Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1994 Annihilation of 5 Tang Army

Chapter 1994 wipe out fifty thousand Tang army
Chapter 1992: Annihilation of [-] Tang Army
Seeing that the Longmen formation finally collapsed, the five Qin armies in the formation were relieved.

As Zhang Liao's pathfinder, the average casualties of the five Qin army cavalry that entered the battle were more than two-fifths, and the casualties of Ju Yi's troops reached one-half.

There are only nearly 6000 of the [-] cavalry left, and almost all the generals are injured, even Zhang Kui and Huang Tianxiang, who are the gods of war, are the same.

This is the result of Tai Shici, Zhang Kui and others fighting desperately for the prize. If five generals who are not strong enough are replaced, the number of casualties may be doubled directly.

The five Qin armies that explored the formation undertook the greatest pressure in this battle, and also attracted the most energy of the Tang army, and paid the greatest casualties.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Liao was able to break the Longmen formation, and the [-] army of Tai Shici, Zhang Kui and others should be the first to contribute.

With such huge casualties, the cavalry of the Qin army in the formation would not be able to hold on anymore. If the Longmen formation could persist for half an hour, they would surely collapse on their own, but fortunately, they had to endure until the Longmen formation collapsed first.

After a brief moment of relief, the five Qin armies in the formation went crazy.

Before, their task was to assist and create opportunities for the four armies outside the formation, so facing the Tang army, they avoided fighting as much as they could, mainly focusing on rushing, but now that the Longmen formation has collapsed, they finally deliberately fought back.

Under the leadership of Tai Shici, Zhang Kui and other five generals, the remaining six thousand cavalry rushed to the front of the formation desperately, trying to kill Li Shimin for the first time, but the previous battle had consumed too much energy, so Arthur and Five hundred heavy armored female cavalry arrived first.

After breaking away from Zhang Liao's large army, Arthur's [-] female cavalrymen in heavy armor were out of control like wild horses. count.

Before the Longmen Formation collapsed, Arthur led five hundred heavy cavalry to attack the center of the formation, and was the first to rush to the command platform of the formation, and captured 'Li Shimin' alive before he committed suicide.

Seeing that his suicide was blocked, the substitute quickly shouted: "I, Li Shimin, would rather die than be humiliated." As he said that, he was about to bite his tongue and commit suicide, but was still stopped by Arthur with sharp eyes and quick hands.

After knocking the stand-in unconscious with a knife in his hand, Arthur said apologetically, "You are a hero, and dying on the battlefield is your best destination, but the war is not over yet, so I can't fulfill you."

After saying that, Arthur took Li Shimin, who had fainted, as a substitute, and shouted to Tang Jun who gathered below to rescue him: "Li Shimin has been captured by me, and the descendant will not be killed."

The heavy armored female cavalry also shouted: "The surrender will not be killed."

The soldiers of the Tang army who came from all around saw that the lord had been applied, and they no longer had any fighting spirit in their hearts. Except for a small number of people who put down their weapons and surrendered, most of them collapsed and shouted to escape, but they didn't know that this was actually helping Asia. Ser spread the news.

Soon the news that Li Shimin was captured alive spread throughout the battlefield.

Although the Longmen formation was defeated by the Qin army, the Tang army was not completely defeated and still had the power to fight again, but it would be very powerless against the Qin army's iron cavalry.

Now the news that the lord was captured alive spread throughout the army, which dealt a fatal blow to the morale of the Tang army.

At this moment, Qin Jun shouted the slogan that those who surrender will not be killed.

Facing the wolves and tigers of the Qin army, the morale of the Tang army has fallen to the bottom, how can it still have the courage to continue to show the sword? Hearing that the Qin army did not kill them all, but allowed them to surrender, naturally they would not let go of this rare opportunity to surrender.

Nearly half of the Tang army threw away their weapons and chose to surrender to the Qin army, while the other half chose to resist stubbornly. Naturally, all of these people were beheaded.

"Pass down the order, and those who refuse to surrender will be killed without mercy." Zhang Liao ordered coldly.


