Chapter 2028 Qin and Qing Wars (2) Jia Fu Cheng Wei

[The last chapter is a 4000-word chapter, and the content of the two chapters has been merged together. If you refresh, you will have the content before this chapter. 】

Chapter 2026: Qin Qing War (2) Jia Fu Cheng Wei


In front of the coalition formation, soldiers from both Qin and Qing sides were roaring crazily and beating drums, trying to overwhelm their opponents in momentum.

The Qin army who came to challenge was not many, only three thousand riders. Although they shouted the momentum of 2 people, compared with the tens of thousands of Qing troops, their momentum was naturally inferior.

Although not as powerful as the Qing army, the Qin army was not weaker than the Qing army in terms of power.

Three thousand iron cavalry, uniform, order and prohibition, just like a single person.

Jia Fu came to challenge, so he naturally wanted to show off his might, so he shot down the flagpole of the Qing army with a bow and arrow.

As soon as the flagpole fell, the soldiers of the Qing army turned pale with fright, and they all glared at Jia Fu, but what they didn't expect was that Jia Fu rode into the Qing army's camp alone next, and asked him to bring three thousand spirits. Ride outside and watch.

The soldiers of the Qing army were naturally furious, and they rushed up to kill Jia Fu, but they didn't expect Jia Fu to charge at the gate of the camp, killing more than a hundred people, including a battalion man. Gatekeeper.

After learning that Jia Fu came to challenge, although Nurhachi had the heart to fight, he called all the generals to discuss it, but he did not expect that they received the news that Jia Fu had entered the camp alone before they reached a conclusion.

Jia Fu's attitude of contempt caused all the generals of the Qing army to explode. Everyone looked like Jia Fu who wanted to eat him alive, and they all challenged Nurhachi. Even Nurhachi couldn't refuse now. .

Nurhachi led the generals to go out to fight, but he didn't expect that after reaching the gate of the camp, what he saw was a mess, and the corpses of his own soldiers were everywhere.

In addition, thousands of soldiers without command were surrounding one person, but none of them dared to step forward, and instead trembled in fear of one person.

For Jia Fu, the killing just now was just an appetizer before the big meal, not enough to enjoy himself.

Seeing that Nurhachi was forced out by himself, Jia Fu immediately showed a triumphant smile, and hurriedly rode back to the front of the Qin army. After all, he is not a fool.

Nurhachi was in the big camp, and there were a lot of fierce generals around him. Jia Fu was mad, but not so mad that he dared to kill Nurhachi alone.

Seeing Jia Fu came back, Su Dingfang breathed a sigh of relief, he never thought that Jia Fu would be so bold that he would really dare to ride alone into the Qing camp.

Jia Fu, on the other hand, put on an arrogant and complacent look on purpose, and kept yelling at the Qing army to deliberately provoke the Qing army.

The generals of the Qing army were on fire, how could they bear this anger, and they all challenged Nurhachi to fight.

Seeing that the generals under his command were so shocked by Jia Fu that they lost their minds, Nurhachi naturally couldn't fight in this state, but just when he was about to appease him, one of the generals rushed out. return.

This general was named Geng Jingzhong, who was originally a general of the Liao Kingdom, and later joined the Qing Dynasty with Wu Sangui, and the Yingmen general who had just been beheaded by Jia Fu was the uncle who raised Geng Jingzhong.

Geng Jingzhong's affection for this uncle was not as deep as that of his biological father. When he saw his uncle died in battle, he completely lost his mind and killed him without thinking about anything.

After Jia Fu saw the visitor, a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes. He thought he could attract a master, but forget it, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and it can only hit the morale of the Qing army.

Jia Fuding stayed where he was, did not use the horsepower, and waited for Geng Jingzhong to come to his door on his own initiative.

Geng Jingzhong, who rode his horse and charged, increased his combat power by [-]% with the help of horsepower, but when he got close to Jia Fu, his vision blurred, he didn't see Jia Fu's movements clearly, and then separated from his body, his head fell directly down.

Jia Fu didn't even use his Xuantian Silver Dragon Halberd, but used the sword on his waist, and then drew it back in a very short time, not only cutting off Geng Jingzhong's steel knife, but also cutting off Geng Jingzhong's sword For the loyal head, the whole process didn't even take more than a second.

After seeing this scene, all the generals of the Qing army were in an uproar and gasped one after another.


Geng Jingzhong didn't see clearly how he died, neither did the generals of the Qing army.

They only saw Geng Jingzhong riding his horse and rushing past Jia Fu, and then his head fell off by itself.

Jia Fu's movements were too fast, only generals above the rank of god general could see Jia Fu's movements clearly.

Shan Shituo, Yang Dayan and other famous generals of the Qing army naturally ignored Jia Fu's movements, and all showed serious expressions, and most of the anger in their eyes dissipated.

This is an opponent who is stronger than them. If you fight against him with anger, it will be no different from courting death.

Nurhachi originally wanted to appease the generals, but he didn't expect Jia Fu to kick him to appease the generals after this shot, so that everyone regained their senses.

Looking at Jia Fu who was looking majestic and majestic in front of the battle, Nurhachi suddenly felt a little lacking in confidence, and asked his eighth elder brother Aixinjueluo Yinhu, "Yinhu, are you sure you can defeat Jia with numbers?" complex?"

Nurhachi didn't care about Jia Fu's provocative words. These words were trivial to him, and he didn't care about Geng Jingzhong's life or death. He had many generals of this level. The famous will stay.

Yinhu said confidently: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that even Xiang Yu, who is recognized as the number one fierce general in the Central Plains, was once defeated by Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong and five people. Jia Fu is just a mere Jia Fu. He can be strong if he is strong. Is it better than Xiang Yu?"

What Yinhu doesn't know is that Jia Fu, who has fully developed his skills after the residual blood, can really surpass Xiang Yu. Of course, this is Xiang Yu before he broke through the great master.

Hearing Yinhu's words, Nurhachi felt relieved a lot. After thinking about it for a while, he made up his mind about the candidate for the battle. He was going to let the mountain lion, the number one general under his command, try. If the trend of decline, immediately send five more generals to support.

Nurhachi did not send many people to fight immediately, which was actually requested by the mountain master before the war.

Although Shan Shituo knew that he was not Jia Fu's opponent, he still wanted to challenge Jia Fu and wanted to know how big the gap was between him and Jia Fu.

Shan Shituo had a thin face like a thunderbolt, bearded, and a gold-plated iron in his palm. He was invincible to all, and he was currently recognized as the number one general in the Qing Dynasty.

Although Nurhachi was a little hesitant about Shan Shituo's request, he still nodded and agreed. After all, he also hoped that Shan Shituo could grow up in the fight with Jia Fu.

 This is today's guarantee. The [-] words in the previous chapter count as one chapter, but it is even more difficult to make up for yesterday's chapter.
(End of this chapter)

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