Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2026 Burning Sun Arrow

Chapter 2026 Burning Sun Arrow

Chapter 2024: Scorching Sun Arrow

Jiang Song teamed up with Zhao Yun and finally defeated Xing Tian. Naturally, it was impossible for him to escape so easily.

Jiang Song took off the bow and arrow from his horse and aimed at Xing Tian's horse with an arrow.

Jiang Song's arrow skills are not very good, and the strength of the bow he uses is not too strong. It is impossible to shoot through Xingtian's defense, so it is better to shoot his horse so that it cannot escape.

Xing Tian didn't expect Jiang Song and him to do this, and quickly swung his ax to block the arrows. Although Jiang Song's arrow was easily blocked, Jiang Song shot faster and faster, and Zhao Yun on the other side also shot arrows .

Although Zhao Yun doesn't have bow and arrow skills, it doesn't mean his archery skills are bad, at least he is several times better than Jiang Song, who specializes in spear skills.

Facing Zhao Yun's arrow, Xing Tian was completely at a loss. Seeing that the horse was about to be hit by the arrow, a streamer flew out from the coalition army, knocking Zhao Yun's arrow away.

Seeing this, Jiang Song and Zhao Yun's pupils shrank slightly, and they turned their heads to see that the person who shot the arrow was indeed Hou Yi.

After Hou Yi rescued Xing Tian with an arrow, he took another arrow out of his quiver, aimed at and locked on Zhao Yun who was almost exhausted.

[Ding dong, Hou Yi's skill 'Shooting God' is activated, the force is instantly +8, the basic force is 106 (+1), the sky-shaking bow, the sun-shooting arrow +1, the Han blood horse +1, and the current force is increased by 116. 】

[Ding Dong, Hou Yi's skill 'Scorching Sun' is activated.

Scorching Sun: From the fusion of "Gun God" and "Dangerous".

Effect 1, brave and good at fighting, every time you use force +4, you can use it up to 2 times.

Effect 2, Burning Sun Arrow, the bow skill second only to Sun Shooting Arrow, when using a bow and arrow, the force will instantly increase by 1~11 points. (Note: The effect of this skill cannot be superimposed with Sun Shooting Arrow.)
Effect 3, when facing a crisis, force +3, can be activated up to 2 times, (Note: This effect cannot be superimposed with bow and arrow skills.)]

After Hou Yi left Yang Guang and joined Liu Ji, he did not stand still. He has also experienced many battles over the years, and has fought against many famous generals.

In addition, when Hou Yi was still in the battle between Xing Tian and Chi You, he used the seventh arrow to shoot at the sun to severely injure Chi You, and directly achieved the greatest success in repelling the invasion of the Southern Barbarians.

Therefore, in the first battle, Hou Yi not only increased his basic strength by 1 point, but also fused his 'Spearman' with 'Danger' to become a new fusion skill 'Scorching Sun'.

With the skill of 'Scorching Sun', Hou Yi can not only snipe people from a long distance, but also fight close to him, so he can be regarded as a real melee archer.

[Ding Dong, Hou Yi's skill 'Scorching Sun' effect 1 is activated, force +4, and the current force rises to 120. 】

[Ding Dong, Hou Yi's skill 'Scorching Sun' effect 2 is activated, the force instantly +11, and the current force rises to 131. 】

Seeing Houyi taking out a silver arrow, Jiang Song thought it was an arrow shooting at the sun, and immediately turned pale with fright. He quickly gave up chasing Xing Tian, ​​and came to Zhao Yun's side to help him resist the arrow, because he knew that Zhao Yun would definitely block it now. Can't live.

Jiang Song guessed right, Zhao Yun was about to exhaust himself, and fired the three-stone bow again, and he had no energy left to resist Hou Yi's scorching sun arrow.

At the very moment, Jiang Song shot at the tip of the Scorching Sun Arrow with incomparable precision.

After the body of the gun collided with the tip of the arrow, Jiang Song's face changed suddenly when he felt the force from the body of the gun, and he shouted "Ah" to boost his energy before knocking the arrow into the air.


Jiang Song's breathing was slightly disturbed, then he turned his head and said to Zhao Yun quickly: "Brother Zilong, you go back first, hunt and kill Xingtian, and leave it to me."


Zhao Yun nodded. He was already injured, and his internal strength was exhausted. It would only be a burden if he continued to stay, and it would add chaos to Jiang Song.

