave Gao Lan a horse.

After Gao Lan got on the horse, he was completely relieved, and his life was finally saved for the time being.

After Zhang Kui rescued Gao Lan, he led people to rescue the five hundred riders who were left behind, but less than half of the five hundred riders were still alive.

"General, you can't run around anymore, the east is over there, now we should charge south..."

Seeing that Gao Lan had identified the direction, Zhang Kui was immediately overjoyed, and quickly followed Gao Lan's instructions, and personally took the lead in charging towards the south.

A large number of Tang troops came to stop them along the way, but Zhang Kui was so brave that he defeated several groups of Tang troops one after another, and no one could be his single enemy.

Gao Lan was undoubtedly lucky too, if it wasn't for Zhang Kui's timely rescue, he might have died on the spot, while the rest of the generals were not so lucky, such as Ju Yi's deputy Xiao Baoyin.

Ju Yi is not as strong as Tai Shici and Zhang Kui, and the Longmen formation is so dangerous, Ju Yi can only barely protect himself, so naturally he has no energy to distract others.

Xiao Baoyin was a famous general in the Northern Wei Dynasty, not only brave, but also quite strategic, but in the Longmen formation, his bravery and strategy could not be displayed, and finally died under the cold arrows of the Tang army after beheading 38 Tang soldiers in a row.

Apart from Xiao Baoyin, Huang Tianlu's two lieutenants, Li Feng and Li Hai, both died in the Longmen formation.

In addition, Zhang Feng, Huang Tianxiang's lieutenant general, was also beaten to death by soldiers of the Tang army. Huang Tianxiang, who was a war-level fierce general, had no time to rescue him.

Under the sound of Zhang Liao's beating drums, the generals lost in the formation continued to charge in the agreed direction after understanding the direction, but even though the commander in chief was extremely brave, he still failed to cause much damage to the Tang army.

Zhang Liao sent [-] iron cavalry to break into the Longmen formation in five groups. The five generals leading the army were not weak, including two God of War generals, but they were unable to shake the formation at all, which showed the strength of the Longmen formation.

Zhang Liao, who was outside the formation, saw that the [-] cavalry in the formation had suffered heavy casualties, but he didn't show any distressed expression, instead, there was a hint of excitement on his face.

Naturally, it is impossible for Zhang Liao to die from [-] cavalry. On the surface, although [-] cavalry did not kill many Tang troops, their actions in the Longmen formation also made the entire formation work because of them, restraining most of the Longmen formation. Function, and now is the time for the [-] troops outside the formation to launch a general offensive.

It is impossible to break the Longmen Formation by conventional methods, and someone must make sacrifices.

In order to create a fighting opportunity, Li Shimin did not hesitate to let the [-] elites be insufficient, and stood still to shoot Zhang Liao as a target. Zhang Liao would naturally sacrifice thousands of cavalry in order to create a fighting opportunity.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhang Liao decisively waved his broadsword without any hesitation, and issued a general attack order to the entire army.

"All troops attack."

Following Zhang Liao's order, Zhang Liao's [-] cavalry in the east, Zhang He's [-] cavalry in the west, Xu Huang's [-] cavalry in the north, and Mu Guiying's [-] cavalry mixed army in the south, marched from four directions, from southeast to northwest, at the same time. Launched a general attack on Longmen Formation.

The final decisive battle broke out completely.

 The second update is to make up for the guarantee owed on Wednesday. At present, there are still 3 chapters owed

(End of this chapter)

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