Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2001 Alliance with Chi You

Chapter 2001 Alliance with Chi You
Chapter 1999: Ally with Chi You
Lu Qinghou was very dissatisfied with Chi You at first, after all, he was sent as an envoy of the Qin Kingdom to the Southern Man, but Chi You used the pretext of retreat, did not even show his face, and let him hang out for so long, it was simply too arrogant.

The situation in Jingbei is critical, and the situation of the Qin army is not optimistic. It still needs to rely on the southern barbarians to send troops to Yizhou to contain Liu Ji's troops.

Lu Qinghou's trip is asking for something from others, so it's not easy to turn his face, so he can only bear it for a while.

Lu Qinghou thought that Chi You would show up in a few days, but he didn't expect that Chi You didn't show up for a whole month. This way has already shown his attitude. Nanman will not join forces with the Qin army, nor will he send troops to Yizhou .

"Let's go back to Luoyang, this mission failed."

Lu Qinghou sighed softly, so far he has been sent to many countries, but it was the first time that he was so aggrieved like Nanman.

Qin Shuang and Nie Feng, who were bodyguards, were silent when they heard this.

It was thousands of miles from Luoyang to Nanzhong. On the way, he was intercepted and killed by the Shu Kingdom several times, and finally arrived at Nanzhong, but he didn't expect that he didn't even see the face of the Nanman King.

at this time.

"My lord, yes, good news, Nanman king Zhu Rongchi, he, he..."

"What happened to him?" Qin Shuang asked quickly.

"He has left the customs and has come to see you personally, my lord."


Lu Qinghou, Qin Shuang, and Nie Feng exclaimed at the same time, but then Lu Qinghou's face was full of doubts.

He originally thought that the Nanman King was unwilling to send troops and deliberately avoided him, so he closed the door to see him, but he didn't expect that Chi You would come to see him in person. .

"Is it true that the Southern Barbarian King Zhu Rongchi is really in seclusion as General Gonggong said? He can't be disturbed, that's why he doesn't see us?" Lu Qinghou asked himself suspiciously.

"It's possible that the higher the level of martial arts, the longer the time of retreat." Qin Shuang nodded.

"But one month's retreat is still too long, isn't it?" Nie Feng was puzzled.

Lu Qinghou and Qin Shuang are still too young to have doubts about Chi You's not showing up. If it was Jia Xu and Guo Jia, they would definitely not shake their original thoughts.

You know, Chi You is not only a warrior, but also the king of the Nanman, the king of a country, and he has a lot of official business to deal with every day, how could it be possible to retreat for a month?
If Chi You really shut up for a month, the whole Nanman might be completely messed up.

"Master Lu, please be polite, I am late."

Under the protection of several guards, after Chi You entered the gate, he bowed his hands to Lu Qinghou, although he said 'disrespect', but there was no apology on his face.

"No problem, no problem."

After seeing Chi You, Lu Qinghou naturally returned the gift, but the complexions of Qin Shuang and Nie Feng changed instantly, the hairs all stood up, cold sweat even oozes from their foreheads, as if they were facing an enemy .

"Two brothers, who are you? It's too rude."

Lu Qinghou asked with a puzzled expression, wondering why Qin Shuang and Nie Feng had such a big reaction.

Qin Shuang leaned into Lu Qinghou's ear and whispered: "My lord, we don't want to either, you are a literati, so you didn't feel the aura of the Nanman king, but we completely felt it.

The strength of the Nanman King is simply unfathomable. I have only felt such a terrifying aura from General Li Cunxiao. "

"If the Nanman King wants to kill us, I'm afraid we won't have any power to fight back." Nie Feng said solemnly.


Lu Qinghou showed disbelief, he couldn't believe that the little Nanman could have a master of Li Cunxiao's level.

"Your Majesty, can you take back your arrogance? The strength of my two guards is low, and I can't stop the majesty's aura." Lu Qinghou said to Chi You.

"it is good."

Chi You smiled lightly and said, "It was only recently that I made a breakthrough in closed-door training, and I still can't retract freely, which made your envoy laugh at me."

After saying that, the powerful aura that seemed to be overwhelming the top of Mount Tai disappeared in an instant, and Qin Shuang and Nie Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

After seeing this scene, Lu Qinghou suddenly understood why Shu King Liu Ji had been in Yizhou for so long, and he had to join forces with the hostile Chengdu King Liu Yu to repel the invading Nanman army. It was really because this Nanman king was too strong. .

In the next half day of negotiations, Chi You completely broke his image in Lu Qinghou's heart by virtue of his own charm and eloquence.

Chi You's stature is tall and burly, with a resolute and domineering appearance, combined with his own strength and cultivation, people will unconsciously think that he is a reckless man.

Naturally, Lu Qinghou also thought so, but what he didn't expect was that Chi You, who appeared to be domineering and domineering, was actually a meticulous and shrewd person, who knew etiquette and kept the etiquette, he was more like Han people than most Han people.

In addition, Chi You can not only speak well, but also quote scriptures.

He saw the trap set by Lu Qinghou's words at a glance, and he was able to counterattack in a very short time. Lu Qinghou was speechless for a while, and his eloquence was not inferior to Lu Qinghou's.

"My lord, you are not the same as the one in the legend, it is really better to see once than to hear a hundred times."

Lu Qinghou smiled wryly, he never expected that Chi You would be so difficult to deal with, not even some of the Central Plains princes could compare.

The other conditions were discussed very smoothly, but in terms of canonization, Chi You refused the canonization of King Nanzhong.

Obviously the canonization was a trap set by Lu Qinghou for Chi You.

Although the King of Nanzhong was much nicer than the King of the Nanman, the Nanman was not a subordinate of the big man. If Chi You accepted it, he would be a subject of the big man from now on, so this condition was indeed full of evil intentions.


Chi You smiled boldly, then stretched out his callused palms, and said, "From now on, you and my two families will be allies, and please Qin Guo to abide by the covenant. Nanban doesn't like friends who don't keep their promises."

There is an element of threat in these words.

Lu Qinghou immediately clasped his fists and said: "Definitely."

The next day, Lu Qinghou left Nanzhong with the mission, while Chi You took the Nanman high-level officials to see them off.

Watching Lu Qinghou's carriage gradually go away, Princess Zhu Rong was full of doubts and asked, "Brother Wang, do you really want to form an alliance with Qin?"

Princess Zhu Rong really couldn't understand why her brother's attitude changed so quickly.

Didn't it say before that the wounds of the war have not fully recovered, isn't it time to send troops to Yizhou?Why do you want to form an alliance with Qin again?

A sneer flickered at the corner of Chi You's mouth, and he explained: "It is not necessary to send troops to form an alliance with Qin, and even if you send troops, you don't have to go to war with Liu Ji."

"Then what are you guys talking about for so long?" Zhu Rong asked puzzled.

"My silly sister, the envoy Qin has come here with evil intentions in mind, and wants me, Nanman, to serve as an envoy for the Qin State. Are we not allowed to use the Qin army instead?" Chi You sneered.

 One more.

  I went to see Nolan's "Creed" today, and it was really brain-burning, but as long as the timeline is sorted out, it can still be understood.

  I didn't update it yesterday, and I owe a chapter guarantee, and I will definitely make it up today.

(End of this chapter)

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