Zhao Yun returned to the formation, and Jiang Song stayed to look for other opportunities, but with Hou Yi watching, it was as difficult as ever to kill Xing Tian.

At this moment, Yuwen Chengdu, Yue Yun, Pei Yuanqing, Yang Zaixing and other generals all wanted to rush in Jiang Song's direction, which meant it was self-evident.


Jiang Song, Yuwen Chengdu and others roared in unison, but they dared to think of three thousand elites charging with only a few riders.

On Qin Jun's side, seeing Xing Tian's defeat and fleeing, the soldiers reveled, and Yue Fei also showed a long-lost smile. The mountain that weighed on his heart was finally tripped.

Yue Fei naturally knew that killing Xing Tian was ten times more difficult than defeating him, but he wanted to give it a try even when it was difficult, so he decisively ordered two thousand Beiwei troops to attack together with Jiang Song and other generals.

Hou Yi, holding a bow on guard, saw not only Jiang Song, Yu Wencheng and other generals chasing after him, but also Bei Wei's army, his heart suddenly jumped, and he secretly ordered the whole army to retreat.

Although Langzhong's cavalry were not as powerful as the Beiwei army, they had more people than the Beiwei army. If there was a battle, they would definitely lose, but Hou Yi decisively chose to avoid the battle because it was not the right time.

As the number one fierce general in the south, Xing Tian had just been defeated by Jiang Song and Zhao Yun, which would definitely affect the morale of Lang Zhong's cavalry.

In addition, this challenge is not to start a war, but to hit the morale of the Qin army.

Now Xing Tian, ​​who is the number one in the South, has lost, and did not hit the Qin army, but he himself was affected. If he continues to fight, no matter whether he wins or loses, the gain will not be worth the loss.

The Shu-Chu allied forces retreated without a fight, and the Qin army naturally wanted to pursue them, but it was difficult to catch up in a short time.

The Shu army rode Xiliang horses, tall and mighty, good at short-distance charging.

The Qin army rode Bingzhou horses. Although they were relatively short in stature, they had strong endurance and were suitable for marching and long-distance raids.

In the short and violent full-speed gallop, the speed of the Beiwei army was slower than that of the coalition army, so it was naturally difficult to catch up with the coalition army in a short time.

The army couldn't catch up, Jiang Songyuwen Chengdu and other generals had to break away from the army and pursue alone, but even if they caught up, it was difficult to get close.

The coalition army not only has Houyi, the number one archer in the world, but also Wang Bodang, the best archer, while the Qin army has only one Huang Zhong.

Relying on the speed of famous horses, the generals of the Qin army can easily catch up with the enemy, but they will shoot arrows when they get close to Houyi and Wang Bodang.

Except for Jiang Song and Yu Wencheng, even Yue Yun and Pei Yuanqing, who were at the God of War level, would not dare to say that Hou Yi's arrow would save their lives, let alone anyone else.

Hou Yi almost relied on his own strength and archery alone to prevent all Qin generals from getting close to Xing Tian.

Jiang Song saw that he couldn't catch up even after chasing for thirty miles. If he kept chasing, he would really reach the enemy's camp. Knowing that with Hou Yi around, it would be impossible to kill Xing Tian, ​​so he decisively ordered the troops to withdraw and return. A pursuit battle will be hasty.

Although the pursuit of Xingtian failed, Yue Fei was not discouraged. After all, the myth of Xingtian's invincibility had been broken, which was extremely important to the Qin army and even the entire battle.

The news of Yue Fei's defeat of Xing Tian was passed on to the entire army to boost morale, and when the soldiers learned about it, their morale soared, and they finally had full confidence in the decisive battle.

[Ding dong, Zhao Yun teamed up with Jiang Song to defeat Xing Tian, ​​broke his own limit, and his force is permanently +1, and the current force has risen to 106 (+6). 】

 one more

  Many book friends reported that there was a problem with Hou Yi's skill setting. As a super general, after leaving the bow and arrow, his melee ability was so weak that he was not as good as the general god of war. After the nine arrows shooting the sun were used up, the highest force was only 125. This is a bit unreasonable for Hou Yi who is the strongest archer.

  With the 'Scorching Sun' skill, Houyi's upper limit of bow and arrow is still at the original level, but his melee combat ability has been greatly improved. a seat.

(End of this chapter)

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