Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2022 4 War God VS Witch God Xingtian

Chapter 2022 Four Great War Gods VS Wushen Xingtian
Chapter 2020: Four Gods of War VS Witch God Xingtian
[Ding Dong, Zhao Yun's skill 'Inverse Scale' has the effect of 1 Longwei, the second and third consecutive activations, force +3+3, and the current force has risen to 125. 】

Zhao Yun's battle experience is extremely rich, and he has already fully mastered his own strength. In less than five rounds, all skill effects have been fully activated, and his force value has directly skyrocketed to 125 points.

Compared with Xing Tian, ​​although there is a big gap, but with the joint efforts of the three brothers of the Huang family, it is even more powerful. Even if Xing Tian's force is stronger than him, he did not show any signs of decline against Xing Tian.

[Ding dong, Huang Tianhua's skill 'Spiritual Hammer' is activated.

Linghammer: Three mountains Bing Linggong, double hammers shake the world.This is Huang Tianhua's unique skill.

Effect 1, force +6 after the effect is activated.

Effect 2, when encountering an opponent with light weapons, it can reduce the opponent's force by 1~5 points; if it encounters an opponent with heavy weapons, it can increase its own force by 3 points. (Note: This effect and the nail cannot be applied to one person at the same time.

Effect 3, it can replace any one of the Four Gates and Eight Sledgehammers, and replace its position to activate the combination skill 'Four Gates and Eight Sledgehammers'. 】

Like Lu Junyi's 'Jade Qilin', 'Jade Qilin' allows Lu Junyi to replace the Five Tigers of Liangshan, thus inspiring the 'Five Tigers Destroy the Enemy', while 'Spirit Hammer' allows Huang Tianhua to replace the Four Sects and Eight Sledgehammers.

The reason why the four fierce and eight sledgehammers were given to Xing Tian repeatedly was that apart from Xing Tian's strength being too strong, the unbalanced strength of the four four fierce and eight sledgehammers was also a big reason.

Among the gold, silver, bronze and iron generals of the Qin army, only Yue Yun and Pei Yuanqing are the gods of war, Qin Yong has broken through to the peak of the gods, and Xiong Tianqing is only the beginning of the gods.

The strength gap between Xiong Tianqing and the other three major hammer generals was too great, and the other three had to be distracted to take care of him during the battle, so that the overall strength of the four major eight hammer generals was lowered.

Now there is Huang Tianhua as a supplement, and if Qin Yong can reach the level of God of War, he will have four hammers of gold, silver, copper and iron at the level of God of War.

Just imagine, if the gold, silver, copper, iron and four hammer generals were all gods of war, the "four fierce eight hammers" inspired by the four gods of war are not the same concept as those inspired by the non-war gods. Would the four join hands and lose to Xing Tian?
It may still be difficult to win, but a tie is still possible.

[Ding dong, Huang Tianhua's skill 'spiritual hammer' effects 1 and 2 are activated in succession, force +7, the weapons used by Xing Tian are heavy weapons, so force +3 here, currently Huang Tianhua's force has risen to 122. 】

During the siege of Zhao Yun and the other four war gods, Xing Tian could only feel his blood boiling, and the power hidden in his body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After five rounds of the five-person battle, the three brothers of the Huang family cooperated more and more tacitly. After gradually getting used to this fighting rhythm, they finally inspired the combination skills between their brothers.

[Ding dong, Huang Tianhua, Huang Tianlu, and Huang Tianxiang's brotherhood combo skill 'Siblings' is launched, and when they join forces to fight against the enemy, the strength of the three of them increases by 3 points.

Currently, Huang Tianhua's strength has risen to 125;
Huang Tianlu's force has risen to...

Huang Tianxiang...]

Zhao Yun and Huang Tianhua, who had a strength of 125, restrained most of Xing Tian's energy, and also created many opportunities for Huang Tianlu and Huang Tianxiang.

Huang Tianlu and Huang Tianxiang stabbed Xingtian indiscriminately, but Xingtian's physical defense was too strong, and the strength of the two was not enough. The spear stabbed Xingtian more than once, and made a "bang bang" sound, but only in Xingtian A red mark was left on his skin, which could not pierce Xing Tian's flesh at all.

"Brother, no, this guy's external skills are too strong, he can't pierce through at all." Huang Tianlu shouted anxiously.