A massacre has officially begun.

Shortly after the soldiers left, Arthur and Qin Ji escorted 'Li Shimin' and returned to Zhang Liao's side.

Seeing that Zhang Liao's armor was half broken, and he looked extremely embarrassed, both Arthur and Qin Ji were stunned, and then Qin Ji asked, "General, what are you?"

"It's nothing."

Zhang Liao said coldly, how could he say in front of so many people that he was unlucky, that he bumped into Ma Shanwei and was almost beaten to death.

Seeing that Zhang Liao didn't answer, Qin Ji wisely didn't ask any more questions.

Arthur originally thought that Zhang Liao would be very happy if she captured Li Shimin alive, but he didn't expect Zhang Liao's reaction to be extremely cold.

"Kill it." Zhang Liao said lightly.


Both Arthur and Qin Ji exclaimed.

This is Tang Wang Li Shimin, such an important task, so hastily killed?
Seeing the expressions of Arthur and Qin Ji, Zhang Liao immediately explained: "He is not Li Shimin, the real Li Shimin has already escaped.

General Zhang Yun in the west discovered the traces of Li Shimin and others. The real Li Shimin and Li Tang's senior officials had already escaped from the Longmen Formation under the protection of three great masters and a group of masters. Wan Tieqi went after him. "

Arthur's face was a bit ugly, and he said: "No wonder he would kill himself if he found him. A famous general like Li Shimin would not kill himself even if he died, but died in battle."

Hearing this, Zhang Liao quickly asked, "General Arthur, you said that when you found this double, he was about to commit suicide?"



Zhang Liao suddenly took a deep breath, and said with lingering fear: "Li Shimin is trying to use the substitute's suicide to inspire Tang Ju's heart to fight to the death. Tang Jun doesn't know whether this 'Li Shimin' is true or not. Will believe our army's words of persuasion.

General Arthur, fortunately you prevented this man from committing suicide, otherwise our army might have a bitter battle. "

Arthur was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that his random actions would have such a big impact on the entire formation.

"By the way, General Arthur, the Dragon Gate Formation has been broken, and you are no longer needed to join the battle here, you go west to support General Xiao Yan.

Li Shimin not only has three great masters by his side, but also a mighty general like Ma Shanwei. With Xiao Yan and Huang Tianhua alone, even if they can catch up, they may not be able to kill Li Shimin.

The general has transferred General Zhang Kui to support, now you should go there too. ".

After hearing Zhang Liao's words, Arthur immediately said, "No."

After Arthur left, Zhang Liao personally commanded the army to further encircle and suppress the remnant Tang army. It took less than an hour to completely stabilize the situation, and only a small number of stragglers escaped.

Among the 3000 Tang troops who arranged the Longmen formation, [-] died directly, [-] surrendered and were captured, and only about [-] escaped.

But as an infantry deserter from the Tang army, even if he escaped temporarily, how far could he escape?It was only a matter of time before he was caught.

Although Zhang Liao wiped out [-] Tang troops in this battle, he also paid a big price. In addition to the [-] cavalry who explored the formation, [-] died in battle, and the [-] army who attacked in the end also lost [-], totaling losses. Seven thousand soldiers were recruited, including one thousand women soldiers of the Detachment of Women.

Looking at the casualty report, Zhang Liao clenched his fists and said sadly, "If it weren't for the Longmen Formation, our army's casualties would not have exceeded [-]."

It was just a formation that cost the Qin army twice as many casualties. This price is not small, but it is still not worth mentioning compared with the results achieved.

You must know that the [-] Tang troops wiped out by Zhang Liao are the most capable elite troops of the Tang army. They have seldom failed to fight with Li Shimin, and their combat power does not need the main force of the Qin army, otherwise Li Shimin would not bring them Luoyang, but was wiped out by Zhang Liao in a battle.

It is conceivable that in the future, the Tang army will be severely injured, and even lose its aggressiveness, and its defensive capabilities will also be greatly reduced.

 Second update, 1 chapters still owed

(End of this chapter)

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