Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2012 Xintiandi Xuanhuang

Chapter 2012 Xintiandi Xuanhuang

Chapter 2010: Xintiandi Xuanhuang

Both Yue Fei and Qin Zheng's army were in Nanjun territory, if they wanted to retreat back to Xiangyang, they would return smoothly in less than three days.

Liu Ji appointed Gao Yao as his envoy to deliver Zhang Xian's body to Yue Fei, just to anger Yue Fei and order him not to withdraw immediately.

In order to be able to catch up with Yue Fei, Gao Yao did not hesitate to run all night. After running to death several horses, he finally caught up with Yue Fei's men.

After explaining the identity of the envoy and the purpose of coming to the general of the Qin army, Gao Yao entered Yue Fei's camp smoothly and got the opportunity to meet Yue Fei.

As soon as he entered the camp, Gao Yao had a bad premonition, all the generals glared at him, wishing to swallow him to death, and this also included Yue Fei who was in the position of the general.

Gao Yao's heart skipped a beat when he saw Yue Fei's scarlet eyes. He thought that people like Yue Fei would no longer be affected by anger, and would never embarrass himself as a messenger because of anger. He seemed to have underestimated Zhang Xian's position in Yue Fei's heart.

Yue Fei didn't hide the killing intent in his heart at all, he looked at Gao Yao coldly and said: "Gao Yao, you dare to take the initiative to send it to your door, do you really think that Yue dare not kill you?

Forget it, Qin Hui's dog head, Yue, will take it sooner or later, so let's use your head today to pay homage to my brother Zhang Xian. "

"Kill him, kill him..."

Yue Yun, Yang Zaixing and other generals all shouted together, it can be said that the crowd was boiling, and they all wanted to kill Gao Yao, the envoy of Shu Kingdom.

"Oops, it's time to play off."

Gao Yao smiled wryly in his heart, he had already turned into such a situation without even saying a word since he entered the gate, it can be seen that without knowing Yue Fei, all the generals of the Qin army hated the Shu army extremely.

How could this mission be a narrow escape?It is simply a situation where who comes and who dies, ten deaths and no life.

Gao Yao shouted one after another, trying to appease the anger of Yue Fei and the generals, but no one paid any attention to him at all. Everyone just wanted to kill him, the envoy of Shu, to commemorate the tragic death of Zhang Xian.

"It seems that I can only reveal my identity to Yue Fei in order to protect myself."

Gao Yao secretly thought in his heart that he actually has another identity, No. [-] Secret Agent of Jin Yi Wei Xuan Zi.

Gao Yao has been extremely anxious since he came to Luoyang. After all, he didn't know Qin Hao's attitude towards other traversers, and he was really relieved after meeting Qin Hao.

Qin Hao has no resistance to other time travelers, as long as the time travelers do not oppose him, he can accept other time travelers, and even allow time travelers to join the army and politics.

Gao Yao asked himself that if he were Qin Hao, he would definitely kill all the traversers. After all, traversers are unstable factors. Every traverser thinks that he is the protagonist of the world. Who knows what hidden dangers will be left behind?
Qin Hao knows this, but he can still tolerate all the traversers, and is confident that he can solve all problems, which makes Gao Yao admire Qin Hao's heart.

After Yi Xiaochuan joined the army, Gao Yao's mind became active, after all he didn't know how long he would stay in this world, so he couldn't just waste time.

Although Gao Yao is the same person as Zhao Gao, who used to dominate the world, but he has no ambition to fight for world domination, and he doesn't have the ability. Now that Qin Hao is willing to accept him, he naturally wants to make a difference in this era. Fame comes.

Qin Hao helped Gao Yao to forge his identity, so that he could become an orthodox official, and he could be filial and honest, so he could become an official, but Gao Yao ruined his official career by himself.

In the three-year competition between the two countries, Gao Yao had nothing to do with him, but he wanted to participate because of itching, which exposed his identity as a cook.

After this incident, although Gao Yao gained a very high reputation, he was also unanimously excluded by scholars, basically cutting off his promotion path.

At this moment, Jia Xu took the initiative to find Gao Yao and asked him to resign in anger and go south to join Liu Ji, as Qin's secret agent who broke into Shu, Xuan Zi No. [-].

Jia Xu chose Gao Yao, naturally after careful consideration and long-term observation.

According to his observations, Gao Yao is a deep-minded, sensible, sensible person, who knows how to advance and retreat, does not show his emotions and anger, and can endure what ordinary people cannot bear. He is simply a natural candidate for a spy.

The second-rate spies use force, the first-rate spies use their brains, and the four spies of Jinyiwei Tiandi Xuanhuang have never been reckless.

Jia Xu's words reminded Gao Yao that there was an unresolved enmity between him and Liu Ji.

Now because of the time travel again, although Gao Yao's body has returned to normal and is no longer a mutilated body, but decades of eunuch career has already made him tend to be an eunuch both physically and mentally.

Even if ten women were stripped naked to tease him, Gao Yao would not respond in any way. Although he is a normal man physically now, he still can't do what a man can do.

The revenge of 'cutting the root' must be reported.

Although Gao Yao wanted to kill Liu Ji in the previous life, he failed every time because of God’s will. In the end, Liu Ji became the emperor of the Han Dynasty. A chance for revenge.

But this life is different, he has the opportunity to take revenge on Liu Ji, although this Liu Ji is not the Liu Ji who killed him, but as long as he is Liu Ji, his enemy is Liu Ji.

Gao Yao accepted Jia Xu's call and became the new Xuanzi No. [-] secret agent, controlling the Xuanzi Department.

After Gao Yao returned to the throne, the four secret agents of Jinyiwei Tiandi Xuanhuang finally became full again, namely: Chang'e No. [-] Tianzi, Xu Shu No. [-] Dizi, Gao Yao No. [-] Xuanzi, and Yuhuatian No. [-] Huangzi.

Chang'e, No. [-] Tianzi, lurks beside Qi Wang Zhu Tianpeng, intending to destroy the relationship between Ming and Qi;

Xu Shu, No. [-], is the heir chosen by Jia Xu, and was ordered to lurk beside Liu Bei. Although Liu Bei has been locked up, his mission is not over yet, and there are more important tasks.

Gao Yao, No. [-] Xuan Zi, lurks in the Kingdom of Shu, and is a confidant of the King of Shu, Liu Ji.

Huang Zi No. [-], Yuhuatian, gained Sima Yi's trust by virtue of saving Yang Ping's life, and is currently lurking in Tang State.

Gao Yao was ordered to ambush to the Kingdom of Shu to avenge his revenge. He was naturally unwilling to expose his identity before the revenge was avenged, but now his life is hanging by a thread. If he does not reveal his identity, he might really die at the hands of his own people. up.

"Captain Yue, I'm actually..."

"That's enough, shut his mouth, I don't want to hear another word from this thief." Yue Fei said with disgust.

As soon as the words were finished, two soldiers covered Gao Yao's mouth, one left and one right, and dragged him away. No matter how Gao Yao wanted to shout, it was useless.


Gao Yao's eyes were full of despair, he never imagined that he was about to die at the hands of his own people without even having the chance to speak, it was really embarrassing.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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