Originally, Huang Tianlu thought that after getting the magic soldier Liquan Zhanlong Spear, he would be able to make great achievements, but Xing Tian told him with cruel facts, little brother, there is no difference in strength between you and me. If I stand still and let you fight, you will not be able to break through my defense.

Xing Tian and Li Cunxiao are the same type of generals. If they are not opponents of the same level, it will be difficult to break through their defenses. However, Huang Tianlu and Huang Tianxiang are only in the early days of God of War, so it is naturally not so easy to break through Xing Tian's defense.

When Huang Tianhua heard about his second younger brother, he almost vomited blood in anger, and cursed on the spot: "You are stupid, don't you know how to pick the right one? You need elder brother to teach you?"

Huang Tianlu and Huang Tianxiang's eyes lit up immediately.

That's right, they can't break through the body's defenses, and they can't pierce the weak vital parts.

Huang Tianlu and Huang Tianxiang, who had no such name, no longer attacked Xingtian's naked body, but instead attacked Xingtian's vital points, but they found out in despair that they had no chance at all.

Xing Tian has an ax in one hand and a shield in the other hand, and has both offensive and defensive capabilities, so how could he expose his vitals?And the parts he actively exposed are not afraid of being attacked by you at all.

"No, I can't find a chance." Huang Tianxiang shouted.

Hearing this, Zhao Yun immediately said: "You two will replace me for a while, this time I will attack."

"it is good."

Huang Tianxiang and Huang Tianlu yelled in unison, followed by the Tianhuang Spear and Liquan Zhanlong Spear, facing the Fire Punishment Tiangang Ax at the same time and then buckled it, and then pressed the ax down with all their strength from left to right, so as not to give Xing Tian a fresh start. Chance to gather axes.

Seeing this, Huang Tianhua jumped on the back of the horse, leaping towards Xing Tian with his whole body, and then threw out both hammers, hitting Xing Tian's head, but in the end it hit heavily on the ground shield.

At this point, Xing Tian's left and right hands were temporarily restrained, and Zhao Yun naturally would not let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass.

I saw Zhao Yun holding the silver gun tightly in both hands, leaping into the air, and then the gun merged into one, turning into a spinning thunder dragon, spinning in mid-air and rushing towards Xing Tian, ​​and the dragon head, the tip of the gun, It was Xing Tian's throat that was aimed at.

"Electric Light Poisonous Dragon Drill." Zhao Yun shouted.

This trick was naturally redeemed by Qin Hao from the system, and after being discovered by Zhao Yun, he had to use it. After several years of hard training, he finally practiced it to a great success, and Zhao Yun has always regarded it as one of the trump cards at the bottom of the box. It has never been used externally, but today is the first time this trick has been released.

The Electro-optical Poisonous Dragon Diamond, like the Crucifer Nail, has the property of breaking defense, and has a certain degree of restraint in external exercises. If it hits it, even Xing Tian will not feel good.

Seeing this, Xing Tian's face immediately changed, he saw the threat of this move at a glance, and wanted to fight back, but his hands were restrained, and he wanted to avoid it, but he was already locked by Zhao Yun's Qi, and he couldn't avoid it no matter where he hid. one move.

Since you can't avoid it, you can only carry it hard.

The fire of fighting spirit in Xing Tian's eyes was even more vigorous. After roaring like a beast, he suddenly lowered his head and met Zhao Yun's spear point with his forehead.


Zhao Yun's expression changed immediately, apparently he did not expect Xing Tian to use this method.

The skull is the hardest bone in the human body, and the skull of a master of external skills is even harder. The skull of a master of external skills like Xing Tian may not be much worse than a magic weapon.

If it was an ordinary attack, Xing Tian would still not be afraid even if he was stabbed in the throat by a magic soldier, but Zhao Yun's 'Electric Light Poisonous Dragon Drill' has its own defense-breaking attribute.

Xing Tian had never encountered this kind of situation before, and he didn't know whether his throat could withstand the shot, and he would not gamble with his life, so he chose to directly take it with his forehead.

 The third watch arrives, and eight chapters are still owed

  Corrected a mistake in the previous chapter. Although Zhao Yunjiwu is 105, he has not yet reached 106.

(End of this chapter)

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