Chapter 2024 Dragon Spear
Chapter 2022: Dragon Spear
As the god of war in mythology, who can use breasts as eyes and navel as mouth even if his head is beheaded, Xing Tian cannot live without his head in the conventional world, so the skill "steel head" came into being .

Since Xing Tian is destined not to live without a brain, let his head be so hard that it cannot be chopped off. This is the meaning of the existence of "Steel Head".

Effect 1 of 'Steel Head' focuses on strengthening the defense of Xing Tian's head, making the head the strongest defensive part of his whole body, and at the same time becoming the man with the strongest head in the world.

Let's put it this way, in terms of physical defense, Li Cunxiao is better than Xing Tian, ​​but if anyone's head is harder, even Li Cunxiao is not as good as Xing Tian.

In other words, there is no one in this world whose head is stronger than Xing Tian's, but at the same time, the rewards for those who cut off Xing Tian's head are also more generous, after all, this is the hardest head in the world.

Xing Tian himself is a super general, killing him will definitely reward him, and now there is an additional reward in addition to the original reward, one can imagine that if someone can cut off Xing Tian's head in the future, that person will definitely reach the sky in one step.

In addition to enhancing the defense of the head, 'Steel Head' also has the effect that the stronger the attack encountered on the head, the higher the force will be, and it can also fully activate the skills in the crisis of life and death.

Zhao Yun's "Electric Light Poisonous Dragon Drill" only increased Xing Tian's force by 3 points, but did not reach the upper limit of 5 points. It can be seen that this shot is only dangerous to Xing Tian, ​​and has not reached the point of life and death crisis. .

After being attacked in the head, Xing Tian, ​​who went berserk, repelled the four God of War generals in an instant, and injured Zhao Yun, but he didn't choose to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but stayed on the spot to check the injury.

There is very little flesh and blood on the human forehead. After the skin is broken, there is a little flesh and blood, and then the skull.

Although the skull is the hardest part of the human body, it does not mean that nothing will happen after being beaten. After all, the brain is behind the skull.

Bones can be as hard as steel, but the brain is as soft as tofu.

Although Xing Tian already has the iron head in the world, his brain is still the same as that of ordinary people. It is impossible for him to be fine after being stabbed so hard.

After being shot by Zhao Yun, Xing Tian only suffered some skin trauma on his forehead, and nothing happened to his skull, but his head was full of buzzing sounds, as if he had been hit by Li Yuanba's iron hammer. Taking gold stars, the whole person is a little dizzy.

After Xing Tian shook it violently a few times, the buzzing in his head gradually disappeared, and then he stretched out his hand to touch his forehead, and immediately realized that Zhao Yun had opened a hole in his forehead, which would leave a scar of shame forever His anger came up all at once.

"Zhao Zilong, you are the third person who hurt me."

Xing Tian's eyes were full of killing intent, but he still didn't act immediately, his head was still a little dizzy, and it was difficult to exert the strongest fighting power at this time.

Xing Tian tore off a corner of his battle robe, tied it skillfully on his forehead to stop the bleeding, and then took a quick breath, adjusting his breath to relieve the dizziness of his brain.


After hearing Xing Tian's words, Zhao Yun resisted the urge to vomit blood here, and said with a wry smile: "Then Zhao Yun is really honored."

At this time, Zhao Yun's appearance can be described as a mess, extremely miserable, and he no longer had the cool and indifferent appearance before.

After receiving Xing Tian's angry shield from the front, the dragon scale armor on Zhao Yun's body was directly cracked, and his chest was hit hard. Obviously, he had suffered serious internal injuries, so he vomited a big mouthful of blood when he landed.

This is the heaviest injury Zhao Yun has suffered since he was in the army. Even against Xiang Yu, he had never suffered such a serious injury before, but now he just suffered a blow from Xing Tian, ​​which made him feel like he couldn't bear it anymore. Zhao Yun couldn't help but sigh that this world is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

"General Zilong, are you okay?"

