Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1992 Breaking the Dragon Gate Formation

Chapter 1992 Breaking through the Longmen Formation (final)
Chapter 1990: Breaking through the Longmen Formation (final)
"General, General Yang Kuan sent out a call for help."

"Didn't you already give him bow and arrow support?" Ma Shanwei asked puzzled.

Seeing that what Zhang Liao was attacking was not his own side, but the next door, Ma Shanwei decisively asked the archers under his command to support Yang Kuan's bow and arrows to strengthen his vitality, but he did not expect Yang Kuan to come to ask for help so soon.

"The Qin army used heavy cavalry, and our army's bows and crossbows were useless to them. In addition, they also used new cavalry tactics, and had close-combat weapons to restrain our army's spear array... and forced their way into the Wu army without much effort. character array.

Now that Zhang Liao's [-] iron cavalry had also entered the formation, if the general did not send reinforcements, the Wu-shaped formation might collapse completely. "

The Wu character formation is one of the ten small formations guarded by Yang Kuan.

The difference between Li Shimin and Xue Rengui is that they use heavenly stems to name the ten formations under the Longmen Formation, namely: A, B, C, D, E, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui.

Master Shang guarded the A-shaped formation, Hou Junji guarded the B-shaped formation, Ma Shanwei guarded the C-shaped formation, and Yang Kuan and Bai Ying, who had already died in battle, guarded the Ji and Gui formations respectively.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Ma Shanwei also realized the seriousness of the problem. Now that [-] Qin troops have entered the garrison formation, if he does not support the plan, the garrison formation will collapse sooner or later.

However, the task Li Shimin gave him was to guard the Bingzi formation. After he left, the Qin army turned their guns and went to the Bingzi formation. It would be too late for him to rescue him.

Thinking of this, Ma Shanwei couldn't help feeling a little bit in a dilemma.

What Ma Shanwei didn't know was that when he was hesitating, the defender of the Shuzi formation had already died in battle.

Ma Shanwei didn't hesitate too long, because Li Shimin at the front of the formation had already waved the command flag and took the initiative to call him to support the Shuzi formation.

After receiving the order, Ma Shanwei breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately led half of the troops to support, but he didn't want the situation in the camp to deteriorate completely when he arrived.

The [-] cavalry under Zhang Liao's command were extremely powerful. Not only did they have [-] heavily armored female soldiers, but they also had [-] flying tiger cavalry.

Tang Jun can only compete with it by blocking it from the formation. Once Qin Jun is allowed to tear apart the formation, he loses the advantages of formation and spear formation. How can he stop the wolf-like Qin Jun?

Seeing that the Shuzi formation was about to collapse, Ma Shanwei decisively ordered the reinforcements to join the battle. He saw that he was holding a large meteorite iron spear, charging back and forth among the Qin army several times, and even had to kill more than [-] cavalry, but it was still difficult to reverse. This decadent trend.

"damn it……"

Ma Shanwei cursed angrily, but then his eyes widened, and he saw the general of the Qin army, Zhang Liao.

As long as Zhang Liao can be killed, the morale of the Qin army will definitely drop.

Thinking of this, Ma Shanwei smiled ferociously at the corner of his mouth, bent down, lay on the horse's back, and approached Zhang Liao quietly, as if he wanted to attack Zhang Liao.

At this time, Qin Ji and Arthur were not by Zhang Liao's side.

[Ding dong, Ma Shanwei's skill 'Spearman' is activated, force +4, and the current force is up to 112. 】

In order to fully display the combat power of the Women's Army and the Flying Tiger Army, Zhang Liao sent both Arthur and Qin Ji out.

The two of them contributed a lot to the collapse of the Shuzi formation in such a short period of time.

Zhang Liao was still very cautious. As soon as Ma Shanwei approached, he noticed it, and instinctively became vigilant in his heart.

After observing the horse and armor style, he recognized at a glance that it must be Ma Shanwei, so he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Ma Shanwei."

Ma Shanwei was no ordinary general, so Zhang Liao couldn't help but ignore him.

In the battle of Luoyang, Ma Shanwei was defeated by the joint efforts of the six generals. If such a fierce man attacked him secretly, he might not be able to last a round.

