Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2014 Yue and Han join forces

Chapter 2014 Yue and Han join forces

Chapter 2012: Yue Han Joins Forces

Many people thought that Gao Yao would never come back, but Gao Yao returned not only with his whole body, but also with not a single hair missing, which shocked the entire Shu-Chu coalition army, even Liu Ji was very surprised.

Although Liu Ji also believed that with Gao Yao's eloquence, it might not be difficult to get out of the Qin camp, but with Yue Fei's temperament, even if he didn't kill Gao Yao, he would definitely find it difficult. None, which made Liu Ji extremely curious about Gao Yao's post-mission mission.

Gao Yao explained with a smile: "My lord, after I arrive at the Qin camp, all Qin generals including Yue Fei wish to swallow me alive on the spot."

"Then how did Mr. get out of his body?" Liu Ji asked puzzled.

"Cough cough..."

Gao Yao pretended to cough twice, moistened his throat, and said, "Although Yue Fei's murderous aura is strong, I can't let my lord lose his prestige, so he took the lead, relying on his three-inch tongue. Tell Yue Fei Benefits and disadvantages, clearly state the various inappropriate killing envoys, and what disadvantages will it bring to the Qin army..."

Gao Yao had long wanted to explain what he would say when he came back, and under his vivid description, he became a wise and brave image who entered the Qin camp alone but would rather die than surrender, fight with all the generals of the Qin army alone, and finally retreat with all his body.

Gao Yao's character creation was just right, Liu Ji didn't have too much doubt, and couldn't help but applaud when he heard the wonderful things.

"The more Yue Fei listened to it, the more angry he became. He wanted to draw his sword to kill him on the spot, but he was too worried to do it. In the end, he was so angry that he took the initiative to leave..."

After hearing what Gao Yao had said, Liu Ji still looked unsatisfied, applauded and laughed, "Mr. is really a brave person with a high degree of art. Under Yue Fei's anger, anyone who dares to provoke Yue Fei, the whole world except Mr. No one else."

Gao Yao said seriously: "My lord, Yue Fei has been completely enraged, so he probably won't continue to withdraw his troops, but I'm afraid he won't fight our army head-on either. After all, it's impossible for Yue Fei not to notice such a clumsy way of provoking generals."

Liu Ji didn't care about this, and said with a smile: "It's okay, as long as Yue Fei doesn't run away to Xiangyang, there will always be opportunities to concoct him in Nanjun."

If Yue Fei fled back to Xiangyang, then Liu Ji could only follow the strategy discussed with Liu Xiu before, abandoning the attack on Jingbei and switching to defense. After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is already very small, and continuing to attack would only be a waste of strength. That's all.

If it was not a last resort, Liu Ji was not willing to switch from offense to defense, after all, the offense was the one that took the initiative.

And as long as Yue Fei doesn't return to Xiangyang, within the remaining ten days, before the Hebei Qin army arrives, Liu Ji, who holds an army of more than [-] troops, will always find a chance to swallow the [-] Qin army in one fell swoop.

"Report... my lord, the Qin army's east and west armies have stopped withdrawing troops, and now the Qin Zheng army is leading the army to join Yue Fei's troops." Binghui reported.

After hearing this, Liu Ji was immediately overjoyed, and excitedly said to Gao: "If this battle is won, Mister will take the lead."

"Everywhere, it's all thanks to the lord."

Gao Yao shrugged off with a humble face, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Qin Zheng must have told Yue Fei the information he passed on, and Yue Fei must have known the news to stop retreating.

To be honest, Gao Yao didn't know how Yue Fei would get through the difficulties, but he believed that since Yue Fei dared to stay, he would be sure to get out.

"Reporting to my lord, Yue Fei dispatched another [-] troops from Xiangyang to the front line."


Liu Ji was first surprised, then overjoyed, he originally only wanted to eat Yue Fei's [-] troops, but now Yue Fei took the initiative to increase his troops by [-]. The reinforcements arrived, so why should he be afraid?
"Hurry up, quickly send troops to the north, and must completely surround the [-] troops before Yue Fei reacts." Liu Ji said excitedly.

"But my lord, is it too urgent to send troops now? What if I scare the snake away and scare away the [-] bedding?"

A bright light flashed in Gao Yao's eyes, and he said: "It's better to wait for two days, wait for the [-] army and Yue Fei to join the army, and it will not be too late to send troops at once."

"Yes, that makes sense."

In just two days, the [-] Qin troops who left Xiangyang joined forces with Yue Fei's army, which made the Shu-Chu allied forces even more excited.

"My lord, the [-] Qin army has joined forces, and it's time to dispatch troops." Fan Kui said excitedly.


Liu Ji also had a high-spirited face, and said with a smile, "Where is Zhou Bo?"

"The end is here." Zhou Bo stood up and clasped his fists.

"I ordered you to lead an army of [-] to guard Jiangling, Zhou Bo, do you dare to take on this important task?"

"Zhou Bo will live up to my lord's trust."

After leaving Zhou Bo to guard Jiangling, Liu Ji personally led 11 Shu troops, plus Liu Xiu's 20 Chu troops, for a total of [-] troops, and went north to surround Yue Fei's [-] Qin troops.

The allied forces of Shu and Chu moved here, and Yue Fei, who was a hundred miles away, also moved.

" my lord, Yue Fei led the army and withdrew."

"Is it withdrawn to Xiangyang?"

Liu Ji was not worried at all, but instead taunted: "Yue Fei wants to withdraw now? It's too late. My king ordered the cavalry to turn around three days ago to block Yue Fei's way to Xiangyang. He can't escape."

" lord, Yue Fei did not flee to Xiangyang, but led his army back to Hanshui."

Liu Jixian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "What is Yue Fei doing by retreating to Hanshui? Could it be that he wants to follow the example of the Marquis of Huaiyin and defeat my 20 elite with his [-] troops."

"Ha ha……"

All the generals burst into laughter, laughing at Yue Fei's overreaching, only Liu Xiu and Chen Ping looked serious.

"Brother Shu, have you forgotten that apart from the allusion of the last battle, Qin Hao also dug up the Han River and flooded Xiang Yu?" Liu Xiu said with a serious face.

Hearing this, Liu Ji's heart skipped a beat, and he asked with a little confidence: "Brother Chu, what you mean is that Yue Fei did this on purpose, trying to lure our army to Hanshui, and flooded me Catch them all?"

"It's not impossible, we must be cautious." Liu Xiu said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Liu Jiqiu looked at Chen Ping and Gao Yao as if seeing him. He was unwilling to let go of such a good opportunity. It can be seen that both of them nodded at him. They could only give up the idea of ​​marching immediately, and sent spies instead. Go upstream to investigate to see if the Qin army has stored water to prepare for a water attack.

A strange scene appeared. The [-] Qin army was clearly on the edge of the Han River, only tens of miles away from the Shu-Chu coalition army, but did the Shu-Chu coalition army turn a blind eye to the Qin army? Does he look anxious, as if he is not afraid of Qin Jun running away at all.

 Three more, still owe 6 chapters

(End of this chapter)

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