The three Huang Tianhua brothers gathered around Zhao Yun, their faces full of guilt.

Such a good opportunity just now, as long as they can seize it, can completely kill Xing Tian in one fell swoop, but the three of them joined forces and failed to restrain Xing Tian, ​​and instead caused Zhao Yun to be injured by Xing Tian's shield attack.

From the perspective of the three Huang Tianhua brothers, they held Zhao Yun back. If they could hold on, even for a few seconds, it might not be the result now.

"Don't worry, it's just a minor injury, you won't die yet."

After Zhao Yun patted Huang Tianhua on the shoulder, he stood up with a gentian silver gun, and then tore off the broken dragon scale armor on his body, planning to continue fighting Xing Tian without wearing armor.

"Three little generals, do you still have the strength to fight again?" Zhao Yun asked with a smile.

The three of Huang Tianhua were shocked, and they looked at Zhao Yun with admiration. They dared to challenge Xing Tian after suffering such a serious injury. They really deserved to be famous for a long time.

"Yes." The three of Huang Tianhua shouted in unison.

"Okay, let's continue fighting."

After Zhao Yun yelled, he got on his horse directly. He had to be careful this time, and if he got hit again, he might really be unable to bear it.

Seeing that Zhao Yun not only didn't run away, but got on his horse again, Xing Tian burst into a ferocious laugh at the corner of his mouth.

"Alright, since you're looking for death, I'll make it happen for you, look at the axe."

[Ding dong, Xing Tian was wounded by Zhao Yun, the skill 'Witch God' effect 3 is activated, after the injury, the force will be +2, and the current force will rise to 135. 】

Xing Tian's madness is obviously different from that of Li Yuanba. Li Yuanba loses his mind and doesn't distinguish between the enemy and himself, but Xing Tian can still maintain his sanity.

Looking at Xing Tian who was killing him with an axe, Zhao Yun's eyes flashed, and he shouted: "Huang Tianhua released a hidden weapon to Xing Tian to restrain Xing Tian's energy, Huang Tianlu and Huang Tianxiang will fight with me."

"No." The three generals shouted in unison.

[Ding dong, Huang Tianhua's skill 'God Nail' is activated, the force instantly increases by 10, and the current force rises to 135. 】

Xing Tian attacked in anger, but before the ax could be struck, Huang Tianhua's piercing nail flew over first.

Xing Tian couldn't avoid the nail, so he could only switch from offense to defense, and raised his shield to block the nail.


Although the Crucifer Nail was blocked by the earth shield, the huge impact force also made Xing Tian's actions stagnate, and then the gun net composed of three sharp spears enveloped Xing Tian's whole body at this moment. come.

Although the attack range of Zhao Yun and the three was large, it also dispersed their strength. Naturally, Xing Tian's defensive power would not be afraid, but Huang Tianhua was still watching.

Xing Tian was very afraid of Huang Tianhua's Crucifer Nail, which was another means to break his defense besides Zhao Yun's Lightning Poisonous Dragon Drill.

The Electro-optical Poisonous Dragon Drill has been exposed, and Xing Tian has taken precautions. Even if he uses it, it will be difficult to hit it. However, the Cruciate Nail, which is a hidden weapon, is different. It is hard to guard against and has to be distracted.

Seeing that Xing Tian did as he expected, because he chose to defend passively because of Huang Tianhua's scruples, a flash of light flashed in Zhao Yun's eyes, and the speed of the silver spear in his hand increased a bit.

[Ding dong, Zhao Yun has awakened a new skill 'Dragon Spear'...]

 One more.

  There is no update on Monday, one chapter is owed as a guarantee, and the monthly ticket breaks 500 plus one more chapter. Currently, a total of 10 chapters are owed.

  Zhao Yun's new skill, Dragon Spear, is a skill that focuses on coordination, and the effect is still to be perfected, so the specific effect will not be announced for the time being. If you have any good opinions, you can also provide them.

(End of this chapter)

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