With this thought in mind, Zhang Liao immediately turned his horse's head to increase the distance between him and Ma Shanwei.

"Bad exposed."

Seeing that he was exposed, Ma Shanwei didn't hide any more, and directly showed his true colors, shooting at Zhang Liao with his gun.

This time Zhang Liao didn't retreat. Before that, he retreated to prevent Ma Shanwei's sneak attack. If he retreated now, he would be timid to avoid the battle. What would the soldiers think when they saw this?It affects morale.

"Look at the knife."

Zhang Liao yelled to cheer himself up, grasped the Qingtian hook and knife with both hands, danced wildly, and slashed at Ma Shanwei continuously.

[Ding dong, Zhang Liao's skill 'Sword God' is activated, force +4, and the current force has risen to 113. 】

Ma Shanwei looked like he was determined by Zhang Liao, but when he saw Zhang Liao's clean and neat saber technique, he completely suppressed the contempt in his heart, and directly put out all his strength to kill him as soon as possible.

[Ding dong, Ma Shanwei's skill 'Rage War' is launched, force +5, power -20, current force rises to 117, power drops to 39. 】

Nail, nail, nail...

Zhang Liao's broadsword kept cutting on the spear, making sharp metal impact sounds and sparking a lot of sparks, but it couldn't hurt Ma Shanwei at all.

Every move of Zhang Liao, without exception, was blocked by Ma Shanwei, so naturally he couldn't hurt Ma Shanwei.

Zhang Liao was startled when he saw this, and tried his best to exert all his energy, but he still couldn't do anything, he couldn't help crying out inwardly.

Bian Xiang, Hou Andu, Zhu Ling, and Han Xun, who were surrendered generals, saw that Zhang Liao had fallen into a disadvantage so quickly, and worried that the main general would lose, so they rushed to support and joined forces with the five of them to fight against Ma Shanwei. But he didn't want that even if the five of them teamed up, they could barely protect themselves.

[Ding dong, Ma Shanwei's skill 'Rage War' is launched, force +5, power -20, current force rises to 122, intelligence drops to 19. 】

In the battle of Luoyang, the Qin army dispatched six generals to defeat Ma Shanwei. Among the generals besieging Ma Shanwei, only Zhang Liao is a super general. Zhu Ling, Bian Xiang and Hou An are all top-notch masters. Han Xun has only reserved masters, how could such a lineup defeat Ma Shanwei who is the god of war?

After ten rounds, Zhao Guojiang's general Han Xun was the first to fail, and after being shot by Ma Shanwei, his blade was smashed and his head was blown off.

After the thirteenth round, Zhu Ling, Bian Xianghou, and Andu, after blocking Ma Shanwei's full blow, Zhu Ling vomited blood and passed out. , obviously suffered internal injuries.

After fifteen rounds, Hou Andu was first shot off his horse, and then shot to the ground by Ma Shanwei. Bian Xiang also retreated due to injury.

Since then, among the five generals who besieged Ma Shanwei, two died and two were injured, leaving only Zhang Liao able to fight.

Naturally, Zhang Liao was also injured. Although he still had fighting strength, he knew that he would die if he continued to fight. Naturally, he already wanted to retreat, but he didn't want Tang Jun to sound a strange horn.

Ma Shanwei, who was originally crazy, turned ugly when he heard the horn, glared at Zhang Liao, and then took the initiative to retreat.

Zhang Liao was taken aback for a moment, and then became ecstatic.

It must be under his internal and external tactics, the other three routes have also achieved rich results.

Li Shimin knew that the Longmen Formation would be broken in the future, and there was no point in continuing to resist, so he was ready to evacuate, but he couldn't take the army away, so he had to recall all the generals in advance.

Once Zhang Liao's guess is correct, besides his impressive record, Xu Huang, Zhang Xi, and Mu Guiying all achieved impressive results.

Especially Mu Guiying's unit, with [-] cavalry mixed troops, achieved no less success than the three divisions with all cavalry.

 For the second update yesterday, I still owe two chapters, try to pay it off today.

(End of this chapter)

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